Prologue: The Nightmares

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Somewhere far away...

"No! What did I do? Don't hurt me, please!" The voices in Five's head kept begging. Five tossed and turned in his sleep, trying to silence the voices but to no avail. In his head, he and a few people were running through the woods during a storm. Running away from a mysterious figure that was following them. Blood-curdling screams rang in his ears, waking him from his slumber, panting like an out of breath dog.

Five looked around his room to make sure no one there. There wasn't. Hesitantly, Five crawled out from underneath the white sheets and walked towards the hanging mirror on the other side of his room. "Why am I having these dreams?" he muttered to himself as he rubbed the tired out of his eyes. He looked in the mirror and saw his mannequin wife, Delores, was sitting in a small chair, looking out the window at the sunlit field at the front of the mansion.

"No, Delores. I'm not okay. The nightmares keep coming. They're stronger than ever before," he said to the non-talkative object. "A party? How would I invite people to a party when no one outside the mansion lives here?" Five asked. "Really? I should send invitations and convince them to come here?" Since he fled The Umbrella Academy as a boy, Five had been looking for a fresh start, away from the pressure of his father, Sir Reginald Hargreeves. But, while he jumped to a different time, he found himself unable to get back to his family.

"Morning, Master Five. Did you sleep well?" Jeanette, one of the maids asked, walking into the room with a small silver tray. "No, Jeanette. I haven't been sleeping well for the past couple of weeks," Five answered before biting into his toast. Out of the corner of his eye, Five could see a few slips of paper and a quill were resting on the dark oak writing nook. Five shoved the rest of the toast into his mouth as he walked towards the table and sat down, grabbing the quill and ink.

"I'll leave your breakfast on the dresser, Master Five," Jeanette said, placing the silver tray on it before leaving the room. Five dipped his quill into the black liquid and tapped it a few times before beginning to write out the invitations. After a few hours of planning and writing out the invitations, Five looked down at the ivory pieces of paper, satisfied with his work. "Jeanette!" Five called out to the maid. The maid scurried up the stairs and came to a stop in the doorframe of Five's room.

"Take these invitations, and send them out to the proper addresses. And tell the cook to prepare dinner at noon. We're having guests," Five instructed, handing her the ten invitations. The maid nodded her head before walking downstairs.

Five walked towards the small closet and picked out a black suit that was slightly too big for him. He fumbled with the button of his white shirt before throwing on the black jacket and wrapping the tie loosely around his neck.

"Now, all we have to do is wait," he muttered to himself as he looked out the window and waited for the time to pass until the dinner party.

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