Chapter 2

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At the funaral few people were upset and alot of tears were shead by the ones that loved her. Since every one is a WereWolf, they were expected to be in there half form. Except Poor Y/N She is in full Wolf form because that is how she died. She is also Naked/Completely shaven because its tradition to strip the dead of clothing and hair/Fur when it is time for them to go because it is believed that when they finally rest, if they are not in bear skin they are not able to rest peacefully that will block them from their slumber... Everyone has said their final goodbyes before they seal the box and carry it down the mountain into the 'Reaper's lair' they push the crate inside and run far away...

*Y/N's P.O.V*

I awaken to see a thick green cloud I breath it in accidentally and can tell it's a poison gas. I go to ask if anyone is there... "Bark" wait... I can't speak!? "BARK" so I just can't speak my native tongue... Ok I will ask alph- my thought train trails off to last night and how I'm suposed to be dead... Wait why aren't I dead..? And how am I breathing in poison..? Unless... Just as I think that it could just be the lighting of this place a bunny hopps in and Insta-dies ohh well now I have Lunch... Wait if it died then I should be dead to... what the HELL!?! as I'm thinking about how it could be possible for me to be alive... I walk over to the bunny and take a small bite. BLEHH This tastes AWFUL! GROSS!!! I spit out the bunny and walk away from the corpse. A thick wonderful smell catches my nose and I follow it. I see a man in an orange hoody black pants and a pair of black gloves holding a gun in his hand. Ther was blood splattered on his hoody and a dead body infront of him... I walk over to him and start licking the Crimson liquid off of his hoody I can't help it, it just smells so good!!

*Hoody's P.O.V*

I just finished my kills for the day and I go to put my gun away but I stop Just as I feel my hand getting... Licked..? What's licking me..? I wonder and I look down to see a large white female wolf with red stains in her fur I freeze and watch as she licks the blood off of me... What the HELL why can't I MOVE!?!? She notices that I'm watching her and she stops. Then she started Eating the corpse I watch her eat and notice that the tips of her tail and ears fade into a dark F/C and her feet are also F/C... She finished eating and she walks behind me goes between my legs wraps her tail around my waist and starts walking...

*Y/N's P.O.V*

To thank this stranger for feeding me I deside to give him a piggy back home he doesn't talk though and he some times tries to hop off which makes it difficult for me to thank him on the 30th time I finally let him down and decide to follow him in case he needs help... I start to remember how to speak but not in my native tongue... It's a language my mom told me to study before she died. She told me it would be helpful later on in life... I guess this is what she ment... So I started speaking...

*Hoody's P.O.V*

The wolf threw me ontop of her after the 30th time of trying to escape I succeed I start to slowly walk away. she keeps following me I want to ask why but she is just a wolf she wont understand english. halfway back to slendy's mansion I here a voice "hwy wath ure nam?" it says... I jolt and look around "Wh-Who's There!?" I pull out my gun looking around... I put it away and kneel next to the wolf and hesitantly pat her head and ask "D-Did you hear th-that girl..?"

Sorry it's short to the non-existent people that are reading I promise The next one will be longer. Also did you non-existent people like the picture at the top? Anyways Till next episode! Bye I hope you enjoyed my crazy non-existent people.... Bye!!!!

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