Chapter 24

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Cover by Diana_Simpson

"I will miss you Grandma Ellen!" I said as Grandma, Mom and I got to the car that was to take Grandma back home. "I will miss you too Val sweetheart. Make sure you take care of your mom, okay?," Grandma said, spreading her arms for a hug. "Yes Grandma Ellen, I will," I said hugging her back. She hugged mom too and got into the car.

"Say bye to them Luxy!" Grandma said looking at Luxy and fondling her ears. Luxy just glanced at us and resumed staring at Grandma's lap. "It seems like Luxy is not in a good mood. Bye guys!" Grandma said smiling. Oh please! Luxy is not always in a good mood.

"Bye Grandma Ellen!" I said waving as the car started moving slowly. "Bye Mom," Mom said waving at Grandma too. " love you guys, stay safe!" Grandma said as the car zoomed off.

"Love you too," Mom and I said in unison. We walked back into the house. Thank goodness, Grandma stocked the freezer with a lot of food. So I'll thankfully eat well for at least a month. Yes, that's how much food Grandma left in the freezer.

"Mom I'll be in my room," I said. "Okay Val, I'll be heading out later," Mom said. "Um... okay, that's fine," I replied as I walked towards my room. Living with Luxy got better, as Grandma finally agreed to put Luxy in a cage, only on the condition that Luxy was going to stay in her room and not outside. Mom agreed immediately, because Luxy messed up the house daily, as she was always going about scattering and sniffing through things. Which left mom with the work of daily cleaning.

On the other hand, up until now, Dre had refused to step her feet in the house, all because of her fear for animals in general. Every morning when she arrived at the house, she'd call me to inform me that she was outside and I should come out. The shrill sound of my phone's ringtone, snapped me from my reverie. I picked the phone from the night stand and checked the caller ID. Dre!

"Hey Val!" Dre squealed.

"Hey ya!" I replied, chewing on my nails. I know it's a bad habit, but then, I can't stop it. My hand just goes to my mouth on its own accord. I can't even count how many times mom has warned me never to chew my nails .

"So what do you think? I'm so excited!" Dre's voice said over the phone disrupting my thoughts.

"Um.... Sorry, what?" I asked.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?" Dre groaned.

"Sorry, I didn't. Come again?" I said. She sighed before repeating all she said before. "OMG! That's awesome!" I said, smiling. "I know right?" she squealed. With the way she sounded, she was, no doubt grinning widely too.

"Tell me how it all started," I said, getting comfortably snuggled in my bed. "Okay! He's from school and we've met few times. We got talking one day and he told me how he has being seeing me around and that he likes me," she said breathless.

"Then?" I said, urging her to keep talking. "He asked for my number one day. And that's how it all started" she said.

"Where was I when these events were taking place?" I asked. "You were busy with Liam," she simply stated. Hearing his name made me smile. We last talked Friday night, which was the previous day.

"Oh, shut up!" I said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

"So, what's his name?"

"His name is Sam."

"Awwn, I already have a ship name for you's" I said in a fake British accent.

"Please I'd like to hear it," Dre said in the same accent

"Sadre," I said as I burst into laughter.

"Never!" Dre screamed.

"Why? Don't you like the name?" I asked in between laughter.

"It's terrible," she simply said.

"Now you know how it was when you made up that terrible ship name for Liam and I, when we started," I said chuckling.

"So this is revenge?" She asked.

"Oh, no! That's the only name I can come up with I'm afraid," I said, grinning.

"Whatever!" she replied.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I've gotta go, Val," she said hastily.


"I want to do a video call with my baby."

"So you want to ditch me for a guy?"

"Of course not! I'd never do that. Just see it as me having to attend an important meeting okay? Talk to you later. Bye!" she said as the line went dead. She didn't even wait for me to reply before ending the call.

I can't wait to meet Sam. I hope he doesn't break Dre's heart like her previous stupid boyfriends have. She has some guts to even get involved in a relationship after being in relationships that didn't turn out well for like four times now. If I were Dre, I'd have given up on guys and applied to go to a seminary after I'm done with school, rather than wasting my time on guys. I just hope what I have with Liam works out fine.

Speaking of Liam, we've being good this past few days, without any troubles from Lisa. It seems like she really meant it when she apologised. My phone ringtone brought me out of my thoughts again. I picked my phone up from the bed and answered the call.

"How's my princess doing?" Liam's sweet voice said from the other end of the line.

"I'm fine," I replied smiling.

"Great! Will you be free tomorrow evening?" he asked.

"Yes." "I'm usually always free during weekends, especially on Sundays."

"Cool. I'll pick you up at six."

"Where are we going?" I asked already getting excited.

"Out," he merely replied in a cool voice.

"A date?" I asked smiling.

"Call it what you want to," he replied. "Bye princess," he said.

"Bye," I replied as I ended the call. I quickly called Dre.

"You just disrupted my call, what do you want child?" She asked as she picked on the last ring. I rolled my eyes. "I'm going on a date tomorrow," I said smiling. "Yayyy! I'll be there by what time?" she asked enthusiastically.

"5:00 PM,"  I replied.


"Ok" I said.

"Hold on. Is Luxy still at your house?" She asked in a tensed voice.

"No! They left earlier today," I replied, chuckling.

"Thank goodness! See you tomorrow," she said.

"Love you. Bye!"

"Love you too. Bye," She said before the line went dead. I hope all goes well this time.

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Love Jessie♥️

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