The Reveal

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3rd. Pov.

Rias: What are you talking about? My brother wouldn't want to start a war. And he most certainly doesn't have an Elder Dragon. They don't even exist. Why would you make those accusations?

Brachy: Because they're true. I'm afraid your brother has been affected by the Dragon Blight.

Rias: The Dragon Blight is a myth. Come on everyone let's go.

Everyone got up and started to leave the house. However Issei remained sitting on the couch. Rias noticed this and called for him.

Rias: Issei, let's go.

Issei: He's telling the truth.

Rias: What?

Issei: During the fight I discovered that it was Y/N.


Issei dashed over to Y/N and threw a punch that made a massive dust cloud.  Y/N caught the punch, but the force pushed Y/N's hood back revealing his face.

Issei: Y/N? Why are you doing this?

Y/N: Issei, I need you to trust me. I'm not doing this to marry Rias. I'm doing this to save her, But I need your help.

Issei: My help?

Y/N: You need to keep fighting as hard as you can.

Issei: What's going on?

Y/N: All I can say is, her brother isn't as good as he seems. Rias along with the supernatural are in danger and to stop him I need to win this fight. Don't hold back no matter what.

Issei: But why?

Y/N: Please Issei. I need you to do this. If not for me, do it for her.

Issei: ...ok.

Y/N put his cap back on and smiled

Y/N: Thanks perv.

As the dust cloud settles Y/N and Issei stare each other down and continue to fight.


Rias: You knew?

Issei: I couldn't tell you until after the fight, but since Y/N wanted to have a meeting at his place it made things easier.

Rias: And you believe him!?

Issei: ...

Rias: Why?

Issei: Because he was right.

Rias along with her peerage was taken back by this.

Issei: I don't know what it was, but whenever I looked at your brother or got near him I got this weird feeling. It was like I was going to die right on the spot.

Rias: That's just my brothers power.

Issei: Did any of you feel it when you were close to him?

Rias and her peerage were silent. They've been around Sirzechs before, but none of them ever felt in danger before.

Kiba: Then why did you feel threatened?

Y/N: That would be the Dragon Blight. While it can increase the power of some, it's deadly to Dragons.

Rias: But, elder dragons aren't real. They're just creatures from fairy tales.

Brachy: They are very much real Gremory. They are just scarce.

Rias: Ok, but how would he even get this Dragon Blight?

Riser: With the investigation we've been doing we have reason to believe that an elder dragon may have been wounded and Lord Bael ordered Sirzechs to retrieve it or kill it. After being exposed to the Blight it started to change him.

Rias: Change him how?

Brachy: You might want to sit down for this.

Rias and her peerage sat back down and listened closely to what Y/N was going to tell them.

Y/N: Now while the Dragon Blight is deadly to dragons they affect other beings in different ways. It could a power booster or a power dampener. For Sirzechs it's a booster.

Rias: So how is that a bad thing?

Y/N: The thing about Dragon  Blight being a booster is that there's always a catch. It will alter your mind, body, or soul. All three of these will change eventually, but how fast it will change depends on the persons' will. If the mind changes then the personality changes. If the body body changes then the person will start to mutate until they look like the Elder Dragon that the blight came from. The soul however is tricky. When the soul is affected by the blight the individual starts to become more protective of it. Eventually they'll rely on it so much that' they'll start to become the Elder Dragon. The process starts from one of those three points. We have reason to believe that Lord Bael originally wanted to claim the Elder Dragon for himself and sent Sirzechs out to collect it, but once Sirzechs was affected by the blight his mind was altered and now he has it and is still sapping the blight from it as we speak.

Rias: Is there any evidence to back this up?

Y/N: It should be here right about-

Suddenly, a magic circle with the Phenex clan symbol appears and Lady and Lord Phenex stepped out of it.

Y/N: Ah. Right on time.

Lord Phenex: I apologize for being late.

Y/N: No problem. Did you get it?

Lady Phenex brought out a bottle with a strange red electricity hitting the glass. She placed it on the coffee table so everyone could see it.

Rias: What is that?

Y/N: That, is Dragon Blight. The bane of all dragons.

Rias was surprised to say the least. Almost everything she was told was proven to be true. She started to think of how long this kind of activity had been going on. She looked down at the jar as her eyes started to water. There was no specific emotion on her face as the tears started to flow. Akeno noticed this and hugged her, but Rias didn't respond to the comfort. Y/N looked at Rias with concern. He expected her to take it hard, but he never expected it to be so bad.

Y/N: I know that this is a lot to take in so take as much time as you need to register this.

