The Big Move

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I was in my new home in Kuoh. My family and I just moved in. While My mom decided to go out and get some pizza for dinner, my dad decided to stay home and help me unpack the boxes. I just finished putting the dishes away and he finished putting the food in the freezer and refrigerator.

Y/N: Alright. let's see what we finished. Food.

D/N: Check. Dishes and silver wear?

Y/N: Check. Beds, blankets, and pillows?

D/N: Check. Rest of the stuff?

Y/N: Later.

D/N: Agreed

The both of us then took a seat on the couch. As he was looking around I was on my phone. I was looking at the news in Kuoh.

D/N: What are you reading?

Y/N: The news in Kuoh. Apparently there's been some missing persons cases that haven't been solved and they're increasing. Are you sure it was a good idea moving here?

D/N: Son, I know you miss Kyoto, but your mother and I had to in order to keep our jobs. Just because something bad happens here doesn't mean it'll affect us.

Y/N: Damn.

D/N: I miss Kyoto too buddy, but my job needed me to be here and your mother wanted to move. Besides, don't you have that girls phone number? What was her name again? Oh yeah! Kunou! Aren't you two close?

Y/N: Shut up dad. It's not like that.

D/N: Sure.

???: Your father has a point.

My arm glowed green and an obsidian colored gauntlet with a green gem in the middle of it appeared on my arm.

Y/N: Come on Brachy. Not you too.

Brachydios: Love isn't something you should be embarrassed about.

D/N: You should listen to Brachy. I mean look at me. I married your mother and we love each other to this day.

Y/N: Why am I getting a motivational speech about love on the day we moved in?

Brachydios: Because I don't want my partner being an oblivious main character that can't tell when a girl likes him!

Y/N: I know she likes me!

D/N: And do you like her back?

Y/N: Yeah, but-

D/N: But what?

Y/N: Look, I'm  already in a relationship right now. I don't want to be a polygamist. Plus, we're in devil territory which means if they find out about Brachy they'll go for you to get to me. One of the reasons I didn't want to move.

D/N: Son Your mother and I will be fine.

Y/N: Will you!? Because the last time you said that we were attacked by fallen angels and you ended up in the hospital!

Brachy: Kid.

Y/N: No! I'm not having this conversation!

I ran upstairs into my room and slammed my door shut. I hate this.

3rd. Pov.

D/N was standing downstairs looking in the direction his son went with a sad look on his face. Suddenly the front door opened and in came Y/N's mother.

M/N: I'm back!

She looked around and saw only her husband.

M/N: Where's Y/N?

All he did was look away and point up the stairs.

D/N: This is going to be harder for him than I thought.

M/N: Honey.

D/N: Was this really a good idea?

M/N: He just needs time.

D/N: I hope so.

Meanwhile back upstairs with Y/N he's seen on his bed with his phone texting someone.

Y/N: Hey. Are you up?

???: I am. How are you?

Y/N: Not good. Just moved to Kuoh. Hate it already.

???: Just give it a chance. I'll be visiting in a few days anyways.

Y/N: Want to meet up?

???: Sure. Only if you promise to give Kuoh a shot. It may be owned by devils, but it's still a nice place.

Y/N: Fine.

???: Good now get some sleep. I have some work to do and you have school tomorrow if you just moved in.

Y/N: Whatever. See you later Riser.

Riser: See you later.

With that he placed his phone down and lied on his back staring at the ceiling.

Brachydios: Are you going to take his advice?

Y/N: Not like I have much of a choice.

Brachydios: Moving to someplace new is always hard. It was hard for me.

Y/N: You mean when you were alive?

Barchydios: Yep. Never got the chance to stay in one place. Always being hunted down whether it was by the factions or the dragons. There was one though who did try to help me.

Y/N: Who was it?

Brachydios: A story for another time. It would appear you have company.

As soon as he said that there was a knock on his door.

M/N: Y/N? Can I come in?

Y/N: Yeah.

As his mother walked in she smiled and sat down at the edge of his bed.

M/N: Hey sweetie. How are you holding up?

Y/N: Alright I guess.

M/N: Honey I know moving to a new city is difficult and with this whole supernatural thing, but your father and I only want what we think will support all of us as a family.

Y/N: I know. It's just... I'm still just coming to terms with it.

M/N: That's alright. Just please, try and give Kuoh a chance.

Y/N: No promises.

M/N: That's all I can ask for. Now come downstairs. I brought back pizza and knowing your father he's already started eating without us.

Y/N: Ok.

They went downstairs and ate together with smiles on their faces. Meanwhile a red headed devil was looking out a window into the night sky.

Rias: What is that power? I should have the others investigate tomorrow after school.

Akeno: Rias? Is everything alright?

Rias: I'm not sure. Let's worry about that tomorrow.

Akeno: Ok.

With Akeno leaving the room, Rias can't help but feel worried.


The next morning, Y/N is seen wearing a school uniform while sitting at the kitchen table.

D/N: So, are you excited for school?

Y/N: What sane individual would say yes?

D/N: Quite a few actually.

Y/N: School is school. There's nothing really exciting about it.

D/N: Well when you're at school I want you to at least try to make friends.

Y/N: Only if they want to. Where's mom?

D/N: She went out to work already. She should be home by the time you get home from school though.

Y/N: Alright. Well I better get going or else I'll be late.

D/N: Have a nice day.

Y/N: Thank. You too.

As Y/N left his home he began heading to Kuoh Academy. Once he got there many of the student started making comments about him. All of them he ignored once he got inside a girl with short hair and glasses approached him.

???: Y/N L/N?

Y/N: Yes?

Sona: Hello. My name is Sona Shitori I'm the student council president. The headmaster requested that I give you your schedule and bring you to your class.

Y/N: Oh. Well thanks.

As they walked down the hallway Sona was telling Y/N about the history of Kuoh academy. To his surprise it used to be an all girl school. She also warned him about some perverts and to inform any of the teachers if he saw any of that activity. After a few minutes they made it to the Student Council Office. Sona went and got the schedule and looked at it before handing it to him.

Sona: It looks like you're in my class. Follow me.

Y/N: Lead the way.

After they walked for a few minutes they made it to the classroom.

Sona: Wait out here for a moment please.

Y/N: Sure.

After a minute the door opened and the teacher was there instead of Sona.

Teacher: Come on in and introduce yourself.

Y/N Then went inside and faced the class.

Y/N: My name is Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you all.

Teacher: Now, do any of you have any questions for Mr. L/N?

Boy: Where are you from?

Y/N: I just moved here from Kyoto.

Girl: Are you single?

Y/N: Um, no. I'm engaged.

Students: ....

Y/N: What?

Girl: You're engaged?

Y/N: Yeah.

Everyone: Ehhhh!!!!!!????

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