The Majors

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I'm a baseball fan, so my grading and rewards system reflects that as follows:

Benchwarmers (0-49 points earned) - I highly doubt anyone will earn zero points, I can generally find something of value in a piece of writing. If you earned zero points, it will be because you broke the rule and I won't finish your story, much less publish a review that may garner it attention. If you are romanticizing abuse, please seek help. That's not a joke. No one can save you except for yourself and maybe some professional guidance. I wish I didn't have to keep harping on this point, but it's a serious problem with free self-published sites. All others in this range will receive the review, the reads, and hopefully some insight into how to improve their writing.

Closers (50-69 points earned) - This is for stories that have the spark for something really special. There may be a few flaws to work on here, or maybe a category that some authors truly struggle with, but I consider these stories to be worthwhile of other people's time. Generally, these authors do one or two specific things really well. Closers will receive the review, the reads, the votes, and an addition to my Closers Reading List.

Pros (70-89 points earned) - I consider these stories to be some of the best available on Wattpad. This category is for authors who just need a slight improvement to become publishing material worthy. Pros will receive the review, the reads, the votes, addition to my Pros Reading List,
and a shout out from my profile.

MVPs (90-120 points earned) - The best of the best. These stories are, in my opinion, worthy of being shopped to publishers. Either as-is, or with some minor editing. All-around must reads! MVPs will receive the review, the reads, the votes, addition to my MVPs Reading List, a shout out from my profile, and a possible chance at an invitation for a future collaborative work like the noir anthology Take Away the Saints.

Read on to the next chapter to find out how to apply and how review selections will work.

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