The Creature

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You were sitting there on the couch, the living room was dimly lit. It was late at night, you heard the creature shift and move around behind you but you stayed absolutely still. You heard it growl a little, which made you whimper a bit, your eyes widened, mentally cursing yourself for whimpering. You could feel the creature now, crawling onto the back of the couch, spidery-like limbs, its hands had razor sharp claws, you could hear the scritch scratch of the couch as it moved by your side, examining you, getting closer and closer with each passing second. You dared not move, not blink, not even make a sound but, you feel as though...That's what the creature wanted, it wanted to draw a noise from you. It's spidery like limbs reaching out, its clawed hand touching your cheek, it made you squeak, you completely froze in terror when you heard...its voice... "̶Be s̸ti͘l͠l͘..̸.̴li͟t̡tle҉ f̧l̷y̷.͘.̕.͘"͜ Your heart was racing, the thing could talk, but it was in a really distorted and glitchy voice. You wondered if the creature could be reasoned with, you dared not try it, you were too afraid, you glanced at the front door, knowing you couldn't make it, this thing was too fast. The creature reached out again, entangling its razor sharp claws in your hair, almost making you jump, you instead just made a sob, tears began forming in your eyes. The creature let go of your hair and crept right in front of you, its inky eyes meeting yours, you didn't look away from it, fearing the action might make it mad. The creature tilted its head, having a grin, not a normal grin but, one that held pure insanity and delight behind it, this creature was enjoying your fear. It was treating this like a game, its head along with its body twitched and glitched out, its eyes remained focused on yours, it dangled one of its spidery limbs over you as it spoke "H̛o̶w long ̀ca̴n̛ ̢you̷ ͟la̢st?.͘.."͏ It was treating this like a game, you sobbed slightly and tried to speak to the creature "Please...go away..." Its head twitched slightly, its grin widening as you begged. It was obvious this creature was not going anywhere, it was going to stay right here until you either gave up, or made a break for it. You wished you had a laser pointer, something, anything to distract this creature, after all it did seem like it got distracted easily at times. You could hear faint static, but what bothered you the most was the high pitched ringing in your eyes, it was almost unbearable, this creature inched closer every so often and inched away, as if it were teasing you. You knew this creature's name of course, the thing made its name obvious the first day it came to you, it had written its name in blood on lots of things in your house, the name it had wrote was 'Anti' you wondered how it could write anything with those clawed hands. The creature has the body of a male, his eyes were an inky black, his hair was a dark green, but what stood out to you the most were his teeth, they were rows of razor bladed teeth, perfect for ripping flesh apart from the bone. His limbs were longer than any humans, and they were spidery-like, his hands had long and deadly sharp claws, perfect for tearing into flesh and bone alike. His eyes stared deep into your own, as if he were staring at your very soul. He seemed fascinated with each noise you made, your fear in general even, he saw how you glanced away from his gaze every-so-often to look at the door or a possible escape route, this just made his grin widen he KNEW you couldn't outrun him, you couldn't get to an exit in time, you...couldn't escape. The thing you knew as 'Anti' continued to stare, he inched closer until his face was just inches apart from yours, his eyes not leaving