Chapter 17

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Cover by powertino 😘

"Morning mom!" I said coming downstairs in my night wear. Mom was cooking in the kitchen. I could perceive the aroma of the food wafting through the house. I hope the food tastes as nice as it smells.

"Morning dear! How was your night?" Mom said from the kitchen shouting a little so I would hear her. I walked into the kitchen and hugged mom from the back. I haven't spent time with mom for sometime now. She is always busy during weekends. Either going for lunch or dinner or a business meeting.

"My night was not bad. How was yours?" I said as the memory of last night came flooding back. "Great" she said.

"This smells nice mom," I said as I pinched a little from what looked like pancake which she placed on a plate. I almost puked as I chewed the thing. It was more than horrible. I chewed it whilst squeezing my face and looking away from mom, so she won't notice.

"It's nice," I said between clenched teeth. "Aww's actually a new recipe I learnt from a colleague at work," she said still concentrating on what she was frying. "Oh ok!" I said going over to sit on the dinning table in the kitchen. "By the way Val, grandma would be visiting next weekend," she said. A genuinely happy smile appeared on my face.

Apart from the fact that good food was finally coming my way, I have missed grandma so much. She had not come to visit for a long time now. She always gives an excuse of having to take care of her babies which by the way are her pigs. Grandma rears pigs to keep herself busy and not feel lonely.

There is never a dull moment with grandma. She can be categorised under 'cool Grandmas' easily. Grandma was very carefree and you would never experience a boring or dull moment with Grandma.  She is seventy-eight and prefers to be called by her first name Ellen because according to her 'grandma' sounds old and calling her that makes her feel twice her age.

"Mom that's great! I can't wait! I have really missed her," I said squealing. "I have missed her too" Mom said.

After few minutes, mom was done with making breakfast. My stomach made a growling noise as I remembered how nasty the little I had tasted was. I don't want mom to feel bad or horrible, so I have to eat the food like it has no issues. My stomach made a growling noise again, louder than the first this time. "I can see you are hungry," Mom said, placing the plate of food in front of me.

"Thanks mom," I said giving her a small smile. "Have your tea" she said, handing over the cup of tea. "Thanks mom" I said again sipping my tea. "You're welcome," mom said sitting down to eat her food. I watched mom take a bite of what she made. I didn't fail to notice the sour look that appeared on her face moment she chewed on it. I almost chocked on my laughter.

"Oh my!" mom said rushing over to the sink to rinse her mouth. I burst out laughing. Mom's face was priceless. She looked like she had unknowingly chewed a dead cockroach. "Mom, I need to take a picture of your face," I said in between laughter. "I guess we would order Chinese today," she said sheepishly, not looking too pleased with herself.

Mom knew she was horrible at cooking, but she would never admit it. I don't know why. "Okay mom, I'll order," I said, standing up from the table and trotting over to the sitting room, so mom would not see the laughter I was trying so hard to suppress in order not to get on her nerves this morning.

After few minutes mom came into the sitting room. I guess she was done with the work of having to thrash the disastrous new recipe. "Have you ordered yet?" mom asked sitting on the couch directly opposite the television. "Yes mom I have. It will be delivered in fifteen minutes," I said sitting on another couch.

Mom broke the silence that was about to loom. "How was your date last night Val? You didn't look good when you came in last night," Mom said looking at me with concern. Oh no! I had planned to avoid this question today. I don't want mom to know what happened yesterday, because she would be very worried and she also would never allow Liam come near me again. Either in school or anywhere else.

You might wonder how mom would be able to keep Liam away from me, even in school. Trust me when I say, mom has her ways. " it was okay," I said looking everywhere and nowhere.

"Val stop lying to me," Mom said plainly. "I am not lying mom," I said still not looking at her. "You are Val," she said. I could feel her scrutinising gaze on me. "I am not" I said. "You are sweating on your forehead," she said still looking at me. Wait! What? How does that have anything to do with me lying?

The statement forced me to look at her. She had a smirk on her face. "What does that have to do with anything, mom?" I asked slightly confused. "You sweat on your forehead when you are lying," she said still smirking. How did I not even know that about myself? It's definitely a subconscious thing. I couldn't even say anything because I was both shocked and embarrassed. I suddenly found my slippers an entertaining object.

"No need to be embarrassed, princess" mom said concern evident in her voice. That name reminds me of no other person than... "I am your mother and I know a lot of things about you, Valerie," she said.

"Mom, it's nothing I can't handle. If there is any problem along the line, I'd let you know. Trust me," I said taking my eyes away from my slippers.

"Okay, if you say so. Just know I love you and I will always be here for you," she said smiling at me. "Love you too mom" I said smiling back.

Ding dong... "Finally!" Mom said. I got our breakfast from the delivery man at the door. And within few minutes mom and I had finished the food. "I loved the food," mom said, going into the kitchen with the wrappers. "Me too. I will be in my room and I am expecting Dre later today," I said walking up the stairs. "Ok" mom said.

"Are you going out today?" I asked. "No honey. I am all yours," she said in a funny way. I chuckled and went into my room.

Hey guys!

What are your thoughts on this chapter?

Special thank you to powertino for the beautiful covers she made.❤️❤️

Don't forget to click on the 🌟 below the screen,yes right there. Thank you.

Love Jessie♥️

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