Chapter 11

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Luke POV

I was staring down Doris and Grodd, with my tail wagging in pure anger. They threw me....they FUCKING THREW ME LIKE A DAMN BASEBALL!!

"Whoes idea was it," I 'calmly' asked the two

"It was..." Doris said,

"Ssssshhhhhhuuuussshhhh," I shushed her and looked at Grodd,"Grodd...please tell the truth...or there will be consequences."

"..." he stared blankly ahead of him and said nothing

"Hmm, your hard nuts to crack," I said

"Should we help them," Ivy asked

"Nope," Harley said, popping the p

"They got themselves into it, they can get themselves out of it," Ben said

As the two stood silent, I chuckled and lifted my hands into the air, then slammed them down on their heads. The ground cracked as they were planted into it, looking like ostrich's, making the others laughing. I smiled as I walked though the others and came to Shinso and Jinx, who were trying to think of the next challenge

"What do you think," Shinso asked me

"Hopefully something like a free-for-all," I said,"even though it means we'll have to fight each other, it means at least a few of us will advance."

"Yeah, though I am so avoiding you," Jinx said,"no offense, your I will lose to you in seconds flat."

"Yeah probably, but don't let that hold you back Jinx. If your gonna be a Hero, you need to go beyond your level and one day will have to face Villains like me or such."

"Yeah...your right Luke," she said and smiled,"thank for the boost in confidence!"

As I smiled, I couldn't help but feel or hear the Heros in the stands. And I frowned as it was the fucking same, like always.

"Look at that Crocodile guy," Hero 1 said,"are we sure his not a criminal?"

"Yeah, looks like one to," Hero 2 said,"a Hero shouldn't look like that. Plus he could harm the students with those fangs and claws."

"Yeah Unheroic," Hero 3 said,"they should expel him before he ruins UAs reputation."

I rolled my eyes as I looked at Midnight as I ignored the rest of the Hero comments. I suffered years of people talking behind my back, monster, freak and my personal favorite, failed abortion. I sighed as I crossed my arms and waited for the second challenge, going to win it again. But as I was thinking, I felt someone tap my shoulder and looked to see Jiro tapping

"Whats up," I asked

"I heard what they said, or currently saying," she said, twirling her ear jack,"just want you to know, me and 1-A, minus Bakugo and Mineta, think your a pretty cool dude. And if you do become a Hero, you'll have our support."

I flinched at her and her words, no one, I mean no one besides my auntie, 1-C and the Big 3, has ever given me such encouraging words before. Mostly it was go die or some shit, but to hear this from the others was totally out of the blue.

" Jiro," I said,"glad to hear that I have some back up."

"Hey, you saved our bacon at the USJ," she said,"anyone that can beat that monster...deserves it."

"Hmph, you guys are certainly different then the ones at home."

"Time for the next challenge," Midnight yelled,"now since we have the top 42, we must have the finale event to have only 16 left! So now we will select the next event with the spin roll!!"

We looked up as the ball rolls and then I held my breathe as it slowed down as it finally landed on...Free-For-All! I cheered as I finally might have to go all out, then I looked to see my classmates all smiling and chuckling at me, but we all looked at each other, sending messages to each other and it was clear

'No holding back, give 100%,' I thought

Batman POV

I looked at Luke and I can see the look, the one his sending his class is saying 'don't hold back against me'. I smiled as i see how Luke cares for the others, hoping that they will strive to be better, be the Heros he knows they can be. Hell this kid is becoming more interesting every single second I see him, even Nezu was interested.

"Your smiling," Flash said,"I don't like it when you smile."

"Yeah it either means your planning something or your a clone," Shazam said, eating a cupcake

"Come on guys, Batman can smile," Cyborg said,"his human just like the rest of us."

"Expect J'onn here," John said, getting looks,"what? Its true."

"Still a little racist," Flash said,"who wants to place on some bets?"

"Really Flash, betting is...," Superman said

"40 on Luke," I said,"plus another 40 on him winning the whole thing."

