SCP-1765 x Male OC

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Journal Note:

(Hello. My name is Francis Licht, a research assistant for Dr. Mohammad Scott, currently...I have no idea how old I am, but I think it must be very old, along with the others. In case anyone finds my well as in case the 3 others die, I want to leave something behind, which I hope remains intact and safe for anyone to read this. If all of you are rather unsure of what this site is all about, I'll do my best to explain it to you.

       In 1964, there was a massive dead sea creature that washed up on the shore of Indian/Bangladeshi border. The Foundation, due to some problems with one of their sites, being the 19th one, could not study the body without being seen. So they loved to Site-13. It is the most grandest and largest site that I have ever seen. I almost thought it is as large as a neighborhood or city. I joined in 1992 after graduating college in getting a doctorate degree and back then, I was only a 21 year old at the time. But then, something terrible happened. In 1993, a sort of bomber used an anomalous object to detonate a sort of bomb in the basement of Manchester Financial Tower in Chicago, causing thousands to die, and the American Government got furious wit the foundation, which lead to President Dole cutting all funds with the foundation, which lead to a dire situation in 1996. But one of Dole's staff members named Paul Manafort, a secretary of the GOC made a deal with the foundation to merge the 2 groups together. Of course the foundation's O5s refused, but we still had trouble containing anomalies, especially with the Dream Whale entity in the sky, which had been leaked across Oregon. Of course, that was the last straw, because the 05 Council had been overthrown by the GOC, with fucking Manafort himself being the one to lead us. And that was...when it all went to hell, began forcing us to kill anomalies, even though this is not what we were meant to do. But I always felt comfortable around Jack Bright, his humorous and immature behavior made me laugh and smile in some ways I never felt before...but he was locked for being framed involving another doctor named Light. I'm not sure what that is all about, but after he had been locked up, Elliot fucking Emerson took hold of Bright's position.

Fuck Emerson, he had made everything even worse than before. Began toying with anomalies and torturing the innocent ones for no reason. He killed them, sent them to the meat grinder and the body pits...even young kid anomalies. God...I can still hear their fucking cries, their screams. I hated him with a fucking vengeance, but I cannot stand up to him even if I want to, and I was forced to watch them die, and not because I want to. The Ethics Committee were powerless, overthrown, one of the researchers were shot in the head, I wonder if I would be next if I simply look at Emerson the wrong way, and he'd kill me. This place is becoming like a Death Camp in WW2. And the anomalies, the ones that can never die...even they began to fear him, even some of the most terrible ones were humbled and frightened of him...especially the sisters.

SCP-1765...I've heard about the trio themselves, said to be composed of 3 sisters, an older, middle, and younger sister, and they were inside of an area...I forgot what foundation site it is, but apparently they made that foundation site their personal playground. But Emerson...he made them their toys. He broke them, used some reality warping machinery to make them suffer, put them inside of cages that warp reality with dials and touch screens and made them his bitches. They suffered, they screamed, they felt like they were about to break, unable to be released from death itself. They became the very experiments they inflicted on the foundation personnel at the site they used as the playground. I wanted to think that they deserve it...but I felt bad for them. As bad as they may have been...Emerson is beyond worse, that shithead. Made the sisters look like mere saints in comparison. And even the ones that brought them here, the Wanderers Library and the Serpent's Hand, even they were at the mercy of Emerson, destroyed the Library and killed as many of rhe Serpent's Hand members as they could, before the remaining Serpent's Hand escaped elsewhere, but not sure where too. It's ironic in 3 layers, for as far as I can tell. The Serpent's Hand's job was taking the supernatural and lock it away from the rest of the world where they can experiment on them and put them under a microscope. Then the Area that they were brought goes under the mercy of the 3 supernatural sister who experiment on them, and now the GOC and the Foundation together are doing the same to them. But even irony in this case is rather cruel.

I often visit the sisters whenever Emerson is gone and no one else is present, trying to lessen their stress, make some calming music to make them feel better. I always try to make some jokes to get them to laugh...and they began feeling better, but they still didn't look like they were in good shape, yet they had acted politely to me, but even they sad to realize the foundation that they knew of is no more, but did find comfort in me, began growing fond and attached to me far beyond a normal friendship, don't know how else I can explain that. I knew they were depending on me for support and for more then just simply that, so I am making sure to be with them whenever no one else is there. Dr. Vera Hadley, she thought the same way, had bonded with a boy, named Elijah...who is called the Leech Boy, because he feasts on blood. We got along well, both me and Hadley, since we bonded with the anomalous. But it was getting harder and harder for me to keep my cover. Security was being upgraded, and Emerson...I think he is beginning to suspect me and is watching my every move, constantly watching me in case I do something wrong, and yet even so...I was able to visit them, despite being in brief glimpses. Then...I began to use an anomaly of my own that I discovered that I kept a secret from everyone. I discovered something, a sort of script that allows me to learn something called Kinetoglyphs. Said to be physical and mental anomalous effects that occur when gestures are used...I think that's what it is. I began to study it, and began to learn and utilize Kinetoglyphs, so that I can find a way to get into contact faith then without Emerson knowing what I was about to happen. And in a way...I think it almost made me stay young. Or it is probably just me assuming that I am as such. I don't know. And in a way...I was preparing to help them with this despite all that was happening.

But Hadley...she had other plans. After being beaten by Manafort, who sent guards and made her suffer...I think she snapped. She caused a mass containment breach and sent everything to hell. Sent an email to me...and I took it seriously. Went to the sisters as fast as I could, manage to locate the sisters. I was able to open the doors and let them out, and we began to make an escape. My friend...Victor, a junior researcher, he went to SCP-239, SCP-2599, and SCP-134. Treated each of them like daughters he never had, cared for them and loved them as such. He also brought along 3 boys that are the same age as all 3 of them, having anomalous powers of their own, one which reverses reality back, and the other forces others to continue without stopping whenever a certain action is taken, and the other can make someone see through his eyes whenever he touches someone, but in the process becomes blind himself, kinda the opposite to the girls. The sisters, SCP-2599, SCP-134, SCP-239, and the boys went with us, we paired together through the shit that is going down. Manage to locate Manafort, tried to get away. But I shot him on the leg, the sisters...did some shit to him that I've never seen him do. But he clearly isn't gonna be free from what they've done to him. Honestly, he swerved it. But then...the ground cracked, a large gaping circular mouth appeared and ate him, fucking bastard was screaming all the way, and we went elsewhere. On the way, we went to SCP-914, and having grabbed some stuff whine on the run, I put SCP-500, one of the red pill, into SCP-914, put it on Very Fine, made this strange choker of some sort, but it's been able to provide me protection against anything considered infectious, even making a sort of shield around, at least to anyone wearing it. It's also latched onto me and can't be pulled off by anyone except for the one using it, which is me obviously. Also manage to grab SCP-458 along the way as well, put that in 914, also put it on Very Fine...not gonna ask what I did there. Also put a backpack in 914 at Very Fine, manage to make it have the space inside of it becoming very bigger within the interior.

