Combined Conundrum

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Momo looks at the reinforced steel door of the support course laboratory, the new room having been moved to a new building off the main campus of UA. This new laboratory was a half kilometer under the campus of UA all thanks to one person. Mei Hatsume, the same pink dreadlocked, arguably insane engineer and girlfriend of Iida Tenya. Also the same woman who has invited her and her mentor, Midnight, aka Nemuri Kayama, to the new laboratory. Every natural instinct in Momo's body was telling her to flee back to the elevator and never to come back to the pink haired engineer's dungeon. However, she was told to accompany Midnight for... whatever it is that Mei has in store for them both. Forced to swallow her anxiety over what is to come, Momo hesitantly lifts her hand to press the buzzer on the side of the door. The harsh loud buzz causes Momo's heart rate to increase as she becomes more anxious for what is to come. She instinctively closes her eyes expecting the door to explode off the hinges but instead it is pulled vertically into the ceiling opening the way for the pro and apprentice to enter the lab.

The new facility was constructed vastly more reinforced than the old one, despite this there was still a massive hole in the wall, ahead of a table that had been melted by something. Momo could only guess what the pink inventor had in mind today, and her heart nearly sank when she saw what was going to happen today. In the center of the room were three experimentation tables with hand restraints and head clamps. The noirette gulped when she saw what was before them, part of her really hoped that those were just for when Mei and Iida got freaky but another part knew that she would soon be in one of those contraptions. Midnight can see the visible fear in her protege and places a hand on the small of her back to reassure her apprentice. If only that helped as Momo's heart is now beating in her throat, each quickened thump of her heart echoed between her ears as beads of sweat formed on her brow. However, the thing that stopped her from having a full blown panic attack was the presence of two people. The support course professor, Powerloader aka Higari Maijima and a certain blonde american scientist and PHD student, Melissa Shield.

"Ah, wonderful, now we can begin." Powerloader comments upon seeing Midnight and Momo enter the room. "I doubt that my apprentice has brought you up to speed on what we're doing today. So I take it neither of you two have any idea what we're up to, do you?"

"Well judging by the fact that Momo is on the verge of having an anxiety attack because of Hatsume's track record, your assumption is correct." Midnight responds in a professional manner, despite the fact that her outfit was far from it.

"Well this is an off the books kind of deal and I wish we didn't have to do this in the wake of a typhoon but scheduling issues are a bitch to get a wrangle of. If we're quick we should be able to finish up in an hour or so and you two can be on your way before it starts raining." Higari takes a deep breath after his response and sighs before continuing. "This experiment was originally Doctor Shield's idea but since quirk experiments have been banned by the US. We've done this experiment a few times with people with non offensive quirks and it has worked successfully and now we want to do it with support and control class quirks. Thanks to the actions of a league, we've discovered that we are decades behind on their quirk knowledge. They possess the information to be able to synthesize quirks for permanent usage. What Shield and I are trying to achieve is a temporary quirk that lasts for 12 hours before flushing out of the system harmlessly. However in order to do so, we have to fuse the two of you, collect a spinal fluid and blood sample before defusing you. In your case, Melissa has also requested that we ask if we can take a genetic sample from the fused being."

"Like an egg cell?"

"Yes." Melissa interjects.

"Uh... Sure? Would I have to pay child support or something?" Midnight asks, looking towards Momo who just shrugs.

"Oh heavens no, we just want to study how the fusion's DNA works and the best place for that would be any genetic information and saliva samples. Maybe also a demonstration of the fused being's quirk. Now without further delays let us begin shall we?" The excited tone from Mei once again causes Momo's fear to seep into the back of her mind.

Midnight takes the lead and example for Momo, walking right up to the three chairs in the test chamber and sitting down into it. The automated chair itself automatically reclines then straps its occupier in. "Sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can go back to the dorms." She encourages trying to get Momo to follow suit and join her. Knowing that there's no backing out now, Momo takes a few deep breaths to calm her nerves before entering the test chamber herself. Upon entering the steel test chamber, goosebumps appear on her skin as the chamber is notably colder than the room she was previously in. Getting up to the metal foot rest on the seat she's supposed to sit in, her heart is pounding expecting it to explode any second now. With one last deep breath, Momo hops into the chair. The cold leather making the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. Around her stomach and just under her bosom a metal clamp wraps around her chest then her waist just under her navel. Her arms all the way to the biceps are locked against the armrests and backrest. With a last deep breath, the remainder of the apparatus encompases the entire chair holding her and Midnight opposite her.

