The first phase of the master plan.

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When Sanjay came back next day, he had no idea what had transpired in the last one day. But he was worried nonetheless, primarily due to the mails he recieved this afternoon, a sternly worded mail from MSK Prasad asking him to look into integrity issues if his team and make sure senior players don't feel uncomfortable. What he didn't know was it was the result of a cleverly worded feedback mail from MSD. Another one was from Sourav telling him that they were probing into the 2014 matter and Dhoni shall be removed but he shouldn't retire immediately as it would unnecessary media attention. Now Sanjay thought in this condition if MS files for retirement BCCI would hold it against him. He needed to have talk with Virat.

Here in India, Raina and Yuvi met Ajay Jadeja in his home. They knew during the 1999-2000 betting fiasco when big names were charged with fixing issues a lot of smaller betting incidentslike the ones Sanjay could be involved in had been hushed up to save the face of cricket as much as they could but now some old skeletons needed to be racked up. Not immediately though, right now they just wanted the info of where to look for. After meeting him Yuvi, Raina along with Bhajji(who joined them later) had dinner at quite upscale restaurant, Yuvi was looking considerably shaken that his father has done such a thing. He wanted to confront him but he knew now is not the time.

Sanjay approached Virat about talking to MS and this where Virat new the first phase of the plan has to be started. "I don't wanna see his face" Virat said, bringing out the actor inside him but deep down it pained even to fakely say this. "But Virat we have to." Sanjay said "Or else media would burn you and I don't want that. You have no fault" he said connivingly. "You do it then." Virat said. "I won't" "Ok, I will talk to him." Sanjay said in mock caring tone "After all I am the coach and keeping this team clean is my responsibility." Virat honestly wanted to hit him right then and there but he knew that would do no good. So he forced himself to go with the plan. "Thank you for supporting us in tough time" Virat said "it's really appreciated." "It's nothing Virat" Sanjay said, feeling ecstatic that Virat trusted him. As soon as Sanjay was out of his room Virat headed to the gym to punch some bags because punching shitty humans was apparently illegal.

That night during dinner Sanjay saw to his glee MS sitting quite alone in a corner table, picking on his food after bieng snubbed when he tried to sit with the rest. He could never even dream by their attitude now that only a few hours back these people were actually refusing to leave MS's room or the same Virat and Hardik who had right now shoved him off the team table actually been curled up by his side. Rohit sat near Virat and they eyes each other silently understanding that it was painful even to act like this. Bumrah was bieng fidgety again, that kid was so mentally strong on field but once out of there he is one of the purest innocent souls that didn't like situations like this. MS too watched them from that table. Sanjay believed them all right, but he could see that this act was affecting them, even him. When Virat asked him not to sit with them, MS had to consciously remind himself this is not real, this is a plan but it still felt a little bad.

After dinner Sanjay caught him in the hallway. "MS" he said hesitantly "I know what has transpired in the team." "Of course you do" MS said masking his disgust with a unemotional voice "It happened in your presence." "But MS it's an request please don't do anything rash. Atleast wait for the instructions from CoA" Sanjay said in a calm voice "The boys behaved really badly with you but honestly nobody expected what you did and they had right to feel betrayed. Nonetheless you have served the ICT for so many years their behaviour was not very professional. But they are kids and they didn't know how to react. So please don't do anything irrationally, you have already done enough harm please do not more. I hope you understand." MS felt almost blind anger surging through him. He was acting like he cared for team. How dare he call them boys and kids. MS wanted to punch and break his nose right now. But he somehow controlled his anger and spoke in a given up tone "I wanted retire right away." He said "But you are right nothing should effect Indian Cricket. I will wait for a word from CoA."

Sanjay met Hardik and Virat in the way to his room. They looked a little off. "Hey Sanjay" Virat said "Wanted to ask you something. We have camping trip planned to forest in Hampshire tomorrow. We really wanted you to come with us. We leave at about 7:00 am it 2hrs from here by road." "Ohh who all are going?" Sanjay asked. "Well me, Harry, Ro, Bhuvi, Jassi, and KulCha." Virat said "We will also have to take MS though because Bhuvi ended up tipping media about this trip earlier in some damnable talkshow. And now if we don't take him the media is gonna be behind us." "So we thought if he is going, then someone who actually cares for us should also ba asked to come." Hardik said "that's why we asked you. We can always ignore that man like he does not exist once we are in the camp." "Yeah sir, please accompany us. It would be a good bonding opportunity." Virat said "And don't worry Harry I will see to it that MS doesn't spoil this for us." "Of course I will come" Sanjay thought, thinking in his mind that now when they were vulnerable now if he could make them firmly believe that he cared, he would rule Indian cricket long. And it would be interesting to watch MS in that situation, he thought, his pain would be enjoyable. His sadistic mind got pleasure at this thought. He had hated MS for his success and the respect he got. He never had liked him since his debut and then when he climbed the ladder he hated him more. But he hid his glee and replied in a neutral voice "Well if you guys want me to come, yes I will." Sanjay said "it will be great spending time with you." Just as he spoke MS passed them in the corridor and went towards his room. "Did he hear us?" Sanjay said "We dont care" Hardik said, felling a stab of pain, and reminding himself to go with the plan "he should know his place." "Ok good night." Sanjay went towards his room. And Virat and Hardik waited for him to go to his room before they went their way.