yours. "̛E̛s̡̀c̷a̴̡p͞è̴̸,͝ ̨͡i͢s͝n'̶t́͟͏ ̶͜͝p̵os͞s҉̡í͘͡bļ̡ę." He stated plainly, grinning at how your eyes widened, and how the tears flowed from your eyes. Although, he has actually physically hurt you once, it was when you were being careless, of course it was your first time seeing him. Your first instinct was to run, of course he had caught you, slashed a deep mark onto your arm that you had to get patched up, he seemed to enjoy the blood that poured from you though... When it had poured out and onto the floor, he began staring at it, tracing his fingers in it, and even going so far as licking it. This is why you were so terrified, you knew he was capable of physically harming you, you knew he could kill you anytime he wanted, this made you fear and dread every day, you haven't slept in awhile either, your eyes grew heavy but everytime you tried to sleep you just saw him, hovering over you and staring. You just straight up stopped sleeping at that point, you have barely ate anything as well, your really skinny, you just...haven't been able to move around freely, without fear... Fear of him returning, you could barely even go get anything to drink, you just preferred to sit in silence, waiting the days out. He never left you alone, except for a few times when you had to go to the bathroom, other than that he was always by your side, he didn't seem to like you running but he didn't mind you walking... Running made him angry, every time something ran from him he'd immediately go in for the kill. You watched as he lunged towards you, not attacking as if just to scare you which of course it did, you screamed "P-Please don't hurt me...!" He just chuckled, his head tilted, his face was extremely close to yours. He didn't say anything this time, he just stared, his inky black eyes staring into your {Eye color}'d ones once more. You felt your eyes growing heavier and heavier as the minutes passed, but you were trying your hardest not to fall asleep, Anti giggled as he noticed this."́͜G̀ơ̴̕ ́͠a͞͠h̷͠e҉͘a̛d͘ n'̕͝͝ ̶s̕͢l͡e̕ę̴ṕ͟,̡͘ ̵͘y̢è҉ ̷l͘͡oo͡k̢ ̸͟͠l̡̢͜íķ̧́è͜͡ ̨yà̸ ̕n̶̴e̴e͞d ͜͠҉i͠͏t̨́.҉.͠.̛" He seemed to have gotten a bit more talkative this time, you refused, you didn't wanna sleep no matter what. You mumbled to yourself 'Don't Fall Asleep' over and over, Anti smiled insanely, he began whispering softly as if trying to get you to fall asleep, after all sleep made you that much more of an easier target for him. "S̨͠l̡e҉͡e͏p̶̢͝ ̢d̀͟͠a̡r̀͝lìn͞g͘.̀ ͟Şl͠eè̕p.͟.̕.́.͢ ̷̴͘Y̨e̸ ̴n̶ę͜e͟͞d́͜ s̶l҉̶ę҉èp̸..̀͜͢.̷ ̀J̛҉ust̨͟ ̴̀l̨i͜͞s̵͘͝te͟n̡͠ ͝͠t̸̶̛o ̵̵̨t҉h̷̕e ̧̨śò͏u̧n̡͘d͝s̛҉ ̵̶̡o̡f̷̕ ̧͞m'̡̡ ̶̀v͝oi̛c̷͞e..͝.̶̸ ̶͜A͟n̡d̶͠͝ k͠i͢s̢͡s̸̕ th̴͜͠e͟͢ wo̸͠rl̢͡d ̴͝͠G͘ O͜͞ ̢͡͏Ò͟ ̶D ͞B͏͟ ̴̕͠Y͜ ͞E̵..́." You couldn't fight it anymore, you listened to his soft whispers and closed your eyes, listening to him chuckle and speak one last time 'Sl͢ee͘p͠ w̶e̵ll...' before drifting off into a deep slumber... *Timeskip* You awoke to find yourself tied to a chair, your eyes widened as you remembered what happened. You heard chuckling from behind you and felt claws grip your shoulders "̧Di͡d ҉y̸' ̶s͟le̶e͟p̡ ̸we͜l҉l de̡ar͜?"̸ You let out a fearful whimper, closing your eyes. "Please... Please no... Let.... Let this all be just a dream..." Anti chuckled "̛T̴hìs i̛s ͏no d̶re͢a҉m.̀..͜ ̵This ̴i̕s͡ real,̢ ͜wh͢a͡t̵ I'͠m̛ ab͟ou̵t t̡' d̷o̡ ̨t͢'͡ ya͢ i͡s ͢re͜a̛l...̧" He snarled with a low promise. You bit your lip, mentally cursing yourself for falling asleep, you heard his heavy footsteps behind you... Suddenly, a knife was placed at your throat. You gasped and trembled, your breathing got heavier and you were downright terrified "P-Please no... Please don't kill me, I'll d-do whatever you want!" Anti chuckled "̧A̵̸w̴̸w͝,́͡ ̵͡a̶̴r҉e̛͠n'̛̕t̶̡͝ ͟͞y͝o͢u̷̢ p͏a͜t̶̶h̵̛͠e͘ti͞c?