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"Yeah but I still feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I mean have you seen my favorite partner. She's gorgeous, smart, fierce, and she gave me. The most amazing children a father could ask for. Even if I didn't know they were mine at first. The fact that we've confirmed they are biologically. Just makes it that much better. Not like it would have made me love them any less I don't even care if one of them isn't mine. I would still love them like they were. I made that very clear with her mother. When she introduced us." Nikolaj replied.

"So in other words, she's caring isn't yours?" One of the other kings asked.

No he's the only one that isn't. But doesn't mean I'm not going to raise him like he is. Female dragon's can carry sperm. For several months even years sometimes. He was not intentional. She didn't not intentionally get pregnant. She had Amnesia she doesn't remember who or what she was of course. When she awakened or Blossom do whatever you want to call it. She unintentionally conceived him. No I'm not mad at her it wasn't her fault I mean it's not like she intentionally wanted to be with the person it was a male that took advantage of her. When she had over it down. As in when she was drunk. One of those douchebags. Hell she didn't even realize what happened till the next freaking morning and it was months before he was actually conceived I know the dude is from her memory from when we Soul bonded I'm not mad about it. Cuz its like I said she didn't intentionally get with the male. He took advantage of her. When she was a very vulnerable state. She didn't know he was a non-human and like I said she didn't remember anything. She had a seal on her that made her human so it's not like she could have defended herself or fought him off anyways. Not in state and before you ask yes it was another male dragon. But that doesn't change anything like I said biologically might not. Be mine but doesn't mean to run a train like he isn't. I'll still love him all the same. He will still be my son. I will still be the one raising him. I'm not just going to abandon my fated partner. Because of something like that and I will never blame her for it either. I've seen it happen to plenty of women and I know how hard it is especially for a human woman to fight off a purebred. Especially a dragon she would have stood no chance. And if he wasn't what he would have killed her. Which is why I always say men. If a woman is toxicated is not consent. Because you're going to end up in this type of situation. No offense babe I'm using you as an example." Nikolai explained.

"Damn seriously and that makes me ashamed. To say he was from the same species. I promise the rest of the turn knob. Like that yes you can a few individual but not all of us are. Most of us are decent men." Chris assured Vivian.

Yes well now that I got my memory back. He's screwed if I ever see him again. Which honestly I hope I never do because I know he found out about this he probably tried to custody. Which he's not getting ever. If I get my way he will never know about, see, or hear his name, and I mean ever. We were not together I didn't even like him I was literally miss being nice to him and he took it. The wrong way and forced himself on me. Which is not okay because what if I would have been human. He could have killed me. That's not okay. Because what if he does do that to a human and he does manage to kill them. That's on our heads. Which reminds me that I do have to keep an eye on him or have someone bring him in to police custody. Or whatever you want to call our law enforcement Authority. I mean since it is purebred the leviathan's. Will probably have to deal with him. I'll just send Hades after I'm later. Babe did you recognize that specific male? Since I don't even know his real name."

"Sadly I do. He is an old friend of mine. Which is what makes me so pissed off. That he went after my fated partner like that. I mean I've literally known the guy his whole life and I never once took him. For that type of person. I always knew him as a gentleman. So needless to say I'm already tracking him. Since we marked each other and I seen it was him. And from my little eye if I have watching him. I can see he is doing a lot. Of shit that was really shady. I think he's making a breeding nest which means like bringing in mortal. Girls to try producing offspring. But every single one we seen so far has been willing. Breeding with him. Knowing he has a wife but we're pretty sure she can't. Have Offspring and that's why they're doing it. At least that's what we got to her house records. We've been doing some background checks. I've been having my two other brothers who are very close to the male as well. Keep an eye on them for me and keep. Me updated on his every move. So we can legally and get him for forcing an unwilling female. Which is the only way that we can legally bring him. In is it would catch him illegally breaking. The rule fake forcing himself. On a human without her consent. We can't just bring him in over something that happened months ago. With no physical proof or no actual records even happened. Like I know it happened because I seen it through your eyes when we sold bonded but to legally do we need physical proof." Nikolai said, unsure of how to move forward.

