Chapter 5

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*Y/N's P.O.V*

I finally was able to calm myself down and when I did I realised I shifted to my full wolf form and was on my back "oh shi-Oops that happend again..." "what happend again Y/N?" Slenderman asked "well I mean besides my uncontrollable shifting and a terrible pain in my spine and head starting again I guess nothing..." "your a sarcastic shit... Noted!" a smile man said "Oh hello Mr. Smiley trash bag what's your name..? And did anyone ask you to speak?! I don't think so... Soo- Could you possibly... I don't know... SHUT THE FUCK UP!?" "whoa... your a fisty little pup aren't ya? And the name's Jeff" "Okay Jeff well first I'm not a pup I'm 3,489 moon's old..." "what... How old?" Jeff asked "For your tiny brain I'll dumb it down, I'm 18 years old, ya dick!" "why do you look so small then?" "Well I was shifted int-" Jeff interrupted me saying "what do you mean shifted!?" "well If I wasn't so RUDELY interrupted you would have known by now don't ya think Mr.Smiles!?" "Why Mr.Smiles if you know my name?" "Why don't you ever shut up!?" "fair enough..." "anyways... I'm short because I'm only a wolf... In my half form I'm about as tall as the link cosplayer in my human form I'm almost as tall as Slenderman..." "wait... WHAT!? You have 3 forms... And your gigantic as a human!?" aren't all people tall? Have you never thought once that your a bunch of giants to me? I'm shifting back to half form I'm not staying a wolf anymore... Got to remember to hide the tail though... Don't want that sensitive part showing... "I'm getting changed so everyone out!"

*After kicking everyone out...*

'Finally alone well... Time to lock the door and deal with shifting changing cloths and dealing with my tail... Shit my tail... Right...'

×Outfit you decided to ware×

'Well I like it so suck it world... Now to deal with my tail... I'm going to have to get my tape...' *tapes face*
'That should keep me quiet... For now...'

Starts cleaning tail... 'Shit I'm sweating why does my tail have to be the most sensitive fucking part on my body!? I FUCKING HATE THIS!! I think My heat will start in 13 days... This won't be good...' ×Finishes fixing tail×
'now to put it away...'
×tail starts shrinking into body×
'Thats good now to remove the tape put clothes on and go out to check this place out!'
×rips tape off fast×
'Good thing I like pain'

*after putting clothes on and going downstairs*

"Hey people I'm new does anyone know where hoodie is?" a male with a blue mask eating a organ points to the kitchen. "Thanks Mr. By the way, what are ya eating? It looks good, I want some..." Mr.??? Says "names Eyeless Jack, but please call me E.J and I'm eating a kidney... Are you sure you want some?" "YESS" " okay Jesus here you can have this one-" "Nom" once he said I could have his I just ate the whole thing I couldn't resist... It smelled soo good! "Well?" Ej asked "well what?" "Did you like it?" "YES *Ahem* I mean yeah It was deli-Good..." "what's wrong scared to speak your mind or something?" "a little bit not gonna lie to ya..." "why are you scared to speak your mind!?" he paused the t.v. and turned around to look at me and completely pay attention to me
"I never was aloud to say what was on my mind before..." "why?" "I don't really wanna talk about it..." "O-Ok sorry for getting into your bizz" "I-It's okay Ej thanks for understanding... Some people like to push and I sincerely thank you for respecting my boundaries..."
*you run up and tackle hug him*
"O-Oh your welcome I guess..."
*Hoodie walks into the living room*
"Hey Y/N and Ej what you doing?" "Oh Hoodie I was looking for you then I cam and found him and saw he was eating something I asked what It was and he told me it was something called a kidney and I asked If I could have one and he gave me the one he was eating and after eating It he asked some questions I told him I didn't want to anwser and he said that was fine... So for not pushing for anwsers I gave him a hug as thanks! And now your up to date Master!!" hoodie redens in the face "U-Um Y/N what did I s-say about calling p-people that?" 'shitshitshitshi-' "not to because It's rude... I'm sorry...please don't hurt me too bad..." hoodie replies by asking "why would I hurt you!?" "I-I don't know... I'M SORRY!!"

Please don't kill me...

Well that's all for now... I don't know how long I'll continue this story for... It was just a dare at first... But Idk anymore so... Yeah... Anyways

See you around

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