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They woke up the next morning. When Vixen ran in jumping on the bed after she woke up. They tried to stop her so they could sleep in a bit. Since it was their first night. Together and they didn't know exactly. When they fell asleep. In other words they assumed they did something. Fun thing was they were both to exhausted to even try. They both passed out. As soon as their bodies hit the bed. They were out for the count.

"Hey baby girl. What are you doing up so early. Carefully don't jump on daddy like that. Your going to wake up mommy." Nikolia whispered, trying to get her to set down. As she excitedly bounced on him. Making Vivian groan. As she opened her eyes.

"Baby what are you doing. This early in the morning. Jumping on us." Vivian said, yawning sitting up.

"Mom I'm hungry feed me." Vixen demanded.

"Ugh okay I'll make you food." Vivian replied, before yawning. As Vixen cheered jumping off the bed.
As they both got up stretching.

"I'll go make her breakfast. You go take a shower." He said, kissing her.

"Thanks love your seriously the best." She said, before he picked up Vixen and walked out. As she pulled out some fresh clothes. Before walking to the bathroom. She jumped in the shower. Cleaning her hair and body throughly. Before rinsing off and jumping out drying off. To do her morning daily routine. Then she got dressed and fixed her hair. After she was finished she walked down stairs. They were all still eating breakfast as her partner. Handed her, her plate. Since he had been waiting to start his till she was finished in the bathroom. They sat down together. As Damon jumped up to take his turn in the bathroom.

"Thank you darling I really needed that. Sorry I haven't got the other bathrooms up and running yet. I have to get some toon ups done and wait. To the get the water lines hooked back up. Sorry guys." Vivian apologized.

"Its okay sis it's not your fault. You had to set up everything at least minute. We understand its going to be a process till everything's up and running." Angela assured her. As they finished their breakfast and took turns in the shower. Nikolia made sure to go last. To make sure all the kids got theirs first.

"You know that since you two are fated partners. That makes you our Supreme queen." Diana said, gathering the dirty dishes and washing them.

"Kinda figured since my other half. Is the Supreme king." She said, right. As someone knocked on the door startling them. Vivian got up answering the door. It was Joe waiting with his sister, her husband, and their parents. Who were standing behind their daughter who was blind folded.

"So is the birthday girl ready for her surprise?" Vivian asked, as the kids and their mothers walked out. Lilly nodded eagerly.

"Okay wait right here no peeking." Vivian said, she nodded. As Vivian walked to the back yard. Into the barn putting his saddle and lead on. Before leading him out through. The back yard and to the front yard. As soon as they seen him they gasped. 

"Holly shit he's absolutely gorgeous. Are his wings real their huge." The grandmother said.

"Yes he they are and yes he knows how to use him. He was made with Harpys eagle. The largest species of eagle. But it doesn't show up in his blood or DNA tests. So hes definitely a purebred. I made him artificially. He's fully trained but he's only a year old. But when you allow him to use his wings. Always keep him tied to a rope tied to a post. Or have someone hold it. So he doesn't go to far up. Since he is still part eagle. To get him to come down. Give the rope a couple of pulls. Of yell good boy down down. If you want him to fly up just yell up up. Keep in mind his wings are alot bigger than you think. Especially when their fully extended at full length. Which means he can fly alot better then you'd expect for a creature his size. I will be giving you. A list of all his commands incase you forget. Joe has has my number incase you need to get ahold of me." Vivian said, walking him over as she handed her. A paper with his commands and her number. As he started naying nodding his head. Catching Lillys full attention. Making her smile excitedly.

"Okay Lilly you can take off blindfold." Vivian said, walking him infront of her. Her hands were shaking. As she took off her blind fold. Peeking out at him. Before completing  ripping off her blind fold.

"Is he a friesian?" She asked, staring in complete aww at him.

"Purebred and just for you he's actually have herpes Eagle. That's why he has wings. But it doesn't show up in his DNA or blood. So he's technically is a purebred do you like him. Hes only a year old. Which means you can change his name to whatever you want. We've been calling him Midnight though. He might not be a pegasus. But he's the closest thing that you'll get to one. Do you like him?" Vivian asked as she ran over and just hugged him. He started telling her immediately.

"Thank you thank you thank you. He is the best birthday present ever. Is he really mine?" She asked lifting her head.

Yes sweetie he's all yours. And you got to keep him forever. Thank your uncle he's the one that set up the whole thing. As soon as he told me what your favorite horse was and I showed him a picture of Midnight. He got a hold of your mother and set it all up. So technically this is his birthday gift to you. I was wanting to find him a home anyway. So he's actually doing me a favor by giving him to you. I didn't want to give him to just some random person I wanted to give them to somebody. That I knew you would love him." Vivian answered, as she turned towards our uncle.

"Thank you Uncle he's the best. I love him." She smiled over Vivian picked her up and set her on his back. She was all smiles as Nicholia walked out.

"Oh so this is where you guys went. Really you made me freak out for a minute. I thought you guys all ditched me." He joked as Joe looked up at him.

"Uncle Nikolai what are you doing here?" Lilly asked, as he walked over giving Vivian a peck.

"I don't know what a Lilly. You tell me she's my lady friend. If you catch my drift." He joked as she got the huge smile on her face.

"Wait your joking. Vivian why didn't you tell me that he was your mate."
Joe said, till they showed him their markings.

"Not soulmates brother try again." He said as her mother literally ran up. To see if they were real or not.

"Holy shit those are real. Your his fated partner?" She asked.

"Yep by the way. I helped her clean him up yesterday. She was having trouble with his hoves. So I did it for her. Personally we just it'd be funnier if we didn't tell you. So surprise." Nikolai's said as she playfully punch him.

"You and your dang surprises. Another Med term give me wrong I'm happy as hell. That he finally found somebody. But I was not expecting that at all." She said.

"That's precisely why it makes it a fun surprise nobody expects it." Vivian joked.

"You two are definitely made for each other. You both like to mess with people." Her husband teased laughing.

"Work I'm happy my partner has such a good sense of humor. Do you know how boring it would be if she didn't." Nikolaj replied.

"Good point." He replied.

"So does the council know yet?" Her mother asked.

"Some of them do because some of them were here to see it. But the rest of them have no idea. But I don't know since I didn't go back with them." He answered.

"Wait so you mean. To tell me that you spent the night with her. Nice." She teased.

"Well yeah I mean. She's my fated partner. I wasn't just going to leave after finding her." He answered, as Vixen. Ran over and he picked her up.

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