Anyways, I met up with Scott, we followed him, apparently Emerson threatened him for this Thresher machine of some sort. Don't know what that's about, but it sounded like a teleportation machine. We had some corpses being puppeteers by those...things. It seems to be a sort of black leech. I'm not sure what it is. Manage to use some Kinetoglyphs to burn them, before getting away. Walls also had something that I didn't see, but the other did and made sure we didn't see it...I think it may have been some sort of hazard, because they had fire and blew up...without sound. I have no idea how that happened. We went as deep as we could...but then...everything went out of control. All of sudden...everything just...warped, like space was being folded then stretched, with me floating and all the others floating in the space. I felt weird, like I was being stretched then shrunken. I don't even know how long I was floating for. The sisters were the same, as well as the others, but they began to move us elsewhere, but cannot warp reality enough to bring so many at a time for some reason. Maybe because the Thresher Machine is already online and using it could make it worse...not sure. Don't know how long we've been floating for. Days...months...years...decades...maybe even centuries. it's been a very long time, could not see what's happening. But we landed somewhere...and it all went to hell.

We're now currently trapped, inside of this part of the site, somewhere in the lower levels. The monsters are everywhere, I can feel and sometimes hear them coming near the location, but never reaching it, except for the leeches, we had to deal with them almost everyday, and we have no idea how long we can hold it. The Sisters are doing all that they can, and SCP-239 is also doing all that she can, but it's getting harder and harder to deal with them, not helping with the unstable reality due to the Thresher constantly changing the reality within the site. We have no idea how long we can deal with them, but it's obvious that they won't last forever. I just hope that...with any will be on the way. Other wise, well in totally deep shit for what's waiting outside. And Emerson...if you are reading this, and you see this...I just want to say...go to fucking hell and suffer for what you and Manafort had done, for ruining what the Foundation represents and for destroying all that we had worked so hard on. I hope you suffered for what you've done to us, and to everyone you victimized. And if you already are...let's say I'll be pleased for getting what you deserve, for all the suffering you had given us for your fucking sick amusement.

This is Research Assistant Francis Licht, reporting the situation)


Deep inside of an area within Site-13, a small group of survivors are shown to be working around, stocking up on as much rations as they could and using them as sparingly as they could inside of the area that they are in. Crates were moved to block cracks, they did everything they could to try and survive in there.

In one part of the area, Francis Licht is shown to be sleeping on the ground, constantly hearing the creaking and skittering outside. He shakes, as he hugs himself, but he feels like he will lose himself. His long red hair is shown to be present, looking all messed up and bendy and uneven due to the constant threat of what they had to be dealing with inside Site-13. He held his head, as he hears screaming, despite there being no such sounds anywhere inside of the area that they are in. Sweat appears to be running down his face, as he felt himself shaking. But then, he felt someone lift up his head and put him onto a softer surface, as a familiar voice spoke out.

"Still hearing them, Francis?"

Francis looked up, and saw that it was none other then SCP-1765-1, with her hair also looking very unkept and tangled, due to what has happened to her and her sisters.

Francis nodded his head, as he sat up, and looked around to see SCP-239 and both SCP-1765-2 and -3 also present, working all over the place in an effort to try and make this place as safe as possible, although it is a tiring job due to what they are going through. And even Francis cannot help but admit how tiring it is for him as well. He touched his neck, and felt the choker, which has a red jewel and the choker is golden with ancient symbols present all over. Francis spoke out.

"Man, all of this is just straight up going to shit, and we have almost nothing left for us to defend ourselves...except for you reality warpers and me."

SCP-1765 nodded with a smile still present on her face, although Francis could tell that she is so not happy with the situation, and is only doing this to keep up her polite attitude.

"Well, at least we are able to help all of the survivor. Plus, we can at least do some experiments with the leeches whenever we have the chance to see them."

Francis chuckled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Heh...remember the time that you turn done of the leeches into an ice cream cone-like shape. Surprise it's even still alive."

SCP-1765 nodded, as she stood up, as she used her powers to lift Francis up, and he looks around to see everyone here, including SCP-2599 and SCP-134.

And the both of them...they were both scared, and are close to one another, afraid of what is happening, although SCP-134 cannot see, but she can still hear, so her fright is probably worse compared to the others, or less, Francis doesn't know, he's no psychologist on the extent of SCP-134's fear to everything present. But the other 2 boys, Richard, who can force people to continue moving, and Miguel, who can make people see into his eyes, are also there, and they are present with the both of them, and oddly, the both of them are mix more comfortable with the both of them here, made them feel a bit happier then before. Francis sighed, as he then spoke out.

"This is driving me crazy. Don't know how much I can take with this constantly happening. Especially that bastard, Emerson. I swear, I hope he's rotting for suffering for what he's done."

SCP-1765 smiled wider, a bit sadistically, as she spoke out.

"Well, considering what's happening outside, I wouldn't be surprised if he's dead, or if anything else is doing something worse then killing him. It'll be amusing to see him suffering for all of his acts."

She then leans forward and touches him from behind, as she spoke out softly.

"Besides, at least you being here makes me and my sister's day."

Francis spoke out, his face red.

"Well, that is if it is day. Don't know how long it is or what time it is."

Then, SCP-239 lowers her arms and held her stomach, as she felt hungry, as Gabriel, the boy her age who can reset reality back to its original self, although can't do the same for the Thresher device, came to her and spoke out.

"Sigurrós, what's wrong?"

SCP-239, in response to her original name being said, spoke out.

"Umm...I'm so hungry."

Francis sighed, as he spoke out to them.

"Hang on, I'll take care of it."

He then stood up, pulled out a backpack, and opened it, dug his hand in, and took out the Very Fine-Enhanced SCP-458, and goes someplace all by himself. SCP-1765 smiled a little bit, as she spoke out.

"Well, he's about to appear in 3...2...1..."

Then, Francis came back, with a pizza that SCP-239 likes. He goes to her and gave it to her.

"Here, have this."

SCP-239, seeing this, goes to the pizza and eats it, before Francis puts the plate down, and SCP-239 began to eat the pizza, and gave some to Gabriel, which he happily takes and eats it as well. SCP-1765 looks down at the box in his hand, which is closed, as he spoke out.

