8th of September - Morning (Closed)

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It's been a week and some news has come into Hogwarts, a rumour. Apparently some students are part magical creature... How odd.

Gryffindor Table:

Hufflepuff Table:

Ravenclaw Table:

Slytherin Table:




3rd floor bathroom (girls):


Astronomy Tower:

Hospital Wing:

Headmaster's office:


Black Lake:

Gryffindor Tower

Common Room:

Boys 1:

Girls 1:

Girls 2:

Hufflepuff Cellar

Common Room:

Boys 1:

Girls 1:

Girls 2:

Ravenclaw Tower

Common Room:

Boys 1:

Girls 1:

Girls 2:

Slytherin Dungeons

Common Room:

Boys 1:

Girls 1:

Girls 2:

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