"Seems pretty ballsy Bats," John said,"putting that much on him."

"What can I say...I have faith in him."

Luke POV

"Ready...set...go," Midnight yelled

I looked around to see a couple students charge at me, yelling that if they take me down, they'll have a chance and show off to the Pros. I sighed as I spinned to tail whip them out of bounds, taking them out easily. I looked to see others avoiding me, mostly cause they knew fighting me was a losing game, or they just wanted to prey on the others. I frowned as I looked around and see no one coming after me, tch, great now what?

As I was about to walk around for some fun, I heard some maniac laughter. I turned around and see Monama standing there, laughing crazy as if we was a ego bloated freak...or Voldemort when he gets his hands on a 12 year old.


But when he came just about a foot of me, I simply kicked him away, making him fly out of bounds into the wall and makes a shape of himself into the wall. He slides off, with swirls in his eyes and little chickens flying around in circles over his head, muttering something

"But momma...I don't want a concussion...I want chicken nuggies," he said

"Hehehe," I chuckled,"now who will be my next victim?"

"How about us," Shark said

I turned around and see Naune and Grodd there, along with Doris there. I raised and eyebrow at this and smiled, this will be fun.

"No harm feelings right," Grodd asked

"Naw, in fact I hoped you fight me," I said and cracked my knuckles,"ever since that Nomu, I've been feeling a little bored with fighting this weaklings."

"Oh watch the ego buddy," Doris said,"but yeah, we want to see all the training we did finally paid off!"

"Well what are ya waiting for...COME AT ME BRO!"

Shark charged at me first, as Grodd and Doris spilt up to the sides, trying to flank me. I smiled as I was happy seeing them work together. I ducked under a right hook, then stepped to the side and delivered my own two hit combo, one to the side and under the chin. I stepped back, but Grodd came and tackled me into the side, making me slide from his strength.

I growled as I balled my fist and slammed them down on his back, making him grunt and groan. I knew his side a couple times, making his grip loosen up, so I frist reached down and hooked his body then with all my strength, picked him up into the air and then slammed him down by falling backwards. I got up, but Shark came in and punched my face in.

I groaned as then delivered a left hook, then I doubled punched his torso as I head butted him. We groaned as we backed off from each other, man I hate that move, but it was worth it. We eyed each other as we grinned widely, this is something we've wanted to do for so long, see who was stronger here. We then started wildly punching each other, striking and hitting each other like beasts

This is what I want out of one of my best friends!

Batman POV

"Woah, those two are going at it," Cyborg said

We were watching the two plumbing each other to death, going at it like it was live and death. From what the reports say, Shark, or Nuane, was a being stronger then most, but he had the intelligence of a 10 year old. After he was taken in by ARGUS and was taught how to read and write, then he was given the choice to come here, which he took

Then after hearing Present Mic talk about Luke and Shark, they seemed to be good friends, maybe one his first ever. I smiled as I see Luke treat Shark as an ally and a friend, and as a rival, fighting each other as equals.

"Seems they ain't letting up," Shazam said

"If they did, it would be an insult to their warrior pride," WW said,"they ain't letting up cause they want each others best. Luke, Grodd and Shark had to hold back so they don't hurt the other students."

"But now," J'onn asked

"They ain't holding back anymore."

Luke POV

I stuck his eye and there he started getting tired, but I will admit, even I was getting winded. But I couldn't stop now, not after we worked so hard to get here. I clinched my teeth and charged at him, which he returned in kind, as we charged for the last show down. We coked our arms back, charging and then once we got close, we struck each others face

It made a huge shockwave that tore the ground apart and made some rubble go flying. We stood there for a few seconds, until Shark fell down forward into the floor. I stood straight up as I looked at him, he was breathing heavy as I rolled onto his back and smiled at me, chuckling as we smiled

" fun," he said,"let's do that again...friend."

"Yeah...lets do that buddy," I said and gave a thumbs up

He passed out as I sighed and looked around to see who else I have to fight. But as I did, a shadow loomed over me, making me look up to see Doris go huge and stomped me into the floor.