"You know, you never told me what you did to SCP-458 when you put it inside of that so-called Clockworks."

Francis looks at her and spoke out.

"Can we save that after we get out of here?"

SCP-1765-1 gawked her head, as she spoke out.

"Well, okay then. Besides...I'm pretty sure you'll accidentally let it slip out of you someday."

She then walks elsewhere, as Scott goes to Francis.

"You doing good, Francis?"

Francis shook his head and spoke out.

"No, not really, Doctor Scott. I'm feeling like I'll lose my mind inside of this place. Don't know how much that I can take."

Scott nodded his head and pats him on the back.

"Well, you are not the only, Francis. Everyone here's also kinda having trouble with this on their own, cannot even take it themselves. Let's just pray that someone outside will be able to help us, or if there is a way for us to help able to get out of the situation that we are all in. So, let's not lose hope in this, okay?"

Francis looks at him, and sighed.

"Well...I'm honestly hoping that we'll be able to get out of this...but after all that is happening...kinda hard to hold onto that. Still...I'll try to keep on holding this...if I am able to, Doctor."

Scott nodded, as he walks elsewhere to go and check out on the other survivors. As he looked and sighed, 2 other figures came over to him.

SCP-1765-2 and 3 went to him, as SCP-1765-2 then spoke out to him.

"Well, you seem to be doing nothing now, Francis."

Francis then looks out and spoke out.

"Well, what do you expect me to do?"

SCP-1765-3 then spoke out.

"Seal the cracks."

Francis then exhaled deeply, as he then goes to look and put a crate out of the way, to see a crack present, before he then made some hand gestures, and some glyphs appeared, which closed and sealed up the cracks, which will hopefully buy some time for a possible rescue to come. As that happened, a sound of panting was heard. Everyone turned around, and they see someone coming. The SCPs looked and they turned, as well as the survivors, ready for anything, but when the person came...they saw that it seems to be a person in a hazmat suit, with an SCP Foundation logo present. He looks up, and Victor, a woman with brown hair and wearing a foundation lab coat, spoke out.

"You...who are you?"

The hazmat man looks up and spoke out.

"I am known as V24-1, from the Gulliver's Travelers from the SCP Foundation."

This made Francis blink his eyes, as he spoke out.

"What, no way...that task force is dead. How can there be..."

Scott then spoke out.

"Did you forget that we are in an alternate timeline? Clearly we are in one in which the foundation exists still." 

Francis blinked his eyes, before speaking out.

"Oh...I forgot. But if that's the case then..."

Scott looks at Francis and nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"That's right. Our ticket way out of here. So, V24-1...mind telling us how you know about the site that we are all inside of right now?"

As V24-1 began to explain what happened, all 3 SCP-1765 felt happy, as they hugged Francis, and they all then spoke out.

"No way...we get to finally..."

-1 said, as -2 then spoke out.

"We'll finally be able to leave this Nightmare behind us, finally for real."

-3 then spoke out.

"Freedom...finally ours."

Francis nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah...but I wouldn't your home your breath if I were you all. After all...that was only one person...and I don't see more. It's probably gonna take a long time until we've be able to get the proper help come up to us."

The SCP-1765 sisters nodded, as SCP-134 spoke out.

"But even is a good thing, right?"

Miguel then spoke out.

"Well, it should be."

SCP-2599 then spoke out.

"I really don't like this place."

Richard then spoke out.

"None of us do, Zena."

Francis then looked up at the area, as he sat then went down onto his knees, and spoke out.

"Well, definitely gotta take a long time for this one, huh?"

Then, the SCP-1765 sisters hugged him again, as -1 spoke out.

"Of course, but hopefully it will be worth the way for all of us, and we can finally escape this place."

Francis looked at -1 and nodded his head, as -3, the youngest sister, nuzzles her head against Francis' chest. Francis can only take a deep breath and looks to see Scott questioning the Task Force Member, and seemingly the only one that had survived it, and it is possible that he had other members that had either died from what it is that has happened outside, or they had gotten into a fate that is far worse then that. Either way, Francis doesn't get his hopes up in this, as he then spoke out.

"If one of the MTF had survived and the others didn' will the others be able to rescue us all?"


Well, turns out Francis is right, it was going to take a lot longer then expected, and unfortunately, the MTF members that came would come in smaller numbers, having one or 2 lost while others survivor, but with not enough numbers or equipment in order to help anyone with the evacuation of the site. An MTF group, Game Wardens, appeared, but their equipment were not helpful enough to be able to aid them in evacuation. As well as the fact that one of the soldiers had his legs gone from below the knee, but can his legs are simply gone, but have not been destroyed in anyway. He kind of looks like that he is floating. As well as some member of the Mole Rats team.

However, this made little differences, as they are still not able to be saved, and are still trapped inside of the site, deep within the area that they are in, either still no way out. Francis began to make some gestures with his hands, as runes began to fill up the entire place, brightening it and showing what is going on from view in the shadows thar conceal a bit of the place. The SCP-1765 sisters manage to spot some leeches and began to use their powers to 'experiment' on them, although Francis could tell that they are simply releasing their stress and anger on the leeches for the suffering that they had to endure, they are just simply hiding their anger behind their pleasant and kind behavior that they always use to others. He was kind of getting tired due to what is going on, but he kept on making gestures on his hands as much as he could, until the room was able to be clear of the leeches themselves. And he then made some more gestures and sealed up the cracks in the walls. He sighed, as he sat down onto the ground, with SCP-1765-1 hugging him from behind in order to try and steady him a little bit.

"Fuck...seems I'm starting to lose my shit a little bit."

SCP-1765-1 then spoke out.

"Well, on the bright side, at least you are able to help us a little more then before."

-2 and -3 nodded, as Victor spoke out.

"You are gonna be okay after this, right?"

Francis then looked down and spoke out.

"Hopefully I'll be okay."

-2 then spoke out to him.

"Eh, I'm sure he'll be fine. He just needs some time to rest."

-3 then spoke out.

"He'll get well soon."

Francis sighed, and clenched his fist, as he is clearly annoyed a little bit, as Richard then spoke out.

"Well, clearly what I am doing is not helping, forcing you do to this. Sorry."

Francis then spoke out.

"It's fine, kid."

SCP-2599 tugged at Richard's shirt, and Richard, seeing this, walks to where SCP-2599 wants him to be at, as SCP-134 and Miguel looked around, although 134 is blind, as Miguel spoke out.

"Really hope they get someone new down here. This place is already becoming a nightmare for us, Stella."

