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Hey guys welcome back to my story, I've now returned and now I can continue with my story, I'm sorry for leaving, so I hope a brand new monster girl will be a good replacement for that.

♡♡♡♡💖 ♡♡♡♡

You were asleep when you woke up, you felt energized, so completely full of energy you couldn't stay in place, it's almost like as if you had a 6-8 month vacation from these girls, but now you're ready to do anything. You went around the house doing all sorts of house chores such as mopping the floor, tidying things up, cleaning the glass, basically, you were making the house spotless, except in the girl's room, it was still technically a full moon, but luckily it appears to be blocked by a huge cloud. You smiled before grabbing the garbage and walking outside, you were walking to your trash can when you froze... inside your trash can was a huge snake tail, meaning that the massive snake must've been inside the trash, you gulped before sneaking up on it, however as soon as you got close to it, you got kinda surprised, when you stepped on a conveniently placed leaf it made a crunching noise and it immediately jumped out, you expected to see a snake trying to kill you, but instead it was a girl? A snake girl?

???:"AGH! I-I'm sorry for sneaking in your garbage, I was just hungry!"

You tried to say something but you couldn't, however you quickly realized you were gonna stay with her for a while, it appears her tail was tied up to your foot

Y/N:"You know out of all the ways the author could've introduced he- WOAH!"

You feel onto the ground and was dragged against the floor at an alarming speed, you were protecting yourself from any debris flying at you

Y/N:"Hey! Stop! Stop! You got me tied up!"

She looked behind and yelped before slithering even faster


This went on for a long time, and just like that, she took you... well, she didn't want to, but she kinda did. However, I don't think you know just how serious this was...

Zed:"Hello? Darling? It's time to wake up sweetie, rise, and shine, remember, you made it through the night without raping Y/N! What an amazing achievement!"

Ted:"Yeah, but she used me to unzip his pants... let me tell you, Louise, don't ever include me in your love life ever again, that was disgusting"

Louise groans and stretches before waking up

Louise:"Ugh, fine I will, and thanks for encouragement Zed"

She smiled and got dressed before coming downstairs and looked around before she realized you weren't in the kitchen making breakfast like usual

Louise:"Huh? Where's Y/N? Hmm...

Zed:"Oh it's fine Louise, I'm sure he's resting in bed, maybe we should go surprise him?"

Ted:"oh no not another one of your dumb plans..."

Louise dismisses ted and gets up before giggling as she makes her way to your room

Louise:"Wake up my prince of- huh?"

She looks around the room and finds that you aren't in bed she gets a bit nervous and began to search throughout the house, she was making such a big ruckus it woke up the other girls, except Bonnie, she's a heavy sleeper. The girls ran down that stairs and looked at Louise destroying the couch to see if you were inside

Hanan:"Ooh! Are we playing destroy! I can do that too!"

Hanan happily sliced and destroyed stuff while Louise looked frantically for you, Hanako was a bit agitated that Hanan was destroying the house, Mitsuru was just plain old confused, but Siv seemed pretty serious, she then went to the center of the room and stood there

Siv:"Won't you two stop destroying the house! Seriously Hanan how stupid are you!"

Hanan:"Hey, that isn't nice..."

Siv:"Exactly, but life isn't nice... and as for you Louise! I can tell right now you're worried... that frown, those eyebrows, it's pretty clear you're looking for Y/N huh?"

Louise is pretty shocked that she was able to tell

Louise:"Huh? Well yeah... how'd you know?"

Siv smirks before chuckling to herself

Siv:"I'm a spy! Or at least ex-spy... so I know a situation when I see one, well anyways with me on the case there's no need to worry! I'll be able to find him in a jiffy! It should be easy to find somebody like him!"

Louise and Hanako, as well as Mitsuru, suddenly hug her

Louise:"Yes yes yes! Thank you so much!"

Hanako:"I owe you my whole life Siv-chan! Arigato!"

Mitsuru:"This is gonna be awesome! I wonder if he's in Egypt! Let's go there before a time stopping vampire kills him!"

Siv was in the middle of that and was barely able to breathe since her face was smothered with boobs, but she eventually popped out

Siv:"Ugh! I can't believe people actually like those suffocating sag bags..."

