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"Actually you broke that down very well for us. I understood what you were saying completely. Grandma tried explaining it to me. I didn't understand that I had no clue. What she was talking about. But when you said I understood what you meant. Thank you I appreciate you explaining it to me. Honestly when her daughter told us. Said she was a dragon. I thought she was joking and I didn't even realize. That she was actually her daughter. I thought it was a friend pulling my leg. That's the only reason why we started messing with her back. We thought she was just trying to threaten us. I didn't know the Dragons were a real living breathing being. I was always told they were made up. Same thing with non-humans that's. Why I didn't believe her tell my relatives all came to me. After they found out what happened with Vivian. I literally just thought she was just trying to get Henry back. By guilt-trip him I honestly didn't know that all the stuff she said was real. I mean would you expect me to think so she used to do stuff like that when you were younger all the time. I mean used to fake being sick just to get out of school or social events. Anytime you just didn't feel like it. And on top of that every time that you got mad at me. You used to fake pretend. That you were sick. So I'd take care of you and be nice to you. But I was wrong and I apologize and I learned my lesson. Can you please forgive me for the kids at least?"

You got to be joking me right you seriously were thinking about that from something I used to do. When I was freaking ten. It was literally 10 years old when I did that we were kids you seriously think I would stoop that low at 28 please. I stopped doing that when I started Middle School. You cannot continue to compare me to what I used to do when I was 10. Do you seriously think I'm that petty and 28 years old for crying out loud. I grew out of that long time ago see that was always a problem between me and you you always continuously compared me to the stuff I used to do as a child and make me look like I'm immature a shit. Mitch who's the one that graduated college with several degrees and became a freaking scientist I don't think they just let anymore on do that and on top that I'm the head of my team I don't think they would let some child run. An entire team of elite scientists. Like my teams won Nobel prizes and you still want to act like I'm an immature little brat first of all I'm older than you so I can while I actually finished College more than once. You couldn't even finish a year of business college. I literally run my own company for crying out loud. And let me guess you thought I was lying about that too how else can I make this dang horse. Yeah that's right I made that.

Wait a minute you're the one that started that animal hybrid thing

Yeah I myself alone did that. With my team do you realize. How much work it took to be able to do that. I own the building I made those in. I am the company that sponsored them. So obviously yes I did make that. I was the first one to create one to create them. The first one to figure out how to splice genetics. Want to still treat me like a kid. When I'm older than you obviously more mature. Because I don't lie or trick people. I run my own company my own lab. Who do you think paid off Grandma's house and took care. Of Mom when Dad was off work. Sure as hell wasn't the tooth fairy. I mean yeah I left it in no animus when I paid it off. But it kind of made me mad that you took all the credit. Especially when you did absolutely nothing. And I did that when I was human imagine what I can do as a non-human. Especially since non humans have superhuman intelligence. Not to mention all the other crap I got. As soon as I blossomed. Oh wait I forgot I'm already at Supreme queen. An amazing mom, and a devoted faithful partner to my king. So who was more successful again and who. Is more mature I'm sorry. But I hate to be compared to a child. When I've already conquered some of difficult challenges. Any young adult could in their young life. At the youngest age in history and you still want to take the credit. So yeah excuse me for being a little salty. But the one part that pisses me off the most is that you think I did it to get that piece of shit back. No offense but you kind of were. You always put me down when I told you what I was doing. You always told me that I was stupid. When your dumbass is just a College Dropout. You can't even hold a steady job like how do you think I even supported your ass. By being a stripper obviously not. You always told me that I was going nowhere in life what jokes on you bitch. Have you seen my bank account. Trust me I got this. Point is both of you treating me like a joke. I gave you a chance to be my friend to make up for all the bulshit. Y'all put me through and you a joke out of it.
Even tried to make my daughter look bad now that is what made me want to snap to your both your necks. You're both parents how can you set there and pretty much make fun of. Somebody else's kid it is blood related to you. An act like everything's all fine and dandy. Because listen you mess with my kid you mess with me. Can you put her down like you. Put me down you treat her. Like you treated me I'm not afraid. To beat the living shit out of you. I put up with him when I was human. I will not put up with it as a queen. Got it and you can keep the trash. You obviously see that I got something ten times better. Who actually respect me. How I should be mad as hell for you at you for making. Me show my ugly side in front of him." Vivian said, pulling Nikolias hands down off of her eyes."