In response to what is seemingly her real name, SCP-134 spoke out.

"Well, I honestly hope so as well, especially by seeing through your eyes. After all, you are the only one that allows me to see whenever you touch me."

Miguel nodded his head, as one of the Game Warden members spoke out.

"Got any pizza you can give us, Francis?"

Francis then takes out SCO-458 and spoke out.

"Wait one sec."

He then goes into the shadows with the box, and after a minute, he came back, with a good hot pizza on his hand, which is pretty big, enough for one person to eat 2 slices and get full with it.

"Here you go."

The MTF Members that are alive then took off their helmets and began to eat the pizza, with Francis putting SCP-458 back inside of the backpack. He sighed, as SCP-1765-2 spoke out.

"Still a very useful source of food as ever, Francis. Makes me wonder if you'll ever feed me when you have the chance."

Francis almost looked embarrassed, as SCP-1765-3 spoke out.

"It could be enjoyable."

Francis shakes his head, clearly embarrassed at what they had said. SCP-1765-1 smiled at that, and puts her arms around his neck and spoke out.

"Oh come on. Don't seem too embarrassed at that. Besides, you know how much we are fond of you for what you have done for all of us."

Francis sighed and held his face into his hands, and spoke out.

"Yeah, kinda already figured that out."

Scott then looks at the 4 of them, and chuckled.

"Hm, seems like you're having some girl problems, Francis."

Francis looked at Scott and spoke out.

"D-D-Doctor, don't simply say stuff like that!"

Scott chuckled a little bit, as he then spoke out.

"Sorry about that. I just couldn't resist."

Francis shakes his head a little bit, as he then looks up a little bit, clearly a little bit mad at what the doctor that he had been serving said. He honestly is just lucky that he is able to get along with him because of how kind he is to him.

As he said that, footsteps were heard, and they are getting closer to the group. This made everyone turn around, and Francis spoke out.

"That doesn't...quick, hide!"

Everyone agrees, as they turned and hid in the shadows, as Francis did the same with Victor, the SCPs that they are with began to hide alongside them. They looked to see who it is behind some crates, and saw that there is a group approaching a barricade. They almost look human, but with some weapons that replaced their hands. They also seem to look like...Cyborgs.

Francis has no idea what they are supposed to be...and he has no idea if this is their rescue this time. The leader then goes up to the barricade and spoke out.

"Hello? This is Tau-5 Irantu, is anyone there? We're here to get you out. Hello?"

This made Francis gasp silently, as the SCP-1765 sisters began to realize what this means. This is their rescue for once. One of the members of Tau-5 spoke out

"Maybe we're too late."

But the leader, Irantu, spoke out.

"We're not too late. Hello? Is anyone there? Can you—"

Then, one of the crates moved, a member of the Mole Rats, Captain Hollis, looked, as she then spoke out.

"Oh boy. The goddamn Power Rangers. They told me about you...You look like you've been hit by a train."

A Tau-5 member named Munru then took the turn to speak out.

"Something like that."

Hollis nodded, as she spoke out.

"Well, come on, then. We don't have much time left."

The team moved, as the survivors then began to get out and go towards the team, with Francis, Victor, and the anomalies joining in as well. As they went to them, one of the Samsara members, Onru, noticed something.

"Irantu, look. Leeches."

This made everyone look, and they look to see that black cracks have begun to form on the walls of the atrium behind them, and wriggling black leeches start to fall out of them, accompanied by a thick, black fluid. Francis, taking notice of this, began to speak out.

"You gotta be pulling my nuts here."

Then, one of the leeches came down from above and tried to go to Gabriel, which made him panic.

"Leave him be!"

SCP-239 had shouted, as she then used her powers to make the leeches disappear back to where they had came from, as Francis spoke out.

"No time to waste. We gotta move, now!"

Everyone did that, as they ran as fast as they could. SCP-134 grabbed onto Miguel and ran, her sight being able to appear finally, while Miguel became blind, as she ran as fast as she could with him, SCP-2599 was grabbed by Richard and they both ran, with SCP-239 and Gabriel running as well. Victor ran to make sure that they are okay, as Francis and the SCP-1765 sisters ran as well in order to go with the team. Francis then began to make some gestures, as white-hot glyphs appeared behind him, and as the leeches try to go to the group, the instead got burned by the glyphs, killed in the process, with Francis continue to make more of the Glyphs as fast as he could.


Francis took a breather, as the group began to slow down, Francis then looks at Victor, who then spoke out.

"Francis, this is getting dire. We're gonna be in serious trouble. Not sure if we'll even be able to get all of us out alive."

Francis then spoke out.

"Yeah, especially since we have some kids in there. May be powerful, but they sure as hell are not able to use their powers well."

Victor nodded his head. The group then stepped in front of 2 entrances, with the leaders of each MTF beginning to make a plan involving the spatial distortions in reality. As they made the plan, Victor then began to speak to the kids...and had an idea.

"Francis, can your backpack fit people in there?"

Francis looks surprised and nodded his head.

"Yeah, it can. Tested out on myself, why?"

He then spoke out to him.

"I need you to try and fit them inside of your backpack. After all, they should be able to survive in it."

This made Francis surprised, but he nodded. He puts down the backpack, and opens it up. SCP-239 looks at the backpack, and while a little bit nervous, she grabs Gabriel's hand, and the both of them went in...and sunk in, with SCP-134 going in next, with her grabbing Miguel in her hand, and the both of them went in as well, as they both too disappeared inside of the backpack. And when SCP-2599 and Richard were about to go in, an MTF spoke out.

"Captain, look at the main door. There are leeches coming under it."

This made them look up, and they are clearly not too happy with this. SCP-2599 looks, and as soon as they began to kill the leeches, Francis spoke out.

"Zena, kill all the leeches."

Zena, upon hearing this command, went in and began to attack them, just as the MTF Members began to kill them.

And needless to say, this was a bloody mess, and while normally, she'd be able to stop with her actions just halfway, Richard, due to his anomalous power, us able to force her to continue until she is done. And after she got rid of all of them, she went up to Francis and spoke out.

"Did good?"

Francis nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, also...get in."

He opened the backpack, and Zena nodded, and she goes to the backpack, with Richard following behind. They both went inside of the backpack, and Francis closed the zipper.

Inside of the backpack, they are inside some sort of black space with stars all over the place, with what seems to be nebula clouds forming a swirl in the background. Inside, the 6 young anomalies are present, as they are floating around inside of it.

"Woah, so this is what the inside of the backpack looks like?"

Gabriel said, as he looked around, with SCP-239 speaking out.