"We need you to remain absolutely still for this, slow your breathing and relax, the process is going to take less than a second, you'll see a flash of light then awaken in the fusion body." Melissa's voice comes through a speaker behind Momo's ear allowing her to relax slightly. "We've done this test several times, you can relax Momo, it's not gonna blow up like most of Mei's other inventions."

"Hey. Name one thing that blew up recently." Mei protests.

"The nuclear fusion powered toaster which almost irradiated half of the campus. That was 2 days ago."

"Ok you got me there."

"Let's just get this over with please." Momo pleads with the three scientists to stop their bickering and begin the fusion experiment.

"Ok. Take a deep breath and hold still. Starting now." The last statement from Melissa causes Momo to take a deep breath and close her eyes. Her breath hitches as she hears the machine turn on but takes another deep breath calming herself. With a rush of energy through her body the darkness behind her eyelids flashes bright white for a moment before returning to it's normal darkness. Her eyes snap open as she hears a loud thunderbolt rock the building just in time to see herself glowing a silver light.

The bolt of lightning had caused the room to shake violently and the power to surge in the electronics just as Nemuri and Momo are fused together. The new being manifests in a glow of semi purple and silver light in the middle chair leaving the previous ones vacant. From Momo's point of view it was as if she blinked. She no longer saw out of her own eyes, instead it was as if she was floating over the new body. Beside her she could see the form of Nemuri also floating there in an incorporeal form.

"What the heck happened? Why are we ghosts?" Nemuri's chibi ghost questions Momo who is still trying to understand what is going on. "You're seeing this too right? Oh no! She killed us! I'm too pretty to be a ghost! Why! Why did we have to agree to her!" Nemuri screams into the void.

"Calm down Midnight, we're not dead. I think. I can still feel and see and smell but it's like my senses are hers, I can only feel what she feels." Momo answers just as the clasps holding the fused body release allowing her to stand on her own.

"Nngh... th-that was unpleasant. My... everything feels weird." The fused woman says with a groan as she strains herself to stand on her new legs. The fusion body quickly gains a hold on her motor skills.

Standing tall within the experimentation room, the woman takes in a large gulp of air and examines her new body in the reflection of glass on the door of the examination chamber. A head of silky black hair is the first thing that catches her attention, running her hands through the hip length locks and finding how the tips fade into a deep indigo color amusing.

"Soft..." Muttering to herself as her fingers come in contact with her skin, the woman runs her fingers along her cheekbone and then across her rosy pink lips. She drags her fingers up her smooth nose and through her thin black eyebrows, finally taking notice of the color in her eyes. A beautiful display of heterochromia greets her, decorated in a cerulean blue and an onyx black, the mix-matched eyes compliment her pale complexion.

Well taken care-of hands slowly slither down a very curvaceous body in an effort to become acquainted with itself, lightly scratching at the top layer of skin as if to prove that this is real. The feeling of softness is persistent throughout the woman's entire body, especially around her extremely large chest and closer towards her lower stomach.

"My boobs are huge..." The woman gives her ample chest a curious squeeze and causes her own breath to hitch at the sudden rush of pleasure that fires off in her brain. Choosing to experiment more with that later, she continues to examine her body, dotting her fingers softly along the stretch marks on the outskirts of her breast leading towards her armpit. The marks stop there and her arm is next, it's relatively thin but matches up with her frame perfectly, and the muscle that is there seems to be enough to do whatever she needs to do. Her other arm is the same, aside from a few stretch marks that make it past her shoulder.

Shifting her gaze downward, the woman's hands glide along the slightly stretchy skin of her abdomen. She can feel the movement of her diaphragm making her stomach bloat and shrink as she takes deeper breaths. Along the muscles of her abdomen, her obliques are rather apparent for her body shape, and her waist is thinner than she thinks it would normally be, but she feels healthy, so it should be fine. Her thin waist does make her abdominal muscles--that are in the shape of an 11–look better, so it's not all bad.

