Chapter 7

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Biancha's P.O.V.

"My name is Ulrich. U-L-R-I-C-H. I'll write it down if you can't spell it, but that's what you call me. If I ever hear the word 'Alpha' coming from your mouth, I will lock you in my room with me until you don't scream my name off of your lips."

Ugh, how could he say that?! I rushed down the hallway, trying to find my way back to my room as I thought about the words he had told me. Doesn't he know what that means? Thank the Moon I'm wearing a concealer, otherwise I would be as red as a tomato! I need to calm down, I must not panic!

I took a few deep breaths and stopped, leaning my side against the wall to my right. Even though I've dated plenty of times before coming here, I still get skittish around these things. I kissed a lot of times, hugged, made out, but I never went further, I just don't think I'm capable of handling intimacy like that. The thought of doing it terrifies me, especially since I know this guy will be my first! The later we do it the better, but it looks like he doesn't want to wait!

"I'm going to die of embarrassment here!" I hissed through my teeth and looked at the ceiling. This was our first real conversation, and I already feel uncomfortable. How am I supposed to live here?

"I hope he didn't show you his special something already, because I swear I didn't raise him that way!" A voice behind me spoke loudly, making me almost jump out of my shoes. I turned my head quickly and spotted Ulrich's mom, standing at the end of the hallway. How is she so silent? I thought I was alone.

"Um, n-no, he just..." I tried, but I couldn't explain how I felt. His face was so serious when he threatened me, it couldn't have been a joke. Fortunately, his mother already knew him well enough to have the right response. She just groaned in a low tone, looked at me apologetically and loudly said: 

"Oh great, he used big boy words again! I'm sorry Biancha, Ulrich is still a new Alpha, they think they have to intimidate everyone around them. Some never grow out of it, but never mind that! Come here, let me show you the house." She outstretched her arms towards me, her smile painted wide across her face. I straightened my back a little and took even steps to her, trying to save what dignity I have. I wanted to impress these people, just like Verion told me I should, if I wanted to get accepted. Alpha families treasure females that can keep their head cool and high on their shoulders,be imposing and graceful in everything they do. However, it seems I got the opposite reaction from the older Luna, as she frowned and lowered her arms to her waist, placing her hands firmly on it. I stopped in my tracks, confused. Did I make an insulting face or something?

"Listen, you are beautiful and elegant, I'll give you that. But please quit with trying to impress me like that. I'm not my husband nor my son, I don't care about presentation, I care about action. I've seen my fair share of girls parading around my house like peacocks on display, I don't need my own children acting like that." She finished, articulating every word as if she was talking to a toddler. Did she just call me her child? I nervously looked down, avoiding her piercing eyes. No wonder they call her 'the Hawk-eye Luna', she saw right through me! Ugh, what do I do now?! I raised my head to look back at her, should I apologize?

"Save it, you didn't do anything wrong. That posh facade will come in handy when you are Luna, especially with some more pompous packs such as the Fleurs Noir. I am just a more simple woman, I appreciate honesty above all else." She shrugged at me casually, her shoulder length hair swaying as she tilted her head to the side. Before I even got a chance to open my mouth, she was already dragging me by the hand to a large open space at the back of their mansion. The room is simply ginormous! Three out of four walls are completely made out of glass, showing a dark forest that seemed to stretch for miles behind the mansion. The only true wall was painted in a soft lavender color, outlined by thin strips of white paint. The room was split into two floors divided by a single step. Dark brown couches were littered around the room, with the two biggest ones centered around an open fire pit, which was on the lower level of the room. Against the lavender wall, an old looking black armoire stood, the one Luna Libra proceeded to drag me to the moment we entered the room.

"W-wait!" I was able to push the word past my lips before she swarmed me with what I think is a bunch of old albums, now stacked in her arms. Jeez, how many pictures of her children did she take? I don't think there are enough pictures of me and Verion to fill half an album, let alone eight or nine, or whatever the number she held. She stopped in her tracks and looked at me with a puzzled look on her face, as if shocked that I could actually speak to her. 

"Yes? Is there a problem?" It seems that she wanted to say something else after asking the question, but I quickly cut her off.

"Y-yes. Luna Libra, I'm sorry, but I can't handle all of this right now. I just arrived here, and I am already being swarmed by duties, responsibilities and baby pictures! I was never this close with anyone, I don't know how to be a Luna, I need some time to myself. Please tell Ulrich I won't be able to join him later." I blurted out, my words mixing as I tried to excuse myself from the room. Luna Libra tilted her head sideways, as if she didn't understand a thing I said. I sighed and opened my mouth to repeat myself, when she dropped the albums back into the armoire loudly and shut the door, turning to me with a flat face. As if the little courage I gathered in her presence suddenly evaporated, I cowered next to the door out of the room, afraid to make a single step. I am usually not scared easily, but her stance, her aura, her eyes...I need to learn that trick. 

She said nothing as she opened a lower drawer in the armoire and began digging through books, searching for something. Meanwhile, I looked down at my hand. What happened to me? Back in my old pack, I was someone not to be messed with. No one even dared to speak to me if I didn't tell them they could, I had so much power I was practically Alpha! Verion couldn't even confront me about anything I did, because he was always a weakling compared to me, I reigned supreme! But, the moment I stepped in that car with Ulrich, it's as if all that got left behind. I mean, I could still keep my attitude up with Devlin, but it only took one sentence from Ulrich and a single glance from Luna Libra for me to completely melt. What a great way of starting my new life, by acting like a weakling Omega! I need to turn things back to the way they were, but how?

"Look, I don't know which rank you were in your old pack, but I refuse to believe that you never once saw your aunt in action. Even if you didn't, which I again find hard to believe, Luna business is no dark magic or mathematic equasion. Women much more idiotic and weaker than yourself did it without a care in the world. Heck, I know of humans and rogues that did the job just fine. The title might scare you, and the stubborn, VERY stubborn Alpha that comes with the package, but always try to look at the good sides of things like this." She handed me a single book, one with velvet covers, but without a title. As I listened to what she was saying to me, I flipped the book to the first page.

Secrets to a sucessful Luna

By: Galaxia the Midnight Luna

Galaxia the Midnight Luna? What a strange name and title. I wonder...
"Is something wrong?" Luna Libra said as she caught me tracing the cursive of the author's name.
"Ah, Galaxia. Galaxia is a Luna from a long time ago, a time before crosses. Lovely lady, she supposedly spent 30 years writing this book for the future generations. Be sure to read it, the read might be old but she had a knack for making boring facts seem interesting. Off you go now, I just dumped those albums there, I can't leave them like that! Go to your room and rest, I'll send someone to get you for lunch."

And before I knew it, I was outside of the huge room, standing in the hallway like a lost tourist. Well...That was nice? Godess I feel dizzy from this  day. I hope a nap will help me relax a bit, maybe I could start reading this book after I get some peace and quiet.

"Biancha. If you are done with my mother, it's time to go back to work." A very bored Ulrich mumbled as he, just like his mother minutes ago, creeped up on me from nowhere, and made me jump for the third time that day.

Yup, rest and relaxation.

Wow, look how often I update! Once every 356 years, that's fast!

Anyways, all jokes aside, this book is my main project from now on, so I'll be editing the older parts and trying to update as much as I can, even though the finals are smirking at me from the shadows...

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this! Bye!


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