"I did not expect it to look like that."

Richard looks around and spoke out.

"This is cool."

SCP-2599 said nothing, but even she does admit that this place is interesting. Miguel then spoke out.

"Wonder how long we're gonna stay in here."

SCP-134 then took the time to speak out.

"Wait, I want to see what it looks like."

She then grabs onto Miguel's hand, and she is now able to see, although Miguel became blind as a result. She looks around, as she spoke out.

"Wow, the inside is beautiful."

Miguel nodded, although he is a little bit unhappy with the fact that he is unable to see due to what SCP-134 is doing, as Richard spoke out.

"I really hope we get out of this alive."

Back outside, Francis and Victor are moving at the side hallway, as a powerful explosion was felt due to the shaking, as the SCP-1765 sisters moved alongside him, with them also running. But as that happened, a Tau-5 member named Munru spoke out for them to get back, and they did. Munru looks to see that it is an entity writing onto the walls, and one that he has heard of.

Needless to say, he isn't too happy, as the entity moves towards him, it's single eye opener and the robes moved away to reveal the main body, showing more Cognitohazards for him to see, only for him to be able to be fine and killed the entity, along with some other members of the group. Francis looks down at the body, and luckily it's facedown on the ground, so he won't be affected by the Cognitohazard if it isn't seen.

"Geez, very revolting."

He stepped back as far away from the body as possible, going near the ground, as Victor spoke out.

" think it's about to get worse."

Sure enough, it did, as the ground beneath them began to shake, and the area where the body of the writer he began to crack, as the floor gave away, sending the body down, which is consumed by a massive creature that the group had never seen before.

The entity was a leech, and it is massive. More massive than any other leech that they have witnessed. It shrieked and long wet appendages began to slither into the hallway. The SCP-1765 sisters then rewind time on the floor and tried to close it, but the heard of the leech began to bash at it, continuously cracking the floor, while the sisters attempt to repair it. The MTF Members began to fire at the smaller leeches, while Francis began to make gestures and make glyphs to burn them. But eventually, they ran off into a different route in order to find another way out.

"We gotta move, now!"

The sister agreed, as they ran with Francis, going through the dormitory and into a maintenance area behind it. They then went onto the staff break room briefly to bandage up people, as Francis sat down.

"God...what the hell...was that?"

SCP-1765-1 looks down at him, and: spoke out.

"Well...if I were to guess, I'd say it must have been the leader of all these leeches."

SCP-1765-2 then spoke out.

"Yes, it seems so. Clearly, this leech will likely be trying to come for us without any stopping."

Francis sighed and puts his face into his hands, as Victor spoke out.

"Great, this is getting more worse and worse by the passing seconds happening."

The group, after a little while, then moved to the direction of the Thresher wing, and as they went to it, they encountered SCP-553, flying around in the air.

"That is so not good."

As he looked, Irantu then ran into the swarm of SCP-553 butterflies, and a burst of flames suddenly came out through the vents, the sounds of crystals breaking were heard. After that, Irantu came back, his flesh shredded and scorched by both the flames and SCP-553. SCP-1765-1 then spoke out.


She then waved her hand, and Irantu felt his entire body restored to what it once was, as Irantu spoke out.

"Thank you."

They then reached the Thresher Wing, and tried to open it, but with no luck. Francis was ready to bust it down with some Kinetoglphys, but the door opened, and the screen turned on, revealing a humanoid entity in the screen, and he whispered at the sight before him.


Then, Bobble the Clown spoke out

"Hee hee. Hee hah. You're welcome. Heehee. Oh, oh Tanny, oh Tanny, it's so long down here with us. It's so long and sharp, Tanny. Why did you make me hurt, hee hee. Oh-"

The screen turns to static, as Ross spoke out.

"That's a pretty fucked up clown."

Then they went into the wing, and saw that there are more of SCP-553 present, possibly about 500 of them. Francis looked stunned, as Victor sighed and spoke out.


Francis looks up, and spoke out.

"Okay, I don't think my Kinetoglphys are gonna be enough to be able to take them all out at once. You sisters are able to do this?"

The sisters were about to speak, but then, a massive black appendage appeared and caused an explosion. Everyone was knocked a little bit, as everyone turns to look at the appendages, which have red eyes that all opened simultaneously. Then, a massive gaping maw of a giant leech appeared, and SCP-553 then swarmed the entity, scraping and clawing at it with all that they have. Onru goes to the machine, and the butterflies were about to go to him. But Inatu, Francis, and the sisters intervene, with Inatu firing at them, Francis burning them with glyphs, and the sisters simply destroying them. Vigo, one of the members of the MTF, was slammed into the wall, instantly killing him, before he was consumed by the leech. At least his spirit won't be bound to the leech. Then, a bomb as thrown at the leech, which caused it to shriek and move away.

The Thresher device, due to it being deactivated, caused the entire reality to reset, but this also made the original escape route gone, meaning that they'll have to find another one. They went through another hallway, as they went past through some oceans of some sort...with bodies in the water. SCP-1765 looked at the bodies, and shook their heads, as they grabbed Victor and Francis, who are about to become affected by SCP-2316. They went to another room filled with machinery in varying stages of repairs. As they looked...the machinery began to move elsewhere, and they look to see a massive humanoid entity made of machinery, with a small toy robot on top of it.

"Seriously, SCP-1370?"

Then, SCP-1370 spoke out.

"I am reborn to breath devastation upon this fetid Earth. Pitiful humans, you will feel the dark stain of my never ending torment."

Francis was about to step in, but some MTF member put their hands behind him, and looked at them, showing that they'll take care of it. Francis nodded, as he stepped back, and they attacked the upgraded Pesterbot. It was difficult, but they were able to destroy the body and break him. Francis looked down at SCP-1370, and spoke out.

"Never liked that annoying robot anyway. Too annoying."

He and the others then began to go to meet up with the other members of Samsara, one of whom is missing her jaw, and is unable to speak.

"Oh god."

Victor said, while Francis and the SCP-1765 sisters said nothing. Although they could fix her jaw and restore it, they cannot help the reaction that the jawless Samsara made a gesture that amused them when the leader made a somewhat insulting comment on her inability to speak. Hollis then room the time to speak out.

"This is a cute reunion, but let's get back to this shit. How far are we from the entrance?"

Munru then spoke out to answer her."

"This is a main atrium. If we follow this hallway here, it will lead towards a processing station, and past that we should find access points to the surface."