̀" His words made you shiver with fear, you prayed he'd just let you go. "̢͢Hm̀͟҉,̛ ̨I͜ w҉on͠d̢͝e̶͘͠r̨̕ ̸͠what͞'͠d̴̨̀ ̴̡h̡a̵̶ppén͡ ̕i̸̡̡f͜ ͞I̢̨͏ ̷w͢é̶͟r̨͢ȩ̸ ̀t'҉.̵̕.̸͡.̡̀͟ ̀͢͠M͘a̡ke̡҉ ͠a̢͘͟ t̨é͟e̴n̵y̵̢͜ t̴̨i̴ny ̀li̷tt̛͞l̢͏̛e ͜c͘͢ų͝t r̸ii̧g̨h̢t̀.̕.̡͏.̕͞.̨ ̶͢h̡e̡̢̕r̸͘e̴͜~͘҉" He then proceeded to run his knife over your cheek, dragging it across the skin smoothly and creating a crimson line. This made you gasp and start to cry "P-Please!..." You stuttered out shakily, Anti simply grinned at your response, seeming satisfied "O͠h͢ ͠an̛͞d ̸̢t̸h̴͜e̡̧rȩ̴'s̡ ̴̢th̕͏e ͝w̕a̵͝͏t̕e͘͠r҉w͠o͘͡ŗ̀̕k͝s̡~͘͜" You turned your head, sobbing just a bit and upon turning your head, Anti ran his serpent-like tongue across the cut on your cheek. You gasped and tensed up when you felt his wet and slimy tongue on you, you tried to squirm and struggle in an effort to get out from your binds, however it was no use... The binds weren't even budging in the slightest. He giggled at your attempts, continuing to lick at the cut before pulling away and leaning towards your throat, he stroked it with a clawed hand while grinning. You tensed up some more, not moving this time as he got close to your throat, your body however trembled when you felt his claw brush against it. He leaned in even closer, his hot breath ghosted across your throat as that warm and wet tongue slipped past his lips once again to taste your flesh. You hiccuped, trying to hold back your sobs as best you could, you whimpered and cried out with another pathetic plea "Please... D-Don't kill me, I....I don't wanna d-die..." Anti chuckled, still dangerously close to your throat, those razor bladed teeth could easily tear into you at any moment, yet he was just dragging this game out "Re͝ĺax͞.͞.̶. ̧'M͜ ̀not́ ͏go̢n̴n͠a j̧u͏st̢ ͝k͜il̵l̴ ͠y͡a̛ off̧ ̷li͘k͠e͞ ̧tha͡t͢...͞ No͘..͢. ̶N͢o̵,҉ n͠o,͟ ͏Í'͘m҉ go͟nn͡a͠ 'a͝v̷e͡ ͟s҉om̛e̴ ҉f̸un̸ ̸w̴i̕th ̶y͝e ҉f͝i̕r̶s͡t͘~̛" He purred, latching his mouth onto your throat but not biting down just yet. You gasped and whimpered loudly, your body shaking like a leaf by this point, you hiccuped on sobs, worrying about what he was going to do to you next. Anti smirked, he grazed the sensitive flesh with his teeth, barely making a mark the first time around. He was trying to tease and torment you for as long as he could "Y' ̛l̷i̡k҉ȩ th̀is,̶ ̶d̕on'͟tc͞h̢a?~͟ Ye̷ ͠li̷k͢e ͢b͡e̛ing͘ at t̶he͜ ͡m̡er̕cy ͜of a̴ d͘emoǹ~͜" You bit your lip, gently shaking your head, that felt like a big mistake however when he let out a low bloodcurdling growl. "Yer a̧ l͘i͏ar ̴to͏,̀ I ͘c̀an͠ se̸e͜ i͡t̷ ͡in̷ y͘e̵r̴ eye̶ş.͠.̶.̴ ̀I̛ ̷c̷an ̶see͝ ̀y͠er͡ ̡de͏ep̵e̕s͞t͟ ͟de͝s̶i͞res an͜d͟ y̴er̡ d̛aŕk̀es̷t ̧f̵ears͘ d̸ar̸l̕i̛ng̛~̸" You tried to say something in response to that but didn't get the chance, you cried out in pain as he sank his teeth deep into your flesh. Anti let out a guttural groan as he bit down, sinking his teeth deep, he licked up some of the blood and then pulled back harshly, tearing off a chunk of your neck and devouring it like a hungry animal. You cried and strained against your binds, wanting to get out, to run away but of course you couldn't. Anti chuckled deviously at your attempts, licking his lips "Go͝ds̕, tha͡t́ ̡t̶a͟s̛te͢d͜ g͢o͡od~̨ ̴W̴h̷at҉ s͜h͡ou͜ld I ͡dơ ẃit̸h ͏ỳ' nǫẃ ҉l͞ítt͘le͜ pr҉e͘y̶?~" He grinned and held up a knifeShou̡ld I ̨c͠arve y̛' ̸li͜k͝e͢ ͢a̵ ̀pu͘m̴pk̶in҉?~̶ ̛Gu͡t͞ y͞e̛ ̢li҉ke ̡a pi̷g̀,͡ ͟or͟r..̀..͏ ͝K҉ee̡p tea͞ri̵n͟'̶ ̵aw͜ay͜ ́àt̶ y͢e͜r d̢e͟l͟i̷c͟įo͟us flęsh~" You cried again "P-Please let me go!..." You choked on sobs, the intense pain being almost too much to bear. Anti rolled his eyes "N̶o͢w ͘wher͏e'̴s͡ ͏the ҉fu̸n̸ ͞in ̵th͟at͢? ...͟O͟h ҉I ̸k͞n͡ow ͝j̷us̷t ̕w͘hat̕ ͡t'̷ ̨do t'̀ ̡ya͜~͏"̵ He chuckled and stood up, walking over to his table that held various torture tools, from knives to saws, it was littered with rows of weapons. Anti picked up the saw, turning back to grin at your fearful expression. "̀A̧w҉w,͜ y' ̷lo͞o͡k ͘so͝ s̕ca̛red ̨li͠ttl͘è ̡l҉a͜m͘b~.