CHAPTER 1: part 1

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(* Some places and things in the novel are not real)

Autumn in Rocktelt is very beautiful. Falling yellow leaves cover the whole road, creating a very poetic landscape. But at night, it's different. Autumn nights in Rocktelt are unspeakably cold, the yellow leaves are frozen and wet, making the path very slippery. Not to mention the fog that enveloped the entire space. I walked home in quite a hurry. Tomorrow is the deadline to submit the interview of the National Assembly's Chief Economic Adviser and this is a very important article that I had a hard time getting. Although the moon was high and the sky was full of stars, standing in the middle of this dense fog, it was difficult to see their beauty. And now, my whole body is shaking, the cold has wrapped around me. The wind howled with each gust of cold breath. This just makes me want to go home faster.

Stop... I heard footsteps, very soft and coming closer to me. I was lightly alert, lowering the things I was holding in my hand to the safest place so that I could easily act if I had to risk the other guy. For a moment... I held my breath. Now in front of me was a shadow. The shadow just stood still, not moving, which made me feel strange.

- Who's that?

If I guessed right, this is the appearance of a grown man, but it's a bit thin, slightly stooped.I tried to take a closer look at the man and caught a glimpse of his face scrunching up. At this time, the figure gradually appeared more clearly in front of my eyes. He was wearing a loose, padded shirt, over which was a long, thick coat that seemed to be stuffed with stuff inside, I don't know what it was. I also noticed that he was wearing a pair of sheepskin boots, a sheepskin hat on his head, and closed black leather gloves on his hands. From the outside, he looks simple, but he's also very messy. He must have just come out of some slum. After a while, I finally realized who he was!

- Rollways?

Right! Those are Rollways, Alert Rollways. Rollways is a notorious thief who steals precious works of art from around the world, especially valuable paintings. He is famous all over the world. Every time he commits a theft, his image appears everywhere. As a journalist myself, I know everything I need to know about this criminal. However, despite being famous, he was never arrested, not even once. Therefore, he is considered as the most wanted international super thief in many nations. He's so good at hiding that he has an entire fanbase just because of his ingenuity. His hiding has probably reached the highest peak, along with a talented mind in the art of painting that has enabled him to continue this path with ease. But now "the" thief, "that" thief was actually standing in front of me. I didn't feel fear, nor much guard, but instead, a bit of confusion accompanied by a strangely natural familiarity. I don't remember when I knew Rollways. And I don't know why not report someone like him? In other words, I know a wanted criminal and have always covered for him. He whispered to me:

- Hi!

I don't want to pretend to be naive but go straight to the main point to hide my childish confusion.

- What are you doing here?

He pursed his lips slightly.

- I want to ask you to do me a favor!

I stiffened my mouth. Not because of the cold but because of him, he surprised me even more. Is he, a thief, asking me, an exemplary citizen, for help? Since when did he trust me so much? Like friends? Like allies? Again, I'm a journalist. And the desire to expose him to get an article of a lifetime is obvious. It will be an achievement that any journalist will always aspire to. Why didn't he beware me?

- What? - I don't even know what I was thinking, asking him that question. It was the same as saying that I wanted to help him and really did. But my curiosity, which had always been my strength and weakness, kept pushing me to know what his purpose was.

He replied in a hoarser voice than before.

- I want to steal the Taylor le Manoser diamond from London. It is now in the old Rocker's gallery.

I know it's bad to agree to help a thief. If I participate in this case, I will most likely end up in prison. It's risky! Or maybe his main plan was to lure me into a trap that I had no idea what he was up to. This is unexpectedly suspicious. Asking for help from an acquaintance is indeed very ordinary, but the problem here is that I don't even remember how I got to know Rollways. Why would I bet my fate on such an odd thing?

I feel so confused but I also really want to know his current purpose. Maybe it will come in handy when needed? Besides, what I suspect is that his goal isn't exactly the Taylor diamond.

- What do you want me to do? - My suspicious eyes continued to shine in the darkness, looking straight at him. Rollways continued hoarsely:

- I need you to give Norman something.

- Norman? Which Norman? Norman Johennson, Norman Levi, or...

- It's Norman Endeim. Surely you also know about him, the important thing is that his last trace is in...

- ... in Washington D.C to take advantage of the opportunity to target the ancient Egyptian golden statue called "The Immortal Woman". - I don't have to brag about being like a detective, it's just that the nature of my profession requires me to know before others even the smallest information.

Rollways silently held out a large package with no stamps or information in front of me, shoving it into my hand.

- So I feel more secure. Thanks to you...

I was surprised, hugging the parcel shaped like a large book, the wrapping paper outside was damp and cold. I only had time to look up when Rollways' shadow disappeared into the night.I didn't even say I would help. And how to find Norman Endeim? I say I know his whereabouts but how can I know exactly where to find him. I don't know what to do either. I don't know if I'm unlucky or like to look for trouble. It all happened so suddenly that I didn't realize I was numb in my arms and legs.

What a strange night! When I calmed down, I sighed and looked at the tightly tied parcel again, then picked up my things, and continued to go home, preparing to enter the turbulent journey of life.

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