Meet The Characters

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Hey guys, welcome to my Re-write of my story, anyway, I don't wanna do much of an introduction, I just wanna tell you guys that I hope you enjoy the story, and that right now, I'm currently on vacation, so that's why I'm not writing, so anyways I would like you to meet, all your lovely waifus

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Arijawani Habib
Secret Mangaka

Arijawani is a rather normal girl, for us humans anyway, she is a complete weirdo and outcast in monster standards, Apophysis is supposed to be extremely super lewd and stuff like that, however, she is pretty modest and conservative. She is pretty quiet and doesn't get out much, she prefers to read and write books, however she does have a secret, the reason that she isn't such a slut is because she is a hentai mangaka and she creates her own doujinshi called " My daily Interactions with humans " which is about a monster girl (An Apophis) and her harem of human guys that were given to her due to the interracial education program. It's very popular with girls who are into human guys(the monster equivalent of people who are into monster girls). However, she keeps that a secret and publishes anonymously, the online community has dubbed her the name " Mrs. Hugh Mann " due to an almost encyclopedic knowledge of how much she knows about humans. She writes that story because she has a huge fetish for humans so when she heard of the home exchange program, it was almost a dream come true, but she contained herself and instead of pouring all of her lewdness on to you, she decided to simply create an insert character of you in her story, he's the most normal of all yet he is the most popular and beloved "husband" of all, just be careful not to search up your name online, and if you do, keep safe search on...

Meme-chan (unknown if this is her real name)
Dank Meme loving Psychopath
Cheshire Cat

Meme-chan is... well... how do I say... a complete meme-loving fuck. In all seriousness, she is exactly how I described her... a Dank Meme Loving Psychopath... She's a crazy bitch too! She's narcissistic, manipulative, selfish, antipathetic, slightly, no actually she's batshit insane, and super bipolar, so uh... be careful, but don't worry! She's kinda cool to be around actually... maybe, I dunno. As a psychopath, she herself is kinda vulnerable as well, she's not very smart, even though she'll say she is, and although she's a master manipulator, she won't notice when others are trying to manipulate her, so reverse psychology works great on her. She's a Cheshire cat, and as such she's an extremely magical entity that can bend time and space to her will, so be careful, you'll never know when she's around. She's not big on love, but she loves to troll you by seducing you so don't be surprised by her antics. She's also on the internet most of the time and is an extremely popular vlogger on youtube.

Helleanor Rigby
Shortstack Dominatrix

Helleanor is a hellhound, and as such she won't give a shit about your commands, or anybody else's commands, hellhound are untamable and no law can ever keep them down, not even the demon lord who created them can control them,they're also extremely powerful, quite possibly even stronger than Louise, and unlike her, Helleanor has no problem with using her strength, so good luck dealing with her. However as a hellhound she also has extreme bestial urges, so she's basically everything that Louise isn't, but is supposed to be. Helleanor is much different from other hellhounds, and that's because of her height... she's incredibly short, however, she makes up for it with her huge tits, wide hips, thick thighs, and plush ass, as well as those totally adorable ears and tails. She has quite a big ego, which makes sense since she can do just about everything she wants. Her flames that come out of her eyes are usually a good way to tell how she feels, often a low orange color is normal, a bright red and large fire is angry, and the rest, well just find out yourself. She's seductive, yes, but she ain't no slut, she knows exactly what she wants, when she wants it, and how to get it, oh, and let me tell you, she'll always be on top... always. She's not just seductive, she can be romantic too sometimes but don't expect it, they're rare so it doesn't just happen... she fights over your love and affection (and what's inside your pants) with Louise, she hates Louise, and with good reason to, she's her biggest rival, literally...

Emotionless Assassin...Not

Esmeralda is a rather simple girl, however, simplicity is best when living in the forest. Esmeralda has always been isolated and alone ever since her mom died, and as such she has not spoken to people, or any living thing, for about 13-15 years, and as such, lack of communication has led her to become emotionless, apathetic, and in all honesty... quite depressed. She does not have much of a personality, but trust me when I say she'll be very loving and caring, although not at first, that goes against Mantis biology and psychology. She does not have the last name, so she hopes that perhaps after marrying you, she can share your last name with her. She's a very quiet and reclusive girl, however, she is extremely nimble and dangerous, her giant serrated arm scythes, which are just like the mantises ones, she uses them to slash and impale her prey, which is usually animals, but now in the human world, she has no use for them, and they can actually become quite the bother. When captured- I mean, when she joined the cultural exchange program, she was not expecting to meet a male human being, however, she doesn't mind at all, at least I think so... but she does seem to be a bit clingy and maybe even likes you... oh and don't worry sexual cannibalism only occurs in bugs, not the mamonos. You might find yourself in an odd situation with her, and that's because she kinda wants to make sure you keep her, so don't be surprised if you find her bed with you in the morning when you went to sleep alone at night.