"Sorry Luke, but I ain't holding back," she said

"," I said

She gasped as I lifted her foot off of me, using every square inch of strength I can muster. I crawled out of the little hole she made and looked at her, smiling as I lifted her up with the last of my strength and made her fall over and crash land onto the floor, making her fall out of bounds. I breathed heavy as I looked around and see Bakugo come at me


"...I am gonna hurt you so bad that you'll be shitting out of your mouth," I said


Just as we're about ti to duke it out and me kicking the fucking chihuahua small pathetic ass, Midnight called the match. Meaning the second event was over, I sighed as I looked at Bakuass, flipping him off as I walked to Shark and kneeled down by him.

"You good my man," I asked

"Yeah, nothing I can't handle already," he said, as I lifted him up,"man you pack a punch Luke."

"Not bad yourself, I think I'm gonna be bruised for a while. First time I've felt pain since the Nomu, glad to see your not some little fish stick!"

"Hahaha, at least I don't look like a pair of walking leather boots!"


We laughed for a bit, then helped our class mates, sadly some were kicked out of bounds. Mostly due to Bakuass, Todoroki and such, well we can't all be winners, but the ones who did pass promise to win for the rest. I sighed as we all huddled around to see who else passed on, and see who were battling next.

"So what are we gonna be doing," Kaminari asked

"No idea, they chose a different event each year," Kirishima said

"Last year was a Foam sword fighting," Sero said

"...I need a vacation," I said

"Maybe that psycho Stain would have won if he was here," Jinx said

"Hahahaha," Shinso laughed,"that was funny Jinx, you make the best jokes!"

Jinx blushed as she coughed to hide it, thus making me have blackmail material for him.


"Who are you talking to," Barbara asked

"Shush little one, talking to God here."

"Just ignore him, make you stay sane longer," Oliver said

"Yeah cause it's a lost cause trying to figure out what he's saying and such," Diana said

"I understand him just perfectly," Harley said

"Like two peas in a pod," Pamela said

"Did any of you hear what I just said," Midnight asked us

We looked at her and just shrugged at her, then she sighed and explained it was a tournament event. Then we saw who was advancing thanks to the scoreboard, making me smile as I saw I was up there and a few others from 1-C and all who we're facing off against.

Izuku Midoriya vs. Hitoshi Shinso

Shoto Todoroki vs. Luke James

Ben Turner vs Priscilla Rich

Tenya Iida vs. Eobard Thawne

Selina Kyle vs. Harley Quinn

Fumikage Tokoyami vs. Momo Yaoyoruzu

Pamela Ivy vs. Eijiro Kirishima

Katsuki Bakugo vs. Jinx

I flinched as I looked at Jinx, who looked a little scared, cause as far as I know, Bakuass was a terrorist and he will harm her cause he hurt her to win. I growled a bit as I was worried he'll go overboard and hurt her more then necessary. Then after we got the rules and lay out, we were free to do whatever we wanted, so I decided to pay Auntie a visit

As I was walking to her, I bumped into some people. Why the hell do I keep bumping into people every single damn time!?

"Shit sorry about that," I said

"Its cool man, happens to the best of us," they said

I looked at the guy I bumped into and saw it was Kid Flash from the Young Justice League, and the others. Robin, Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis and Aqualad, they were like JL rookies or some shit.

"Woah your a pretty big guy," KF said

"Hey don't be rude," Artemis said and slapped the back of the head,"sorry about him, he has no flitter."

"It's cool, trust me I'm use to people talking about me like that," I said as I grabbed my skittles bag,"anyway, whatca ya doing here?"

"Just here to enjoy our little vacation time we get," Superboy said

"Yeah, plus this is our first time at the Sports Festival," Robin said,"we wanted to see it in person for once. Also have to say, you did pretty cool in the first two events."

"Thanks, wasn't hard. Though I wish it was a little more intense."

"Seriously," Miss Martin asked,"those events seemed pretty tough."