She turns around after rubbing circles around her lower abdomen a bit and looks over her shoulder to view her back and rear end. In the reflection of the glass, the woman is impressed by a back that has a good amount of muscle packed onto it. "This is probably why my boobs don't feel all that heavy. Heh they're probably 20 kilos a titty here, I'll take it." She says with a slight smirk, one that only widens as she locks her eyes on her ass.

Grasping at the jelly-like flesh of her rear end, the woman plays with the perfect cheeks atop her legs and gives it a little shake in admiration. "Now this is what I'm talking about! I have more ass than a donkey farm!" Using her fingers, she makes the soft skin of her ass ripple like water and gives her cheeks a good smack before making her way down to her legs, being sure to admire her wide child-bearing hips with some sensual movements taken from Nemuri's memories first.

Taking her attention away from the glass window, the woman leans against the machine as she brings up a leg to inspect it. The first thing she notices is the complete lack of hair–just like every other part of her body–which is convenient for swimwear, before raving on about her wonderfully plump thighs.

"Ara Ara~ Look at these babies! I got some thick, juicy thighs! I was content with the boobs and ass, but to have all three?! No woman can compete with me, haha!" The woman feels rather content with the proportions of her voluptuous and fit body but continues to examine herself in more minute detail even as Melissa walks back into the room.

"Well, that was successful but the computer is down for the moment because of that powersurge so you're gonna be fused for a few hours." Melissa says as she walks into the room holding a clipboard. However once she enters she's instantly taken aback by the tall woman standing in front of her. "OH MY GOD SHE'S NAKED!!!" Melissa shouts, her face turning red with blush.

"Well would you look at that, you like what you see Melissa~?" The fused woman coos at the american scientist, Melissa in turn covering her eyes and throwing a medical gown in the direction of the fusion.

"Um... Melissa we have a problem." Mei calls out from the other room, Melissa immediately rushes back to where Mei is allowing the fusion being to inspect herself more.

"Well, well, well aren't we a tall drink of water. How tall do you think we are girls?" Nemuri and Momo are both alerted to the fusion, addressing the two of them. "You know I can see you right?"

"Uh... I thought we were dead, people can't see ghosts... can they?" Nemuri questions as Momo tries to facepalm her ghost chibi face.

"Hell if I know, it's probably because you two are inside me or... are me? I'm not sure how this whole thing works since I've been here all of three minutes." The fusion responds, throwing the way too small gown over herself to at least cover her bosom and allow her to retain her modesty.

"However this happened, I think we're going to be stuck like this for a while. Ugh! Why did I let you talk me into this Nemuri? Every time we end up being Mei's lab rats it turns out horribly for us. I'm going to get her for this, even If I don't have a body I'll haunt her then! Oh dear god... what will Izuku think?! What will my parents think?!" Momo breaks down, grabbing the sides of her ghostly head in horror of the situation that they're in.

"Just calm down Momo, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now I think she needs a name if we're going to be like this for a while." Nemuri comforts the chibi version of her protege before floating down to the shoulder of the fused woman. "So what do you have in mind in terms of a name, toots?"

"You know, I'm thinking of something that incorporates both yours and Momo's names into mine. Any suggestions?" Momo herself moves her incorporeal body down to the opposite shoulder of the fusion body, after finally having calmed herself down.

"Well that would be simple. Momuri or Nemomo, that's really all you can do with our names. Nemuro is masculine and isn't a cute name and Nemo is the name of a submarine captain, island and fish." Nemuri suggests causing Momo to give her chibi counterpart a raised eyebrow.

"I wouldn't think you were the type to read old books, Nemuri, let alone know of Captain Nemo." Nemuri is slightly offended by Momo's statement about letting her student know in kind.

"That's rude. What do you take me for? A woman whose a slave to her work? I have hobbies. I even have a kitten named Sushi... speaking of which, where are we going to live now? You and Midoriya share a room in the dorms since you two co-parent Eri and I have my apartment on the other side of campus."

