Chapter 10 -You're facked....literally (Part 2)

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As bonnie was walking towards you,you started backing away while holding up your hands. You kept backing away until you bumped into a wall. There was no escape from bonnie now.

(Y/N):"*Sigh*....Alright bonnie...Do your worst..."

Bonnie moved closer to you and you closed your eyes. Suddenly however,you ended up getting smacked in the face.

(Y/N):"Ow! What the hell?!"

Bonnie:"Pfft...Do you honestly think i would do something dirty with you? Puh-lease!"

You were caught off-guard by her behavior. It seemed like she wasn't under the effects of the full moon....Again,It seemed...

Bonnie:"I...i mean sure,You're pretty handsome and i really wish you'd marry me and stop paying attention to all those other monsters girls and uhh....B-but,that doesn't mean I'm planning to do something lecherous with you!!!"(Y/N):"Well then....How about we go on a date?"

Bonnie:"Oh,i would gladly do that!....B-B-but only because i feel sorry for you!"

(Y/N):"Riiiiight....Go ahead,i'll be with you shortly...."

Bonnie let out a grunt before walking away.Once she was out of view,you quickly started running down the streets. You continued running until you arrived at a police department. You then enter the building and see a receptionist.

Receptionist:"Uhh...What's going on here?"

(Y/N):"Uhh...L-look...It's a long story! All you need to know is that this full moon is causing a bunch of chaos and uhh...i would like to be locked up until the morning please...."

Receptionist:" like,are you admitting that you're doing drugs or....or what? i'm kinda confused..."

(Y/N):"Can i just have a cell for the rest of the night!?"

Receptionist:"Alright,give me second...."

The receptionist walked away while mumbling some stuff about not getting paid enough to deal with this crap. He then came back with a guard.

Guard:"This way...."

You nodded and followed the guard. You and the guard were walking past multiple prisoners that looked like they wanted to beat the ever living shit out of you.

Guard:"So is there like a serial killer after you?"

(Y/N):"No...I have a couple of people after me,but they're not killers....Tho i don't i would survive if they got their hands on me..."

Guard:"Then why are you locking yourself up? We're the police,You can just give us a description of these people and we'll go after them..."

(Y/N):"Like i said to the's a long story..."

While you and the guard were walking down the hallway,you remembered something.

(Y/N):"I wonder if Bonnie is still waiting for me....Ehh,probably not..."


Bonnie:"Ugh....what's taking him so long?"

Louise:"There you are! What are you doing here?"

Bonnie:"I cornered (Y/N)...But i uhh....i forced him to spend time with me...I'm currently waiting for him..."

Mitsuru:"Uhh....Are you stupid?"

Bonnie:"Beg you pardon?"

Louise:"I don't think he's gonna go on a date with you..."

Bonnie:" you think you're better than me then?"

Louise:"No....He's not going to go out with you because you let him get away!"

Bonnie then remained quiet...

Bonnie:"......THAT SON OF A-"

You and the guard then arrived infront of a cell with multiple locks and other security stuff. The guard start disabling the locks and opened the door for you. You then entered the cell and after a few seconds,he closed the door behind you. You then saw the bed and layed down. You then relaxed and slowly drifted to sleep. 


You were still sleeping peacefully,until you heard an alarm clock...and by alarm clock,i mean the sound of the wall getting smashed. You jumped up and saw Louise and Mitsuru standing there.


You quickly ran towards the door and started knocking on it. Of course,i didn't do crap,because louise ended up grabbing you with her tentacles. She then started dragging you away while you tried to break free.

Louise:"So..(Y/N)...Have you seen enough of that hentai stuff to know where i'm going with this?"

You start panicking and squirming. Mitsuru then grabbed you and pressed her body against you.

Mitsuru:"Don't squirm...You'll make this less painfull and more pleasurable for yourself that way..."

Louise:"Now...Time for the fun to begin."

One of louises tentacles reached your zipper. She slowly started moving her face closer to you while one of her tentacles started unzipping your pants.

(Y/N):"somebody...anybody..GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!"

As soon as you said that,Louise and Mitsuru started feeling a bit drowsy. They started losing their grip on you. They then looked up and flinched.

Louise:"(Y/N)! Is everything alright!?"

Louise's voice caught the rest of the girls' attention. They started heading to your location and saw you getting burried in Louises Bewbs...

Louise:"We're so sorry! We didn't mean to do this!"

The rest of the girls ran towards you and gave you a group hug...except Bonnie,because facking tsunderes,am i right?

(Y/N):"uhh...girls? I'm dying over here!"

The girls quickly realized they were hugging you to tightly and let you go.


You were back in your house and you were laying on your own bed. After spending most of the night running away from these horny thots,you decided to finally get the rest you needed.

Louise:"Hey (Y/N)...are you decent?"

(Y/N):"Yeah,Come in."

Louise then entered the room and saw that you were still wearing your PJ's.

Louise:"Are you planning to sleep at a time like this?"

(Y/N):"Well...Yeah...I've spent most of the night running away from you girls. I really need to collapse right now...."

Louise:"Alright...Sleep well..."

Louise exited the room while you layed on your bed and started drifting to sleep. You were once again in a dream and you were doing....whatever the hell you do in your dreams....until you heard a familiar voice.


(Y/N):"Oh great...You again..."

????:"I can't believe you managed to overcome their urgers...Most men wouldn't miss out on an opportunity like that! Like,seriously! What are you,gay?"

(Y/N):"If i had a dollar for every time i heard that line,i wouldn't even need to work at fast food restaurant..."

????:"Well...Don't rest easy yet..There will be more chances in the future for me to make your life a living hell....HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

She then disappeared from your sight...

(Y/N):"The hell is her problem?"


Congratulations! Your Pingas is still alive :D 

Anyways,thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it and i'll see you guys in the next one!  

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