Chapter 11

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I want to say a very special thank you to 6lack_6arbie for the amazingly beautiful covers she made for this book❤️

Thanks so much guys for the 500+ views. I really appreciate it. I love y'all.Thanks so much😘😘❤️

"Val, aren't you going to school today?" Mum screamed from downstairs. Mum's voice woke me up immediately from my deep happy slumber.

What the hell! I forgot about school and over slept. I quickly jumped down from the bed and rushed to the bathroom. I took a quick bath, wore my panties and proceeded to the job of looking for what to wear.

"Oh no! Not today! Why can't I find anything to wear?" I asked no one in particular. "I am here to save the day!" Dre said as she opened the door to my room.

"There is something called knocking, you know," I said as I realised I was still in my panties. "So? How is that my business?" Dre said rolling her eyes at me. I sighed at her nonchalant behavior.

"Move aside whilst I search for what you shall wear," Dre said dramatically, walking towards my wardrobe. After about five minutes of searching and tossing all the contents of my wardrobe on the floor, Dre squealed.

"This is purrrfect," she said. I laughed at how she purred whilst saying perfect. I quickly grabbed the outfit from her hand. "Thanks. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come to the rescue," I said while quickly putting on the outfit.

"Ya welcome. Now hurry please, we'll be extremely late," she said, helping me pack my books in my bag. I looked at myself in my large mirror... Wow! I must say Dre has a very nice fashion taste, I looked lovely. I quickly put my hair in a tight high pony tail and quickly applied light makeup. I am not a fan of heavy makeup. Moreover I am late already. I put on my black flat shoes, grabbed my bag from Dre and we headed downstairs towards the door.

"Bye guys!" Mum said to Dre and I. "Bye!" we both said. With that we headed hurriedly to school. I smiled when I thought of Liam. "Why are you smiling?" Dre said looking at me and
smiling too. "Liam," I simply said. "Uhhh! I told you my idea was excellent" she said smiling at me.

"Yes! Your idea worked," I said smiling.

"When you told me how he snubbed you, I didn't feel bad like I normally would, because my inner spirit told me he was going to call back," Dre said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Your inner spirit man was right then," I said. "Now tell me everything," Dre said. "Well nothing much... He called back and apologised for being harsh and asked for forgiveness."

"Did you?"

Wasn't the answer obvious already? "Yes I did," I said. "So?" she said, waiting to hear more. Seriously I am too happy right now to even explain anything.

"He called me some sweet names and bade me a goodnight," I said, grinning widely. "I am so happy for you right now, Val" Dre said, dabbing fake tears from her eyes.

"Stop being so dramatic Dre. He hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend," I said. I can't believe I am the one thinking of being somebody's girlfriend. Liam has really done something to me. I can't believe this is me, smiling because of what a guy said.

Dre brought me back to reality. "But he will," she said with an air of confidence. "How do you even know that Dre?"

"My Inner spirit man is working again," she said. "Oh Dre please!" I said laughing. "I am serious," Dre said, trying to put on a serious look.

"Okay. If you say so," I said smiling at her. "How about a ship name?" Dre said. "Please don't try to think of one," I said. Dre was terrible at coming up with ship names. I don't want to even hear what she must have thought of as a ship name for Liam and I. "How about... Vaam?" Dre said.

"Jesus! No Dre, that name is terrible," I said looking at her with a fake horrified look. "Not fair! Ok, how about... Valiam," Dre said.

"That's enough Dre! This name and any other name you'll think of is terrible," I said. "Ouch! But you have not even heard the names I'll think of," she said, pouting. "I don't need to hear it honey. I know they will be terrible" I said to her. "Ouch, again. I am angry, don't talk to me" she said, feigning an angry expression.

"Okay, sorry. How about...Liarie. Or Liame," I said.

"I must admit your ship names are better. I tried though. It's not an easy thing to think of a ship name," she said pouting.

"I know. Sorry for criticizing your ship names," I said. "It's okay," she said.
"But I still love Vaam. And you are not stopping me from using that name for you," she said.
"Please Dre don't let anybody hear that name. It sucks!" I said sincerely. "Okay," Dre said without looking at me. Immediately we reached the school's gate, Dre started skipping and singing,  'Liam and Valerie's ship name is Vaam'. I ran after her trying to shut her up.

Hey guys,

Please help me with the ship names. Drop in ship names for Liam and Valerie. I'd like to see all of them. I suck at ship names.The evidence is above😂. Thank you

Please tap on the little star below,yes right there. Thank you.

Love Jessie♥️

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