"I know that's why I never actually reported it when it happened. I know law enforcement a lot better than you think I do. And I knew I had no Witnesses so I know I couldn't resist get him. Just based from my memories that happened months ago alone. When I was drunk because do you know. How that sounds to a lawyer or judge. Sounds like I'm the boy that cried wolf. So we seriously can't get him. For anything well that blows. I've been actually trying to build a case on my license it happened. But like you I can't get any dirt on him." Vivian said deep in thought.

"You know what I think. The only way to actually catch him. Is to make him admit it. But in order to do that. I would have to meet him. Face to face." Vivian admitted.

"Love you know how much. I'm not going to go through that. I know how you feel when you're around him. I know how disgusted you feel I'm not going to make you. Get in that  uncomfortable of situation." Nikolia assured her.

"Yeah but if it's the only way to catch him. We kind of don't have a choice. Because he is not doing that to somebody else. Because that somebody else is someone's daughter. Could you think of something pulled on our daughters if they were human. I would will go to jail for sure. Because not going to lie I kill them. The one's that he's doing it to are pretty young. And I met young enough to literally just hitting eighteen. Do you know how uncomfortable it makes me feel. Knowing that he's going after women that young. The man's a predator."

"Gross sounds like my neighbor not even joking. He picks vulnerable women that are just getting out of school and moving out on their own that are looking for a place to stay and him and his wife. Take them in letting  them live at their house for a short period. I've noticed that a lot of them come out with swollen bellies. But when they go to the hospital to deliver them I know I said they come back without the girl or baby if reported. But they said the women are just passing away. When they're in labor and then there was no illegal activity. Because these women are registered legal surrogate mothers and they had. The paperwork and everything to prove it. But none of them could ever deliver their baby safely. Without it killing them for some reason. One of them I got to know very well like a sister. Which is why when I heard that she had passed. While in delivery I filed a report. Which is why the couple no longer talks or associate with me. They're found out I'm the one that turned them in. Or else they can give you more information because they used to talk to me all the time. Hell his wife would even take care of me. When I came home from college and had a hangover. Honestly I was never close to my parents. I really loved his wife like Mom. So of course in her vanish block me out." Chris is human associate said. When Vivian walked over and whispered. Something in her ear. That made her eyes widen.

"Holy shit I can't believe what we were talking about the same person. God is beyond crazy. What are the odds her talking about the same person. I knew that man was a creep but you just proved it. I knew his wife before she married him. She was one of practically raised me and helped me get into college. Since my parents were drunks and were never there. She was always like a mother or older sister to me but she completely changed when he got in the picture I tried to tell her he was a creep. But she never believe me she said she loved him. And after he found out how I felt about him he made her completely erased me from her life. Which only made me dislike him even more. Sorry Nikolia I'm stealing your wife. She's going to help me get mom back. And provs to her once and for all he is a creep." The girl said.

"Well as long as no one touches her. Or tries harming the baby..." Her mate stopped.

"Love I'm literally the strongest creature. On the planet literally a living god. Pretty sure I'm fine. Even pregnant even with him going as fast as he is. I can still kick some ass. Besides it's literally only for an afternoon just to confirm that it's him. So we can bug around his house. Just to see if he's doing anything. Behind closed doors that nobody seeing." Vivian assured him. He handed her cell phone.

"Fine but you're taking Hercules. Or Hunter whichever one you prefer or both. Which would you make me feel more at ease." Nikolaj replied, and she kissed him taking it.

"Fine I'll take both." She replied before Hunter took off to grab her purse. In case if she needed anything. Shrunk themselves back down to normal human size. Making themselves look as human as possible. Her baby was growing so fast you could already see her baby belly clearly.

"Sorry but that is so much more noticeable. When you're in a human form. So does anybody else want to take over while I take her." She asked as her intern took over for the interview.

"Bring my wife back to me in one piece."Nikolia old as they walked out..

"Promise she'll be safe. I was trained by hunters. So if he tries anything. I can always kick his ass. If the boys don't get him first."She yelled back at him before shutting the door.

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