MS had heard everything he waited out of earshot to know if Sanjay agrees. He had felt bad at their words even though he knew it was acting. He was on the phone with Sakshi explaining to her what had happened. She also like him, was most concerned if Virat and Hardik were ok. Honestly this is why he loved her. She was the Yin to his Yang, the perfect match. He was just about say something on the lines of I love you when MS hastily had to cut that short and disconnect the call because Virat and Hardik  had entered the room. They closed the door behind them and Hardik almost ran up to hug him. "I don't like doing this" he whispered in the hug "It reminds me of the wrong I have done to you." "I know kiddo, I know" MS said soothingly "Just a day more. And then we will have the confession and then everything will be fine." "Couldn't we have done something else." Virat said sulkily, sitting beside MS on the bed. "Like Jassi cracking his head with a bouncer in practice." "Well as good as it sounds Cheeku" MS said laughing "But that's illegal." He ruffled Virat's hair. "Where are the others?" He asked. "Coming right up." Hardik said,  dragging the arm chair to the bed and getting comfortable on it. Soon there was a knock on the door. MS opened it just slightly for precaution before letting the rest of them in. Jassi promptly wedged his way between MS and Virat and it seemed to calm his nerves instantly. MS smiled at this childish act, this kid hung on to Virat as much as he hung on to him. "OK so everything set for tomorrow." MS said "the camp guides will leave us alone for about 3-4 hrs in the afternoon after we arrive as always. And thats the time we have to complete our plan. Bhuvi and Yuzi you have to make sure they do leave. Jassi have you practiced the snare." "Ohh yes" Jassi said excitedly. "I am just glad this will be over tomorrow this situation is getting on my nerves." MS put an arm around him and Virat patted his head comfortingly. "We all are I think" Rohit said "because honestly I cannot go on behaving like that with bhai much longer." "Really" Bhuvi said "and behaving well with Manjarekar is also a challenge when all we want do his punch him into the next tuesday." "May be Bhuvi bhaiya could have broken his head with a bouncer." Kuldeep said. "Ohh yes he could." Jassi said "Or Hardik or I could too." "Cheeku!" MSD looked disapprovingly at Virat. "What?" Virat said "Don't look at me. I didn't teach them that. It's their own idea. By the way I had the same idea Kiddos." Virat beamed at them. "And it's a very bad idea and Virat stop looking proud of this stupidity." MS said sternly, but he smiled internally "How did I end up with a bunch of idiots like you?" He shaked his head. "But you still love us don't you?" Yuzi said. "Yes" MS said smiling indulgently "why I don't know but yes. Now enough chitchat let's go over the plan." "Virat you have to take Manjarekar away from us atleast for 15 minutes. Will that be enough time for you Jassi?" Jassi nodded. "I hope this works" Bhuvi said. "It has to" Rohit said "Bhai ka plan hai fail hone ka chance hi nahi hai." "Well thanks to our Oscar level acting skills the first leg is a success he has agreed to come with us." Virat said. "He is convinced that you hate me." MS said "he wants to use this confusion to consolidate his position in the team." "That will only happen in his dreams." Bhuvi said. "Bhuvi bhaiya do you mean wet dreams." Hardik said and this earned him slap on the head from MS, a "Not in front of Jassi" from Bhuvi and some and some "Ew Hardik"s. "Enough of this" MS said in a no nonesense voice "be serious now." And then they went over each of their roles diligently and chitchatted a little more (because what else should they do) before MS shooed (read: threatened) them away because tomorrow's going to be a long day and everybody needed sleep.
In his own room Manjarekar slept peacefully with the happiness of his triumph unknowing of the fact that tomorrow his doom awaited him.

A/N: Had a one day gap between papers so here's a new chapter. I will try to update the next one fast. Please read and review.

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