̶.̧.̷ ̶It͘'s ̴just ͡a ̕li͜tt̴l̨e͏ ҉ol̷' saw~̢" He chuckled as walked back over towards you, placing the saw against your arm, you whimpered and struggled against the binds trying to beg him to stop before he was even doing anything. "̀C͞ute~̸ Ỳe͞r b̨e͝g͏gi͟ń' m̢e̕ t̡'͟ sto҉p͢ bef̛or̴ę ̸the͜ f͢un͢ ȩv͞en b̸eg͢i̕ņs~" He laughed and began slowly but surely cutting into your arm with the saw. Your eyes widened and you screamed loudly in pain, tears flowing from your eyes as you struggled, this however only made more blood pour out. "T́h͞e ḿo͝ŗe ͝y͠e ̷struggle,͢ the͠ ̴mo͞r͝é b̧lơod ͢y̧er͜ g̢o͢n̢n̛a̕ ̵lose a͡nd ͝I d̨u͠n̵ ̷wa͜nt'͏c̡h̷a t'̴ ͢die̛ on ̴me͟ ̨so ̵so̶on̛~̧" Anti spoke, still continuing to cut into your arm before it dangled, hanging on by a thread which Anti quickly severed by giving your arm a good tug. He grinned and through the arm on the ground uncaringly "Tha͢'́s̷ o̧n̢ȩ ̶l̡i̶mb ̴d̢o̶ẃn̢,́ ͝th̷r̢ee ̨more͟ t͞' g̀o̶ l͘i͠t҉t̵le ͡la͝mb͠~" He cooed softly and teasingly, waltzing over to the other side and placing the saw against your other arm. You cried out, squirming and begging some more "Please!... Stop, no more! I'll give y-you whatever you want!" Anti had a thoughtful look in his eyes "̧W͜h̸ate͡v̶er͘ ̢I w̢ant?͏" You nodded "Y-Yes anything!" He chuckled loudly "W҉ha̴t̸ if҉ I͘ t̵old ͢y' ͠I̴ ͝ẃa̛nte͏d͢ ̵to see͢ t̢h̵e lif͞e͢ ̴d́rain͘ fr̛ǫm ̢thos͟e p͢ret̵ty̷ l̀i̴ttle ey͝es of ͠y̴e̛r͏s͝?" Anti then proceeded to saw into your other arm, blood gushing out already from it. You screamed again, screaming in pain and sometimes screaming out little pleas while sobbing and crying, your vision was blurry from all the blood you were losing. Sickening cracks, crunches and dripping noises echoed throughout the room, finally he severed your other arm, leaving you with just little stumps that could barely do anything. You looked as if you wanted to just pass out from the pain by now, and you were very close to passing out anyways due to the blood loss, your vision was blurred as your eyes tried to close however snapping back open when Anti growled. "He͡ý!͡ D͘o̵n'̧t͢ y͟è D A͢ ͏R͞ ̡E gi̵ve óu͢t ơn͠ ̴mȩ no҉w̶" You whimpered as he got closer, dropping the saw to the ground, the noise echoing throughout the room. He brought out his knife, sneering as he placed it against your cheek. "I̧f ̴aǹy͏on̸e҉ ̴finds ̶ýe̷r̢ ̕c̡or͜p͞se,̶ ̨w̴el̛ļ I҉'l̀l̢ leav́e̶ 'em͞ a̕ lit̵t̷le̴ mès̛s͡a͜ge͠~" He then proceeded to carve into your face, making you scream again, once he was done he smirked at his handy work. There were small letters on your face, saying 'You're Next'. *Anti's P.O.V* I laughed again, this human was quite pathetic, but they're screams and cries... Gods, it was amazing to hear, the way they pleaded, thinking I'd listen to them. The way they screamed and cried when I cut off those arms of their's, it was music to my ears, I enjoyed every second of it. I think its time I do away with this toy, I chuckled at the thoughts running through my head as I placed the knife against they're throat. Listening as they whimpered and sobbed, I slowly drug the knife across they're pathetic little throat, making a deep cut, watching as they coughed up blood, trying to kick they're legs in another futile attempt before... Ah, there it is... The life and color from they're eyes drained as they slumped down. I chuckled loudly, licking my knife clean of the blood, looking at the slumped down corpse in satisfaction, I then proceeded to face the true reader of this story, pointing my knife at they're device screen. Uttering the words everyone knew all too well... "̵͞S̛͟ A̛ ̧̀͜Y҉͜ ͞G ̴͟Ǫ O̸̷ ̧̀͡D͠ ͏B̀͠ ̴͢Y̷҉ E̡͟."

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