Hollis nodded, as she then spoke out

"Exceptional. Let's get the lead out then, and—"

Before they knew it, From below them, there is a very loud crashing sound and more screaming. The floor beneath the group begins to buckle. Francis, Victor, and the others ran, the group also flees towards the hallway Munru had identified, but are stopped when the floor there also collapses. A plume of smoke erupts from the destroyed floor, and one researcher slips on the collapsing ground and slides into it. Onru leads the group away from the atrium as the floor there completely collapses. Irantu stops to turn and look down inside the hole.

Beneath the hole is an incredibly large chamber, appearing to have been dug through dozens of layers of subterranean floors. Within the chamber are many small lights around the outside, and at the bottom is a massive, black mass, with several other large black masses extending from it. As he is pulled away, Irantu sees red eyes open across the entire mass of the creature, and hears more screaming.

The group flees down a side hallway, but are pursued by long black tendrils snaking out of the hole. Ross and Houston open fire on the tendrils, halting them momentarily, but they are quickly replaced by more. Moros is seen slipping on a patch of black fluid and falling, before being consumed by the ends of one of the tendrils. There are the sounds of metal crashing and rock and concrete being crushed as the structure around them heaves violently. Black leeches begin to pour out of the walls around them, and Nanku opens her flamethrower at them.

They round a corner to find a dead end, and turning back are confronted with another black tendril that has burst through a hole in the wall.

"Oh shit!!"

Acting quickly, he immediately made gesture and made a wall of burning glyphs, which burned the tendril. The group began to panic, but Hollis has an idea.

"Wait. Wait. I have an idea. I think I know where we are, I have an idea. Come on, you fuckers, we're not dying here!"

The group follows Hollis towards a descending stairwell and move quickly down it. Hollis tosses an incendiary grenade towards the encroaching tendrils, and slams the door shut behind her as it explodes. The screams from below them intensify as they descend, and the stairwell begins to shake. Holes in the stairwell open and more leeches begin to pour out of them. All task force members open fire as long tendrils snake through the holes as well. Upon reaching a landing, Hollis motions the group in the door.

"Here! In here! Go go go!"

The group enters a hallway and sprints towards the other end. As they do, they pass a sign on the wall that reads "Stairs to Cryonics". Munru notices this as they pass, and so did Francis.

"Wait...are we going to where I think we're going?"

SCP-1765-2 looks at Francis and spoke out.

"What is it? Do you know where we're going?"

Francis said nothing, as he only has a hunch of where they are going to.

The group exits the hallway into a large observation section, passing many large windows with blast protectors down across them. The team stops in front of one window, overlooking a massive chamber lined with huge steel doors. Overhead are the words "Olympia Class Testing Observation".

It didn't take long for Francis to realize what is about to go down.

"Uh oh."

Victor then spoke out.

"This is going to get messy.

The group runs towards a stairwell at the end of the room and quickly descend to the main level of this wing. As they exit onto the floor of the Olympia Class containment chamber, the wall behind them begins to buckle, and leeches begin to pour out of it. Francis then began to make more and more Glyphs as fast as he could in order to burn them, as the Sisters then began to then the leeches inside out, killing them instantly. Hollis commands Onru and Munru to open 2 of the doors of the chambers, as she then spoken out.

"Everyone else, listen to me. You civilians need to get to the far end of this room, as far as it goes. Just keep running. There's an access point to the power station above this part of the facility, you need to just keep climbing until you get there. Once you're there, you need to blow a wall, that'll get you out. But you need to hurry, shit is about to pop off in a pretty major way down here. Ross, you and your boys just fire at anything that comes out of that wall. I'll tell you when we can go. Irantu, you stay with me. This is going to get pretty messy."

Everyone and agreed. The group flees down the main pathway through the chamber, away from the buckling wall. Behind them, the wall finally gives way, and a gargantuan, black, slick entity pours into the chamber. It is as least 200m in height, covered in black tendrils and dark red eyes. When it sees the group, it opens a massive mouth full of rows of long yellow teeth. In the center of the mouth, a naked human woman is visibly conjoined in some way to a sort of prehensile tongue with the creature.

Francis looked at the woman attached to the tongue, and spoke out


Victor spoke out.

"Francis, what's wrong?"

Francis spoke out.

"The's Dr. Hadley!!"

Victor's eyes widened, as he realized what this meant, turning to the creature, or rather, at the woman attached the tongue of the creature, as he spoke out.

"Hadley, oh god...not you."

Every available task force member opens fire on the creature, emptying their remaining magazines and throwing every possible incendiary weapon towards it. The creature is deterred slightly, but for every place it is pierced by weapons fire, black fluid and more black leeches begin to pour from its body. Several long tendrils begin to snake towards the group of task force members. Onru then spoke out.

"I have it. I have it, Captain Hollis."

She ran back towards the group, as cold mist began to fill the room from the doors opening, and at the same time, suddenly, the door behind Munru begins to glow bright red, then white, and then the center of it buckles and the door collapses. As Munru hurries away, a colossal, motionless, flaming humanoid entity floats out of the chamber. In its unmoving hands is a huge sword. As it exits the collapsed doorway, enormous, flaming wings unfurl from its back. Francis was shocked, as he spoke out.

"The Gate Guardian."

Victor blinked, as he spoke out.

"Never this thought I'd see it in person.

The black creature screams, and its tendrils begin to lash at this creature. As the tendrils come close, long streaks of fire erupt from the sword towards them, rupturing them and sending black fluid and scorched leeches flying across the room. The massive black creature screams, and dozens of other tendrils fly towards the flaming humanoid. As the two engage, there is another sound, like a long whining, and then suddenly the room is silent. Francis turned to look, and his eyes widened in horror, as he realizes what else was in the containment room

From within the cold, foggy room, a towering, vaguely cervine creature steps out into the main chamber. It is composed of a body covered in light green and cream colored hair, a long, thin neck ending in a hairless, somewhat humanoid face, and vast, intertwined white and black antlers that pulse with streaks of blue light. Floating above its head are nine concentric rings of glowing, rotating crystals and metallic spheres. Francis felt fear, as he realizes that it is SCP-2845, The Deer.

The Deer stepped out of the room, and turns to look at the team on the ground below. SCP-2845 opens its mouth and a long, droning sound is heard through the room. Around its body, several large, metallic, cylindrical structures appear followed by a distinct cracking sound. The Deer begins to step towards the team of task force members, but is struck from behind by three black tendrils that wrap around its neck. The Deer lets out another drone, and suddenly the sound returns to the chamber as long streaks of fire arc across the space. The cylindrical constructs turn lengthwise and speed across the room towards the black creature, striking it in its central mass. All 3 of the anomalies all began to fight each other in a sort of 3-way fight.

Hollis, seeing this, shouts in excitement.

