Saved by the Dragon

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The hiking trip started as one of reconciliation and ended in conflict. Neither spoke as they traipsed through the hiking trails of Blue Ridge, Colorado. This had been their agreed-upon last chance at saving their failing marriage by recreating their first date.

It started with the couple chatting amicably and enjoying the drive to the chosen destination. Even after checking supplies and beginning the hike, all was well.

Maria had agreed with Tony picking the place, instead of flying to the original hiking site in California. He seemed pleased and promised she would not regret her decision.

She regretted it two hours into the trek when they'd stopped to consult the map and compass. Tony checked his backpack and discovered both had fallen out of the side pocket-the one where the ripped netting had finally fallen apart.

"You mean to tell me we're lost?" Maria almost shouted the words. She pulled the sunhat off her bright red hair and wiped her brow. "Dang it, Tone, how could you be so irrespon-"

"Don't worry about it." Tone gave up searching his pack after discovering the hole. "I'm an experienced hiker. I'll find our way."

He succeeded in getting them even more lost.

Darkness arrived, so the two found fallen branches and created a lean-to before grabbing blankets from their packs and huddling together.

Maria pulled an energy bar from her pack, biting into it with rage. "I guess it's safe to say this marriage is over. We can't even go hiking without falling into a disaster."

"Must you be so practical? Everything has to be planned and prioritized with you." Tony dug into his pack for a snack. "You're so methodical."

"What's wrong with that?" She finished the bar and placed the wrapper in her pack. "I'm a partner with the best law firm in Colorado, I make a six-figure salary, serve on important committees-"

"...And since you got that job, you're so rigid and stiff that you let life pass you by," finished Tony. Suddenly he turned to her, his wavy hair falling into disarray. "You've lost the magic of living and only believe in what you see, Ria."

"Magic?" She scoffed. "That word has no meaning in a world motivated by science and technology, a world where people can explain the unexplainable."

"It's real, Ria." Tony sighed as the night grew even darker. Both grew quiet as they listened to the bullfrog croaking in a nearby stream and an owl hooted in the trees above them. Both prey and predators scampered through the brush.

"When I was a child, I believed magic was real. I'd pretend to use it when I wished upon a star." Maria's voice grew cold. "But I learned that was nothing more than wishful thinking."

"Magic is the power that makes the impossible possible. It only dies if you stop believing." He paused before asking, "What did you wish for?"

"It's stupid."

"Tell me."

She almost grinned. "I wished for someone to love me forever." But wishes didn't come true. Only married for two years, and the serious-minded Maria still could not adjust to her flighty husband. Once, it seemed cute how he'd stop to pick her roses or dance in the rain during a storm. But life was a serious matter, and Tony was too frivolous.

"What else?"

Maria sighed. "To see a dragon."

Once again, the sounds of the night stole over the two. Tony's arm crept around her. "I remember the first time you wished for a forever love, a lonely little girl in the loft of the hay barn on your parent's farm."

She froze, her eyes widening as she peered at him. It was so dark she only saw his eyes. "How did you know that? I never told anyone!" Her voice grew indignant.

"Because I was a lonely little boy living on the streets of Versailles. I saw that same star and made the same wish, asking it to bring us together," he replied. "I made it a point to find you. Magic brought the American couple who adopted me and moved me to the States. It was magic that helped me receive scholarships for the same college you'd planned to attend."

Maria's voice filled with hope and wariness. "Tony?" Was it ... Could it be true? she mused.

"We aren't lost," he said, pulling her closer. She snuggled against him. "Tomorrow, you'll understand. Tomorrow you'll believe again."

They left their makeshift shelter and began hiking before dawn. Tony would not speak of their conversation the night previous. But now he seemed a man on a mission, pushing them forward through the forest and brush. Maria, with so much on her mind, strove to keep up.

Near sunset, they reached a hill with an excellent view of a rocky ridge. Maria dropped her backpack and gazed at the beauty of the red sky, knowing the effect was created by dust and small particles trapped in the atmosphere by high pressure. It was breathtaking, although there was nothing magical about-

"Look, Ria." Tony pointed up and to the left.

On the highest part of the summit sat a huge red dragon. Its vast batwings spread outward as it perched on the rocky ridge, gazing over the land. Its scales glistened like red diamonds against the backdrop of the reddened sky. Its golden eyes turned and caught sight of the two hikers.

Maria reached out, her fingers intertwining with Tony's.

It stared at them before dipping its head in acknowledgment. Then, the majestic creature pushed off the ridge with its powerful legs and flew above the two, circling them twice before turning tail and flying off toward the east.

Maria watched until it disappeared. Afterward, Tony turned to her, and their eyes met.

"Do you believe again?"

"Magic is real, Tone!" She leaned against his chest, eyes sparkling as his arms encircled her. "You were right. I... believe."

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