"Before we get too far sidetracked thanks to Nemuri's short attention span, I've decided on my name. I think I'll go with: Momuri Kayarozu. I think it works quite well." Momuri says happily to herself having settled on her name.

"Uh... why were you talking to yourself?" Melissa asks slightly put off by how the fused woman is acting.

"There's no other way to say it but Nemuri and Momo are still present, they're little chibi versions of themselves that I can see and hear. It sounds crazy but I'm not making this up. Aside from that, I have a new name along with this amazing body. Call me, Momuri. Though, I'm sure you already overheard me." Melissa just nods in response, trying to understand and wrap her head around it before just shrugging.

"Well... Momuri, let's conduct the tests, initial checkup and then I have some good news and bad news for you. Let's get this started." She says leading the fused woman into the main exam chamber connected to the initial experimentation room she was just in. "First things first we're going to take your measurements, height, weight etc. from there we're going to run an eye exam, hearing test, then blood test which will take a day or two. After that is the spinal tap which will be anesthetized so you won't feel a thing."

"Great.... Ugh I hate needles." She groans before following Melissa into the next room.

"Woah you're tall" Mei blatantly says upon seeing the very tall fused woman walk into the exam room. Momuri towers over Mei as she enters the room, a good head and shoulders taller than the pink haired inventor. "As you can see nothing exploded and your fusion was a complete success! Let's get on to the tests so we can have the data. Step onto the scale please." Mei requests pointing to the scale in front of her.

"I swear if you tell Izuku this number you won't live to regret it." the fused woman threatens before stepping onto the plastic surface of the digital scale.

"Woah... well... that's to be expected. The fusion fuses your bodies on a molecular level meaning your twice as dense as a normal human since you're technically two people in a single body. You weigh 150 kilograms, or 330pounds." Momo and Nemuri gasp when they hear this causing Momuri to grimace hearing this reaction from the two. "Don't freak out, that number is basically your weights combined since there are two of you in that body. Like I said, you're fused on a molecular level, all the mass that was present in your former bodies is in the fusion body. When Melissa and I tested this we weighed almost 200kgs. You are actually lighter than we expected."

"That's... a relief?" Momuri questions, not exactly relieved since she weighs more than any normal human woman. "This is embarrassing, and there's no way to lower my weight is there?"

"Not a way where you'll be healthy. Your BMI is indicative of someone who is very athletic and all the fat present in your body is where it should be... though in some areas it may be in excess." Melissa points out, alluding to the ridiculously massive bosom on the fusion woman. "Now let's measure your height and your other measurements." Momuri is now led over to a spot against the wall and a drop down measuring tape extends from the ceiling before touching the top of her head. "Well when Mei said you were tall she meant it. You're 210 cm tall or 6 feet and 10 inches in height."

"I know what you're going to ask Mei and It's not funny." Momuri says, shooting down Mei's opportunity to ask how the weather is for her. The fusion woman raises her arms out and T-poses allowing Mei and Melissa to take her body measurements. Mildly annoyed at how handsy Mei is, especially with her bust, but before long the two are done and she's allowed to take a seat in the chair for the last test.

"Alright... well then... I'm not sure how the guys will react but here are your measurements. For your waist, you're 70cm at the waist. 96cm at the hips, which is 27in at the waist, 38in at the hips." Momuri accents this measurement by slapping her own ass causing it to create a loud smack noise and jiggle about ferociously. "Now onto your bust... it is 185cm. That's 75in all the way around which would put you at... M cup by american standards or S cup for here in Japan."

"Dayum I look good... I wonder if I'll be able to wear buttoned shirts with these babies." Momuri wonders, jiggling her jubblies with her forearms to emphasize them. "I probably should make myself some clothes. It's pretty unlikely that I'll be able to buy clothing tailored to my proportions from ordinary retail stores. Well, I don't think I'll need to since we're gonna defuse soon anyways."

"That was the bad news... The power surge fried the computer that we used to run this experiment. We've been working on the code and math for over a year now, so... until we get everything back up and running again..." Melissa trails off.

"We're stuck like this." Momuri says in realization as Nemuri facepalms herself and Momo's chibi form faints. 

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