"Fucking— yes! Go get em, big guy! Time to fucking go, kids. Let's go!"

Francis, realizing what is about to go down, shouted out.

"This place is getting more dangerous. Everyone, we need to move, now!!!"

The team begins to sprint after the group of civilians towards the far wall, as jets of fire strike the ground around them. T-5 Nanku catches the end of a dismembered black tendril in her shoulder, throwing her off balance. She falls to the ground, firing openly with her weapon as she is engulfed in fire. But the group kept on running.

As they near the group of survivors, all of whom are huddled near an exit door at the end of the chamber, there is a crashing sound, and they turn to see the cervine entity standing up from where it had been thrown across the room. The black creature whips at it as more metallic spheres appear and arc back towards it. There is an eruption of fire as the flaming humanoid is struck by another several tendrils, which try to pull the humanoid towards the mouth of the black entity, who sliced the tendril and flied away. The team reaches the survivors, and quickly exit through the door. The group begins to quickly ascend the staircase within.

Irantu was about to speak, but suddenly, a long, thin metallic cylinder crashes through the wall of the stairwell, narrowly missing one of the researchers and Dr. Scott and Francis.

"OH SHIT!!!"

A second cylinder comes through the wall, striking Irantu and obliterating him as it contacts the wall behind him. As the group continues to ascend, fire fills the stairwell below them, and another long, loud, droning sound can be heard, followed by silence, and then followed by a thick bursting sound that shakes the entire facility. The group reaches a landing, and begins to move towards another staircase at the end of the hallway. Hollis and Munru spoke for a bit, with Hollis having a plan of her own, but had to split up with the group.

For the next ten minutes, the group continues to ascend through the facility, several times narrowly avoiding debris and falling rubble as the lower levels of the site begin to collapse. The sounds of the entities below continue to be heard, and several times the creatures become visible through large gaps in the walls or floors. At one point, Ross and Francis catches sight of the unmoving, flaming humanoid, nearly completely covered in metal, as long streaks of fire burst through open seams in its encasement.

The SCP-1765, knowing they need more time, used their powers and warped reality, making the structure of the metal weak enough for the Gate Guardian to get out of the encasement, and resumed combats. But then, SCP-2845's face appeared through the wall, and 2 of the researchers became transmuted into hexagonal columns, with Victor barely having avoided that. Francis then does a gesture, a glyph appeared beneath himself, the sisters and Victor, and teleported them close to the other survivors. They ran and ran as fast as they could, as the building collapses around them, they felt the entire place shaking, possibly about to fall apart at any moment. They kept on fleeing, and did not stop, until then had reached the exit point. They were out.

"Okay. Keep moving!! Go go go!!!"

Francis shouted, as the Holy Divers, another MTF, appeared on helicopters, taking as many of them as they could. One of them looks at the disheveled sisters, and looked uneasy, but SCP-1765-1 spoke out.

"No time for gawking, get moving."

The MTF soldier nodded, as all of them were in the clear. But suddenly,there is a deafening crackling sound, and a loud hum fills the air. The area around the site begins to visibly distort, as if being seen through water, and then suddenly SCP-1730 is gone. In its place is an immense crater, over 1km in diameter. Francis looked, his eyes widened, yet he went towards the crater...and sighed out.

"Haaa...goodbye Hadley, my friend."


Francis looked down, as he sat onto a bench, along with the Sisters. It had been...quite a very unreal event that had happened to him. He never felt this way before. The survivors were able to get out, although not all of them. And then...the large Leech...the one that has the woman attached to the tongue.

"Oh god...Hadley...what...why have you been...doing. And the it..."

He clearly is unhappy with what he had seen. All of them are in Site-19, with the survivors being interviewed, and he knew that it was time that he'd be next.

As he looked down, he then hear a voice spoke out.

"Oh, there you are."

Francis looked up, and saw a male with black long hair and at the height of 5'10, as well as an amulet around his neck.

Francis' eyes widened, and spoke out.

"No way..."

The one and only, Jack Bright, smiled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Seems my reputation proceeds me, even in another timeline."

Francis, hearing that, laughed a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Welp, you ain't wrong there."

He then stood up, and looks at the Sisters.

"Wait here...and don't do anything ridiculous, okay?"

SCP-1765-1 then spoke out.

"Well, after all that's happened to us...fine."

Francis nodded, as he went to Jack Bright and into a sort of interview room. Bright then pressed onto the recorder and spoke out.

"Okay, so...mind stating your name for the interview.

Francis nodded his head, and spoke out.

"Oh yeah, sure. My name is Francis Licht, a research assistant for Dr Mohammad Scott.

Dr Bright nodded, as he then spoke out.

"Yeah. Told me about that with me, said you were somewhat an admirer of me back in Site-13."

Francis laughed sadly, as he then spoken out.

"Well, only because you were there to brighten everyone's day in there when you were around. You not being around kinda made things sadder."

Bright then spoke out.

"Well, anyways...mind telling me what your experience inside of Site-13 was like. I heard Scott's interview from Dr. Vesterland, but I kinda want to know what your experience with Site-13's like.

Francis sighed.

"Honestly...before the GOC took over, it was stressful, but it wasn't bad. I had everything in my hands, allowing me to do stuff without killing people. Despite how stressful it was, I was pretty good at my job. But the GOC coming changed that. Honestly, Site-13 felt more like hell, or something worse than hell, and it became a damn nightmare for me to be in. Being forced to watch anomalies get killed, even the children anomalies...ugh, having to see one of our own die and executed in front of us for little to no reason, etc. it was simply a nightmare that I wish I found wake up from. But I was forced to be aware to see the shit that the GOC put us through."

Bright nodded, as he spoke out

"Okay...and mind telling me about your version of SCP-1765?"

Francis, a bit unsure of what to say, found the right words to speak it out.

"Well...Emerson was the reason he brought them to site. Somehow, he used some temporal spatial anomalies to bring them into cells for them to be in, especially since there were far away inside of the area that they made as their playground, and...I know what the sisters are like, being cruelly mischievous and all of that, but Emerson...he was way worse and took it up a notch. Tortured them in ways I never thought they'd do before, had far more creativity to make them suffer, made the sisters his bitches, they suffered and began to break under him. And honestly...I felt bad for them, because as scary as they are, Emerson was a true monster compared to them, made the sisters seem like mere saints in comparison. So...whenever Emerson was gone, I would try to do what I can to lessen their pain, their suffering. I played them calming music, I would say some jokes to them, I would try to lighten the mood, kinda like what you do, and well, they kinda grew fond of me. Of course, it was also difficult to try and get to them without being spotted, as Emerson began to suspect me and began to watch me. And thar's when I began using an anomaly that I found on my own, that the others didn't know I had."