"Calm down babe you know. I still love you either way. I love all sides of you. Even the ons you consider ugly. Not to be weird. I kind of think it's sexy when you get feisty." He assured her which actually made her smile. She reached back and kissed him. Making her calm down.

Just so you know wraths. Have a very nasty temper and are highly aggressive by Nature. In other words their naturally like that. So it's actually not her fault she's the way she is. It's because of what she is. She's not like this by choice they have the attitude of a rattle snake. They strike any chance they get that's. That's why when I said shes the most level-headed one I've met. I'm literally not joking. So anybody aggravating or  her you're pretty much just asking for it. Because if you've ever seen and diamondback rattlesnake I'm actually ever messed with one. They have the same attitude. They're aggressive by Nature. Except instead I'm shooting you with Venom. She'll shoot you with fire. You ever thought about which Dragon. The old myths of dragons  burning down entire kingdoms. are based off of it's a Wrath. Because Wraths are a fire dragon. They're the ones that breathe fire. Now see there are many different types of dragons. Even other types of fire dragons. But none of them compared to the Wrath. Most of the other ones are very small maybe even my size of a dog. So they don't really pose a threat. While a Wrath is almost the size of a Diamondback. Diamondbacks of the largest type of dragon. But any type of fire dragon. They all have that very feisty attitude. That's why most of them are built small so they're easier to manage. Which is why for the most part. Tried containing in controlling the wrath population. When there were purebreds. But that was thousands of years ago. Into early Medieval Times. But we ended up almost completely eradicating the entire species. I'm not about to let anybody try doing that to my mate. If she gets out of hand I will deal with him myself. But I will not let them bring that weapon back out they were able to make a weapon that could harm a Wrath. Which they allowed humans to use. Thats is why they went extinct. It was a sword and I'm ashamed to admit. I made that's why it could harm them. It was made with my Venom and scales. But it was only made two discourage them. From burning down villages and kingdoms not to eradicate them. But the king I gave it to decided that he had other plans. Because I made him promise me. When I give it to him. But he would not kill any of them. He would only use it to scare them. When I found out what he did I destroyed the damn thing. But I've regretted my decision ever. Since because I'm me of an entire species. Was almost completely wiped off. The face of the Earth. That's why I don't judge people for their mistakes. Because I made a very big one and I had to live with consequences. I swore never to let that happen again. That's why I am so overprotective of her and Vixen. Because like any living creature. Wrath have a role to play in this world. A reason of which they were created. Because even though fire destroyed it also creates. From their ashes they grow Forest jungles any type of plant life. If you've ever noticed where a Fury blows up fire. Sprouts New Life anytime a human. Would pollute the planet and Wrath would turn it to ash. It actually reversed all the damage. Replanting the forest and its. Same reason for their aggression and violence is to protect it. They're very protective  over the natural ecosystem. They're aggressive violent to protect it. From those who want to destroy it. So in all reality wraths are very important to the ecosystem. They play a very vital role. One that man and very few nonhumans even do not know. People often actually confused that half. Of the Wraths natural design with a phoenix. But Phoenix is don't do that. Phoenixs heal while Wraths can remake the Earth. Which is a common misconception that most tend to not understand. Which is why I was always very protective over wraths to begin with. The council doesn't even know why I wouldn't let any of them be harmed. And why I got so angry. When I found out they were eradicated the first time. By the king I trusted. Point is that I'm not going to make that mistake again. Which way is it one way or another you two are going to. Have to put aside your differences and get along." Nikolia told her.

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