She blushes a bit before starting to look for clues... however in an undisclosed location, you started to wake up, apparently banging your head against rocks for 15 minutes can cause you to enter a coma

Y/N:"Ah fuck... I can't believe you done this..." The hell happened? Oh yeah, some snake girl dragged me around... thank goodness my protagonist powers make me invincible from permanent damage, speaking of which where is that snake chick?

You soon got up and looked around, you seemed to be in an abandoned building, it was pretty old looking but stable, you then walked around before finding the snake girl, you were gonna give her a stern talking to! You then walked up to her and sighed

Y/N:"Now listen he-"


Y/N:"Oh wow, well how you about you just-"


Y/N:"Hey calm down you-"


Y/N:"Shut up already, seriously get a hold of yourself woman"

You then slap her lightly and grab her head

Y/N:"Alright listen here snake girl, I want you to look into my eyes ok?"

She shyly nods her head

Y/N:"Ok, so first off what the hell is wrong with you, I say three words and you burst into tears... are you ok? Speaking of which don't you need to have a host to be out and about?"

She then starts to sniffle before turning around

???:"We-well, my previous host... hehe took off my mask... and ever since then I left and went into hiding... sniff"

You sigh and go up to her before hugging before letting go

Y/N:"Hey, listen here, you should be fine... you just gotta make sure, to tell the truth, and confess... anyways I'm Y/N... and you?

Calista:"M-my name is Calista... so-sorry if it sounds dumb!"

You smile softly before shaking your head

Y/N:"Hehe, geez you really are just one big depressed, anxious hot mess aren't you? You need to be a bit more positive Calista, plus I think the name sounds really nice and elegant"

She stares at you before crying even more and hugging you, her tail coiling around you, and her arms around your chest, her face right under your chin

Y/N:"Oh geez... sorry for offending you again Calista"

She shakes her head before sniffing

Calista:"I-I'm not crying! I'm just so happy! Nobody has ever been so nice to me...there tears of joy!"

She then proceeds to cry some more before running out of tears

Calista:"Oh no... I cried so much I got dehydrated again"

Y/N:"Wait this has happened before?"

She nods her head shyly before slithering outside to a nearby river, she then swam in the river and began drinking some water, to be honest, she looked amazing in the water... she reminded you a Japanese dragon because of how majestic and graceful her movements were, seeing her swim through that river made you smile, after a bit decided to join in as well

Y/N:"Hehe, you looked like you were having some fun, so I thought why not join in the action?"

You then swam around her, she was so nervous you could see her lips trembling but they eventually turned into a smile...

Meanwhile, at your house, the girls were quickly growing impatient... and out of control


Siv:"HEY PUT ME DOWN! I-I just gotta find clues! Leave me alone Louise!"

Hanako then brandished her humongous arm scythes

Hanako:"Yare yare... Siv-chan... hurry before you get a whole lot smaller..."

Siv:"Fi-fine! Just don't kill me!"

She then bumps into Mitsuru

Siv:"Oh finally, can you help me Mitsuru! Those busty bimbos over they don't get it!"

Siv then notices Mitsuru's holding her kanabo

Mitsuru:"Hmm... yes, I see... well, don't worry you won't have to deal with them anytime soon..."


And all of a sudden a new challenger approaches!

Bonnie:"Would you all shut the heaven up! I'm trying to sleep... what happened to the house?"

It was practically destroyed all around the inside, its a surprise it's still standing, Siv quickly ran up to Bonnie and used her as a body shield

Siv:"Well you Y/N went missing and we're trying to find him, but we've had no such luck..."

Bonnie:"Oh really? Well, why didn't you ask for my help? I have a crystal ball that lets me watch him do whatever he does in real time..."

The girls all sweatdrop before Siv collapses on the floor, tail twitching

Bonnie:"What? What did I do?"

♡♡♡♡♡ 💖♡♡♡♡

Wowie, hope this chapter is ok, I mean to me it felt pretty bad... but I dunno, maybe it's because I'm kinda rusty... anyways I have nothing else to say here, oh wait yes I do! I'd like to thank every single one of you... you all have made this book incredible, I read every single comment, and sometimes even reply back, and my gosh, I just love this so much, I love to see your comments, especially your reactions, and how can I forget...


Like seriously, I have no reason why... so I was wondering, would you guys mind leaving a comment as to why you decided to read this book and keep on reading it? As well as why you like it? It just comments like those that really keep me going, so thanks for everything guys, this is Waifumaster signing off, this is so sad, can we hit 50 likes?

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