Rias: How long?

Y/N: What?

Rias: How long has this been going on. The Dragon, the plan, the secrets. How long has this been going on.

Y/N: Based on the reports and discoveries we've made I'd say a couple of months. Maybe even a year.

Rias: I need to go.

Y/N: Rias-

Rias: I need to think about this.

Y/N: Rias, you can't tell anyone about this. Not even your parents.

Rias: And why not!? It's my family! Why can't they help.

Y/N: Because they don't know about it!

Rias: ... All this time, I thought he was doing all of this to help me, but he was only doing this for himself. The wedding, the rating game. All of it! What am I? If everything I know is a lie then what am I? What do I do?

Rias dropped to her knees covering her face with her hands. Y/N walked over to her and kneeled down so he was at her level and hugged her. At first she didn't do anything, but after a while she cried and hugged him back. A few minutes passed and she calmed down. Her eyes were red and puffy, but she was doing her best to keep it together.

Rias: What can we do?

Y/N: Right now we need to find out what kind of Elder Dragon we're dealing with. Once we know we can figure out how to deal with Sirzechs from there.

Kiba: What do you mean by that?

Y/N: If it's as bad as I think it is then we may need to restrain Sirzechs to remove the Dragon Blight. You see, in some cases, very rare cases, a person who's been afflicted could theoretically invoke the power of the elder dragon the blight came from.

Koneko: That can't be possible. If it's affecting him on a mental or spiritual level you would need a powerful Yokai to help extract it from him.

Y/N: Or one Nulberry.

Akeno: What's a Nulberry?

Y/N reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small blue colored berry and places it on the coffee table.

Y/N: "This" is a Nulberry. It can completely negate any from of blight. There aren't as many as there used to be since the Great War, but we only need one. If we can get him to eat it the blight will wear off and we can move on and start part two of the plan.

Issei: And that would be?

Y/N: Figuring out which Elder Dragon is under his study. We also need to find out how it was captured and if Lord Bael wanted it in the first place.

Ravel: We still have a long ways ahead of us to find out the truth.

Lord Phenex: You have our full support on this project Y/N.

Riser: As the heir of the Phenex family I can't let you have all of the fun so I'll be sticking close from now on.

Rias: I want to know why this is happening and why my brother is involved. I don't want to believe it, but I want to know the truth. I'll hep you uncover the truth.

Y/N: I'm glad that you're onboard. Now first things first, we can't let anyone else know about this. That includes Sona and her peerage. The Phenex Clan will continue with their investigations in the underworld. Rias, I want you and your peerage to do some research here in the human world. I'll make some calls to the Yokai and see if they can analyze the Blight so it can be specified.

Lady Phenex: I think I have something that could help.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Lady Phenex: When we got to the hidden staircase in his study I found this strange looking liquid on the stairs.

Lady Phenex pulled out a second bottle that had a very little amount of black liquid in it. Y/N took it and looked closer.

Y/N: I've never seen anything like this before. I'll look into it. Are there any questions?

Rias: Can we really turn my brother back?

Y/N: I promise you, I'll do everything in my power to help save him.

Rias smiled and stood up and walked towards the door along with her peerage. She stops and turns back to smile at Y/N.

Rias: Y/N, thank you. For all of this.

Y/N: Any time.

Rias and her peerage left as the Phenex clan stood up and gathered together.

Riser: Well as much as we'd love to stay for a bit longer, we've got to go.

Lord Phenex: It's always nice to speak with you Y/N.

Lady Phenex: And it's always nice to be in your presence lord Brachydios.

Y/N:  Indeed. Let's all get together when this is all over.

Brachy: And Riser, I hope that you and my partner could spar together next time.

Riser: I look forward to it. I have yet to show my full power.

Lady Phenex: Ravel, isn't there something you want to say?

Ravel looks at the ground with a blush on her face as she shuffles around.

Ravel: It was nice seeing you again Y/N.

Y/N: And it was nice seeing you again my little canary.

Ravel then went and hid behind her mother with her face completely red.

Lady: Phenex: Goodbye you two. Tell your parents that we said hello.

Y/N: Will do. See ya later.

With that, the Phenex family left through a teleportation circle leaving only Y/N and Brachydios alone.

Brachy: So now what?

Y/N: Now we get some rest. We've had a long day and I need some sleep. We'll contact Yasaka tomorrow.

Brachy: Y/N, it's only 1:47.

Y/N: Goodnight Brachy.

Brachy: Kid, you're going to ruin your sleeping schedule!

Y/N: Goodnight.

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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