"But I guess beating the monster meant to kill All Might would make this events seem trivial I suppose," Aqualad said

"Yeah, but my buddy Shark gave me a good work out," I said as I cracked my neck,"well it was nice meeting ya two, I'm gonna go meet my Auntie after so many years."

"Okay, hey lets talk again after okay," Robin said,"Batman told me a lot about you. Figured I see what makes you so cool to him."

"Umm thanks?"

I walked to the area where I saw Auntie and the 3, making me smile as I finally get to see her after so long. But as I walked, I can hear and see Heros bad mouthing me and making a few gestures at me, as I just ignore them and found Auntie and the Big 3. She looked at me, making me smile, seeing her made everything happy, then she ran to me and jumped into my arm

"LUKEY," she yelled,"I'M SO HAPPY! YOU WERE SO COOL!!"

"YEAH LIKE YOU WERE POW, BANG AND PHOOM," Nejire yelled and made cute sound effects,"LIKE IT WAS, OHH SO COOL!"

"Yeah man, you certainly took the spotlight," Mirio said

"I-I-I t-thought you were c-cool," Amajiki said

"Thanks guys," I said,"so want to go get some grub?"

"Yeah, I could use a refill," Auntie asked,"come on, lets get some food!"

We walked to the food stall, where I got some Mountain Dew and popcorn. There we talked for a few minutes as we walked around, talking about how long I've been in Japan, what work I was doing and how school was going. But as we did, some Pros thought that should do some...'hero work'.

"Excuse me ma'am, is this person bothering you," Death Arms asked

"Sir can you please back away," Kaimu Woods asked me

"How about you piss off," I asked,"I'm trying to enjoy a nice talk with my Auntie."

"Watch you mouth asshole, now leave the premise or I will have to arrest you," Mt. Lady said

"What the fuck you just say to me? I was doing absolutely nothing and yet you cunts try to force me away?"

"Your making people uncomfortable," Death Arms said,"we have to make sure a beast like you don't harm anyone."

"Hey he didn't do anything so back off," Auntie said

"Ma'am please step back, he is a dangerous man," Kamiu Woods said, pushing them back

"He was doing absolutely nothing harmful," Mirio said,"so how about you leave him alone or I'll report you to Nezu."

"Kid your a student, you don't know what we do," Mt. Lady said,"now back off and lets Pros handle this monster."


"OH YOUR DEAD MEAT," she yelled and tired to go big

But before she could do anything, Wonder Women grabbed her wrist, and squeezed hard. Mt, Lady looked and flinched as she say the top 3rd Hero of America there, along with Batman, Green Lantern and Superman

"Now whats going on here," Superman asked

"This punk here was causing a..." Death Arms said, but Nejire interrupts him

"No, what happened was these bullies walked up to Luke and harassed him," Nejire said

"Little girl you better shut up, you don't know anything," Mt. Lady said

"Or you just saw a chance to boost your credibility and reputation by falsifying evidence," Batman said,"this is cause for termination and removal of your Hero licenses."

"Yeah, so we'll be reporting you to Nezu," Superman said,"now leave and do your actual jobs...or I'll remove you myself."

The three grimaced and walked away, as I walked away to the nearest empty lot and growled. I was about to punch the wall, but Auntie hugged my torso, making me stop and tear up. I looked at her, crying as I curled in a ball, having flash backs of the treatment I got at my old home.

"Its okay baby, its okay," she said,"deep breathes baby, deep breathes."

"I' you had to see that side of me Auntie," I said

"Its okay...I know."

Batman POV

"Poor kid," John said,"kid was just minding his own business and was harassed by some dumb ego Pros."

"Yeah, those three need a reality check," Superman said

"And a beat down," WW said

Hado tried to walk to them, but I placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking my head, she nodded her head, understanding where I was coming from. I looked at the two and smiled a bit, as I can see how she managed to control him or at least clam him.

'Christina, you have a special boy, don't doubt that for a minute,' I thought

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