Chapter 9

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This book is over 300 reads. Thanks so so much. You guys are the best😘

After looking for Dre for around to ten minutes, I finally found her. She was sitting under the large tree where I once found an imaginary Spider on her shoulder. I remembered how she jumped and screamed because of a spider. Dre is very childish, but serious when she wants to be.

I just have to go over there and apologize, then tell her everything about Liam and myself. Val you can do this. Go over there already and tell her.

I walked over to the tree. She was sitting and closing her eyes. I must say this place is a very relaxing spot. The wind here just gave the mind tranquility and helps to clear one's head. Dre sure knows how to relax herself. Ok Val let's do this, it should be easy and she is your best friend, so she'll forgive you.

"Dre?" She didn't respond.



"I am sorry"

"For what?"

Why is Dre playing hard to get now? She has not even opened her eyes to look at me. "For not telling you about me and Liam."

"Is that all?"
"Dre don't play hard to get. I said I am sorry"
"And I've heard you," she said, still not looking at me.

"Dre! Pwetty pweez. I am sowwie," I said trying so hard not to laugh at the sound of my voice.
She opened her eyes and looked at me trying so hard to suppress the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Don't you ever keep anything from me," she said smiling at me already.

"I make a pinky promise to you this day Deandre Williams, that I shall never keep any secrets from you." She held out her pinkie, and I linked mine with her's, sealing the promise.

Dre stood up and gave me a hug while laughing because of the accent I had just tried. "It's okay Val. You are my best friend and I can never stay angry with you" she said, pulling away from the hug and linking her hands with mine.

"Thanks baby, you are the best" I said smiling at her.

"I know." We both laughed as we walked back into the school building. Classes were about to start.

"We are not having any class together now. But after school don't hesitate to tell me everything. Understand?" She said. "Yes mummy I will. Hurry now or we'll be late for class," I said, pushing her a little towards the opposite direction.

"Okay okay! I'm leaving," she said. Finally things are fine between me and my best friend. My Life is gradually falling into place. Just one more thing left. And I'll wait to hear my best friend's take on that part of my life.

I have to head to class now or I'll have to face the annoying teacher. School closed sooner than expected. I'm happy though. I don't like being in school anyways.

I walked over to the gate to wait for Dre. We usually did that so we would not have to look  for each other for long.  "Val let's go," she said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Sure."

With that we walked out of the school gate and walked towards my house. "So Dre, what held you up?"

She was looking at me with confusion written all over her face.

"You came out late today," I explained.

"Oh that! Mr Collins was being such a pain in the neck! Don't know what I did to him today," I laughed at the way she scrunched up her face when she called the man's name. "I think that is a thing with all teachers. Mr Vincent is always picking on everything I do. He just doesn't like me at all."

Dre chuckled lightly then turned towards me wearing a serious look. What now? "Spill," she said. Well I can't pretend not to know what she is talking about, so I'll just tell her.

"Okay... There is nothing really going on, he just sent me a text message some days back and we talked a little and I was playing hard to get. He has not told me he likes me yet and he probably never will because I've ruined everything and I don't even know if I have feelings for him," I said face palming myself. Wow! It feels so good letting out your thoughts. Everything you have being holding back. I feel renewed in a way.

"Okay Val, start with telling me how you have ruined everything," she said looking at me with pity. "Um..., today after our mini fight, I was angry and he asked me what was wrong and I just shouted at him in front of some students and he was hurt and embarrassed. I know because I saw it in his eyes, he just  looked at me and walked away."

"Ok... Don't feel bad, well what you did was harsh but don't worry about it. He will come around that is if he has feelings for you."

"Thanks Dre don't know what I would do without you," I said.

"Oh please, don't flatter me," she said smiling. I laughed. Dre is just so fun to be with. "But you have to apologise. You have his phone number, so give him a call later tonight and say you are sorry."

"I can't Dre. He won't listen to me, that is if he even picks up," I said while a tear dropped.

"Woah! Who are you and what have you done with Val? Because my best friend Val would never cry over a guy, for Christ sake! She doesn't even like guys," Dre said. I laughed at her attempt to lift my spirit. She is just the best.

"Val, honey, I think for the first time in your life you like a guy. Don't feel bad he will come around okay? Just apologise later tonight and it will work magic."

" Thanks Dre" I said a little bit teary.

"Please stop it Val, what are friends for?"

"I love you" I said to her.

"I love you too now stop being sad and put on a smile." I smiled at her and with that we walked home hand in hand. I would never ask for a better best friend.

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Love Jessie♥️

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