Bright then spoke out.

"The Glyphs, you mean?"

Francis nodded.

"Yeah. Had a book that teaches me how to do them, practiced enough to be able to use a lot of stuff. Made explosions, spacial warping, sealing cracks, etc. and it became useful when the breach began. Was able to get the sisters out of here, and had Victor with me, who also has SCPs that he too had become fond with. I even grabbed some anomalies that hadn't been destroyed yet that I decided to use in the Clockworks."

This made Bright interested, as he spoke out.

"Really, which ones?"

Francis then spoke out.

"I grabbed SCP-458 and SCP-500. And with the Clockworks, I put them both in the Very Fine setting. Even put a normal backpack in the Very Fine setting as well."

Now Bright became intrigued, as he spoke out.

"Really? Well, we put SCP-500 in the fine setting in our world, made SCP-427, a locket with the same limitless regeneration as the pills, minus the finite number. But we never put it in Very Fine. What happened when 500 was enhanced by the Very Fine setting?"

Francis raised his head to reveal and choker around his neck, and tapped onto it.

"Made this choker of some sort. When I got exposed to some of SCP-008, this choker somehow expelled the infection out of me, cleaned my systems, and I think made a sort of anomalous immunity shield for my systems, even was able to heal some of my wounds quickly, even cleansed some of my body. Basically, kinda enhanced the regeneration of SCP-500, with some more additional stuff added to it. Also gave me immunity when I was exposed to it again. I think it stays that way if I keep on wearing it."

Bright nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Well, that's cool. And for SCP-458? What happened when it came out of the Very Fine setting?"

Francis looked down at the ground, and spoke out.

"Umm...mind keeping this a secret? Because I don't want anyone to know of this."

Bright smiled, as he spoke out.

"Well, since you're an admirer of me, fine. What is it?"

Francis leaned in and whispered something into his ear. When he was done, Bright felt a bit excited, as he spoke out.

"Okay, that is awesome. You gotta show this to me someday."

Francis nodded, as he then spoke out.

"And as for the backpack, made a sort of pocket dimension inside of it somehow. Made me be able to add some stuff inside without any risk of weight. Can even put humans in and they'll still be fine."

Bright nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"I see. And about the you have it?"

Francis shook his head.

"No. It's still back at Site-13 and is discarded. I think it's destoryed when Site-13 was sent somewhere else."

Bright nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"I see. least you're free to be out of that site."

Francis sighed, and spoke out.

"Yeah, but it doesn't make things happy necessarily. Like, me and Victor got nowhere else to go, I doubt we'd work with the foundation again because of what happened, and I just want to rest."

Jack Bright puts his hands onto his mouth...before he snapped his fingers and spoke out.

"Well...I think there is a place for you to be in. And I think you'll like it."

Francis looked at Bright and spoke out.


Bright nodded, as he spoke out.


He then pressed the button, and ended the recording, as Francis began to wonder what idea that Bright had inside of himself.


Francis is now shown to be inside of a sort of base...that has a hand symbol with a snake on it. Bright made the idea to put him and Victor inside of the Serpent's Hand, in order to keep them safe and okay, as well as allowing them to finally be able to rest. The Serpent's Hand were told of what happened, and needless to say, the Serpent's Hand were kinda not happy with the Site-13 incident. But they took Francis in, only because they needed a home to stay in. Victor was given a choice to come along, but he decided not too, and decides to work at the foundation, only since it is more moral than the original. Luckily, Francis was able to bring SCP-2599, SCP-239, and SCP-134, as well as Richard, Gabriel, and Miguel, with Victor being able to say his goodbyes to them. Now they all have a home to be in, and needless to say, they are enjoying their time here. The SCP-1765 sisters are also happy, since they are able to rest with Francis at their side.

Francis is shown to be walking down the hallway of the Serpent's Hand, and as he did, he sees other rooms thar show SCP-2599 hanging out with Richard, SCP-134 walking through the hallway with Miguel, and since she can see with Miguel touching her, she's dragging Miguel along with her to see the entire bare, and SCP-239 being with Gabriel, and are reading together. But that is not where he is going to. He is going to another room at the side, as he goes inside of it, and spoke out.

"Okay, I'm back."

Suddenly, he's teleport into a hug, as all 3 of the sisters appeared before him and spoke out.

"Nice to see you again, Miguel."

SCP-1765-1 said, before she kissed him, with SCP-1765-2 doing the same. Clearly, all of the sisters began to show their affection more out in the open, as they are showing themselves to love him. This embarrassed him, but he shook his head and spoke out.

"Yeah, of...of course I am."

SCP-1765-3 then pecked him in the cheek, as SCP-1765-1 spoke out.

"By the way...that reminds me, you still haven't shown me what the enhanced SCP-458 can do. Mind showing it to us, please?"

This made Francis chuckled a little bit, as he spoke out.

Okay, if you say so."

He then puts the Pizza Box down, and opened it, and...instead of a pizza inside of the box, it showed a sort of floor that is looking down at the ceiling, and a ladder that connects to both the floor and the box. Francis climbs down the ladder, and the sisters did the same, and they looked to see that...they are inside of some sort of pizzeria. This made the sisters blink, and they see a humanoid entity resembling chef here, who wave at them. This made them blink, as they spoke out.

"Woah...I didn't expect that. Now that is cool."

SCP-1765-1 used her powers to rewrite time, as they are out of the box, and looked at Francis, before she spoke out.

"That is what SCP-458 can do now, of this time?"

Francis nodded.

"Yeah, somehow turned into a giant pizza place. Now it's become a portable pizzeria of some sort."

The SCP-1765 Sisters looked intrigued, as Francis then puts SCP-458 into the backpack, and closed the zipper. Then SCP-1765 hugs Francis from behind, and teleports them to the bed, as the other sisters cuddled with him.

"Honestly, being with you is the greatest gift in our lives."

SCP-1765-1 said, as SCP-1765-2 also spoke out.

"Indeed. It gave us a reason to keep going after what Emerson had done to us. Now we have a far brighter future here."

SCP-1765-3 then hugs his arm and spoke out.

"No more...Site-13."

Francis nodded his head, as SCP-1765-1 hugged his head into her torso, as Francis sighed and closed his eyes. Clearly, he seems to be far happier that he is now free from all that Site-13 has done to him, finally free from the Nightmare that Emerson made, and least he'll live a happy life inside of this alternate version of the Earth, which he will be able to live a good life in for all of time.

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