Chapter 11

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Biancha's P.O.V.

I quickly jerked up into a sitting position, my heart beating out of my chest as I struggled to make sense of my surroundings. My eyes went in and out of focus, the sound of my ragged breathing filling my ears. My head felt as if someone tried to rip my hair out strand by strand while plunging a burning hot dagger into my scalp at the same time. This sensation continued on and on, not weakening in the slightest, making panic invade my mind. What is going on? Where is Aphrodite? Where am I? What do I do?!

I decided to lie back down slowly, hoping that it would help, at least a little. To my luck, my vision stopped blurring, but the pounding pain persisted. At least now I can see the darkened ceiling of my room, recognizing it only by the now familiar shadows dancing across it. I started to recount my memories up to this point. Waking up, Ulirch's office, his mother and the book, back with him, and then...

I sat back up, a bad move, but I didn't even consider to care. Getting up on my feet was more difficult than anything I'd have to do right now, but I had to get to a mirror quick. For five agonizing minutes, my knees buckled whenever I'd try to regain my balance, until, with the help of a conveniently  placed coffee table, I was able to make a few shaky steps to the nearest wall. I had to wait for a few more minutes for the black spots in my vision to disappear, before I finally reached for the bathroom door, the slippery handle barely making my grasp as a spike of pain shot through my left side. Letting a few whimpers escape my mouth, I bravely gripped the small mirror lying on the very edge of the sink.

 Taking a few more shaky breaths, I lifted the mirror to my eyes, gazing into the blurry image of my own face before its jagged shards found themselves on the floor, my bloody hand gripping a few as white filled my vision.

Libra's P.O.V.

After my darling jackass finally bid me good night and went upstairs to our room, I was left alone with my thoughts again. I looked around the empty room, ignoring the large pile of dishes staring at me menacingly from the sink. That's morning Libra's problem, this Libra is going to finish her glass of wine, check on the kids and sleep on top of a gigantic wolf until he starts snoring and then kick his ass on the floor. Honestly, the only downside of having a werewolf husband is the mountain-crushing snoring that comes from the fur balls. 

Ah, and there goes my wine. That took longer than it usually does, but I guess my thoughts took most of my evening away. I might as well get another glass with the way this evening is going, too much to think about for a cool cat grandma like me. Oh well, I'm sure after I figure Biancha out that everything will go back to normal, even if she is a bunch of bad vibes. Now, that's Ulrich's problem in all reality, but my Alpha baby is just like his father with females, an emotional equivalent to a sour potato. I always chuckle when I remember my sister-in-law, Natasha, and what she had to do just to convince Theo that he couldn't just marry me one day into our relationship. Honestly, I'd probably say yes if he did do that, we did 'subtly' stalk each other for like a year prior to that. Ah, the good old memories, I'd give both of my eyebrows and pinkie toes just to see Theo's pissed off face when I proposed to him. Anyways, I should probably give the both of them some tips before Ulrich does something stupid, but then again...

...Should I intervene? I haven't had the chance to experience the mate bond, but from what I heard it's pretty strong, and not there by accident. When two wolves share a bond like this, they were born to fit each other perfectly, like a glove. Maybe this is just awkward beginnings, maybe their love needs time to flourish. Maybe their personalities need time to shift and mold to each other, especially with my son's stubborn mind. I might have to ask Theo about this, I'm not exactly an expert when it comes to these special quirks of werewolves. Ah, I am overthinking it. I really want Ulrich to be happy with his true mate, I know how much that would mean to the family and pack, but even if it doesn't work out, Theo and I are pretty happy without mates, they can be as well. I am still hoping for a love story, but I'll understand otherwise.

I placed the empty glass next to the sink, not wanting to risk it by putting on top of the dish pile. Remember, morning Libra's problem! I sighed, the messy tangles of my thick hair bouncing on my shoulders as I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I looked both ways when I reached the top, the dark hallways stretching both sides empty and still. On the left are my bedroom, Devlin's and three guest bedrooms, and on the right Ulrich's room and five more guest bedrooms, one occupied by Biancha. If I continued further down that hallway, I'd find an elevator and stairs leading to the home office, slightly smaller but still just as messy as the one in the pack house. A few more rooms are up on the third floor, mostly used by visiting Alphas and/or business partners. The whole house is connected by a myriad of hallways only a few people can navigate, me not being one of them, that connect facilities such as the garage, the library, the cinema room, and the pools. I honestly use like five percent of the massive house, but I am not big on mansions and luxuries, I prefer the great big outdoors. Ulrich and Alicia on the other hand almost never leave the place, I hope Biancha isn't the same.

I was standing there for a good five minutes, contemplating on which way to go. Of course I was tired and wanted to sleep, but I just couldn't sleep with knowing I left a bad impression on Biancha. I need to straighten things out with her, and better to do it now than later. So I quietly walked to her door, cringing slightly every time a floor board would creak. Everyone in this house is a light sleeper, and everyone hates being woken up, to my great joy. Damn, why is this hallway so long? Why did I put her on the far end of the hallway, I really don't use my brain sometimes. This hallway feels like it's twice as long as my own, has this always been this large? Ugh, I am being silly, I really shouldn't have drank half a bottle of wine. I am so glad no one can see me right now, I must look like such an idiot. I will never live this down if someone catches me.

Finally I reached my designated door in success, everything still silent and peaceful around me. That's strange, does she sleep with an open door? The door to her room was cracked open, the only thing visible through the gap being a streak of light coming from her bathroom and shining on her bed.

"Biancha? can I come in?" I whispered and knocked quietly on the door, still looking through the gap in the door. After hearing no reply and seeing no movement on the inside, I leaned back and, with a deep sigh, opened the door enough so I could come in. Inside the room, nothing was out of the ordinary apart from a few pieces of clothing strewn across the room and the coffee table leaning next to the bathroom door.  However, what I found in the bathroom is what truly left me speechless.

Mirror shards coated in thick dark blood littered the floor, some of them even ended up in the shower cabin. Scratch marks, broken tiles, running water, all of that surrounded a panting Biancha lying on the floor, her ripped up and stained clothes doing nothing to cover what shocked me the most. Her arms, her face, her body, her eyes, her painful, empty gaze. With my shaky fingers I pointed at her, not even knowing if she can hear me, and asked loudly:

"What in the world are you?!"


And that's done! Now that I have finally decided which university I'm going to, I'll hopefully have more time and will-power to update frequently.

Thank you for reading!


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