Chapter : 2

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How to start a good conversation with a depressed boy who also happens to be your crush?

I pressed search as I bit my already bitten nails to control my nerves. I scrolled down the articles with my thumb and banged my head on the school desk in frustration when nothing related to my question popped up.

I thought Google had the answers for everything, guess I was wrong. A groan erupted out of my mouth as I thought about my question. What in the hell, would I say to him to spark up a conversation?

"Hi! Cool shirt" I waved to my invisible crush in front of me with a cheery smile.

Nah....sounds too girly.

He might probably say that he bought that from Target and I would be dying in a corner in embarrassment. But, I know Andrew wouldn't say that, he would simply thank me and paint a rainbow on his lips and leave.

I sighed, so what's next?

"Hey bro, what's up? Coming to Jason's party?" I asked to thin air with an "I am so cool face" and ran my fingers through my violet dyed hair as I winked at the chalkboard.

I face palmed myself. "He'll probably think that you're a tomboy and brother zone you. Do you want that?" My brain asked me and I shook my head rapidly, thinking about the heartbreaking consequences of what would happen if he treated me like I was one of his friends. Maybe I should just hug him and whisper, "Everything's gonna be alright".

I sighed dreamily, wrapping my arms around my imaginary crush as I whispered the consolation and rocked us back and forth, slowly lulling him to peace.

My body froze, when my wide eyes met a pair of glimmering sunny orbs.

Andrew was at the therapist's table with his fist inside his mouth, trying to control his laughter as he looked straight at me. I blushed deeply and retained my body from the ridiculous hugging posture and covered away in shyness.

Great way to make an impression, Amethyst. You took it to another level, today. I cringed in embarrrasment and buried my head in my hands as I heard his laughter and the therapist's fill the classroom.

Great! just great. Now my crush thinks that I'm batshit crazy. All thanks to my weird self.

I groaned internally, pushing away my embarrassent by concentrating on the matter at hands.

Hands? I looked at my pencil - gripping hands as a light bulb flickered in my mind. A smartass grin took over my face as I realized something. So what if I can't talk to him directly, there's always an other way.

My eyes glinted as I wrote down the conversational dialogues on my notepad, tearing off the pages when the lines sounded too cliche or cheesy.



I looked at the present piece of paper in my hand. A little old fashioned but it conveyed a great meaning of care to a depressed guy.

My perfect handwritten love message.

I chuckled at my love - struck dilemma and crumpled the paper, ready to aim my Cupid's arrow straight at his heart.

My hands shook badly as I aimed the paper at the figure sitting, two rows before me and threw it with my sweaty palms.

I watched in slow motion as the crumpled paper flew across the tables and hit his head.

My love arrow was aimed and I was just hoping that my spell would work on him.

There was no backing out now.

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