Lucy Starr
Multi-personality Menace
Gyaru / masochist

Lucy here was an odd girl, straight from the beginning, first, she's a devil and as such, she can do many things, but her main thing is that she can change forms, from a busty and seductive gyaru to a submissive, yet lewd Loli. What makes matters worse is that apparently, each form has their own memory so one doesn't even know that the other exists, the gyaru is much more caring, touchy and sweet, but extremely childish and enjoys pulling off lewd pranks with her magical powers, she teases you a lot, but she isn't that lewd, if you accept her teases she actually freaks out and runs away, because it's just a prank bro. Her loli form is basically that, a loli, but this loli is super fucking lewd to the point that you actually can't take her out in public, she's super clingy, masochistic, and insists on serving you, whether that be with her own body or using magic to do something...interesting to one of your harem members. The gyaru thinks that you like huge tits, while the loli believes that you prefer small and flat chests. Keep your eye open at all times, you never know what crazy shit she might pull

Bathsheba "Beth" Jezebehemalphas
Murky Maid

Bathsheba or just "Beth" is a shoggoth, and as such she's a relatively creepy and horrifying looking, but don't be alarmed! She's an absolute sweetheart for a race of 4th dimension eldritch abomination servants. She's a very caring and motherly lady, she just loves to clean up and take care of chores around the house, because she believes you work enough already because of you trying to find a job and having to take care of so many girls. She is great at what she does, her long and malleable tentacles allow her to reach any height, and any crevice, no matter how small or tight, so she always keeps the house in tip-top shape. Speaking of shape... She can easily transform into any form she wants, she can even split into many copies of herself to help clean up the house, however, those are much smaller, and pretty much always lolis. She also has this obsession with taking care of you and making sure you find her useful, and so don't be surprised if she lets you use her lap for a pillow or anything like that... also, expect a lot of "Ara Ara~" and "mastah~"

Calista Penelope
Scared Snake

Calista here is a basilisk, and so she has lived all her life in constant isolation, she has never had anybody to call friend, or family(she hatched from an egg, just like a snake and a chicken) she was found relatively quickly by the Home Exchange program. She is very old, but she never had anybody teach her anything so she acted out of primal instinct and ate animals raw to survive, so the Home Exchange Program had a lot to teach her, but to their surprise she was able to retain information quickly, so she stayed with them for a couple years to learn. She is now up to speed, but she still has no idea how to interact with people, at her most wild, she would bite people and would try to squeeze them death, but now she is so shy and so quiet. She saw how other people would react to monsters and saw all the horror movies where the monster tried to kill the humans, and so she felt like would terrify everybody, and so she is anxious and nervous all the time, she doesn't know what to do, how to do it, and why she should do it. When she meets you, she is incredibly shy and refuses to talk to you, so she just locks herself in a room like a NEET, however she gets guilty for ignoring you so she comes out, she is incredibly self-conscious and worries about everything, from the little things to big things, she has problems for them all. Whenever you console her try to make to make her feel better she feels so happy she actually cries tears of joy, she is a huge crybaby so don't be surprised if you compliment her and she justs burst into tears. She was taught a lot, but not everything, so whenever she sees, for example, Louise trying to seduce you by giving you a pafu-pafu, she generally has no idea what that is, so she usually asks one of the more older girls.

Louise Lockhart
Dragon Waifu

Louise is a Jabberwock, she has an entire poem dedicated to the murder of her great-great-great grandmother. She came to the Home exchange program so she can see if humans are really capable of using magic, slaying dragons, and other fairy tale clichés. She is royalty where she comes from but she acts like as if she isn't, she has incredible strength, enough to destroy most skyscrapers, she tries to keep her strength in check but whenever she gets distracted she tends to destroy stuff by accident. Since she is a dragon she has an incredible amount of pride, but unlike normal dragons, her pride is with how sexy she is, she will wear clothes that make people turn their head, and she loves the attention, although she mostly does it for you. She is completely in love with you but refuses if you ask her, of course, this isn't a tsundere, it's just that she knows that if she says yes then it will awkward mostly for her, because if she knows you love her she'll probably try to think of what "lewd thoughts" you have of her. She loves cuddles, licking you with her tentacles, and wearing human clothes, even if she is bigger than most people. Her two tentacles are very odd as well, one seems to be very nice and a deredere, while the other is an absolute tsundere, of course, they're both just saying what Louise is thinking since they're connected to her brain, and those tentacles are strong as hell, so be careful, she might ag you with them. Since she is Jabberwock and her species is on the... lewder side she still has to deal with her lewd thoughts, so if she appears to be shy, she isn't, she'll probably be having a pervy daydream. She has a deep sultry British accent

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Well, that's all of them, I know only 4 are new, and I'm sorry about that, but 8 is already much too big, so I hope you'll be able to deal with all of them, oh! And what do you think of the new waifus! I even remade 1 or 2 of them so they may not be the same as my previous story, and that's because I've given them z new niche in the harem, anyways which one would you hope to see? And which girl would you like to see introduced first? Anyways enough about that, this is Waifumaster, signing off, mai waifus, mai laifus

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