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All contents of this book are all fiction. Few things are factual and most of them are made up.
#All rights reserved.

This story is going to be written in two time frames at the same time.

*One will be in the present which will be refered to as 'POST'<This part will be narrated in the first person only; Ellyette's POV>

*The second will be in the past which will be refered to as 'PAST'. <This part will be narrated in the third person only>

Please try not to get confused...

I would also like to give a shout-out to all my friends who read this story before I decided to write it here;

lysa, tycia,Shaque, Yvette, Melody,Mariam,Pheobe,Hope,
Christine, Karks, Izac.k,wokos, Alkaline, etc.

Thank you all for your kind support.

Applesfire 💖.

So... without further Ado, let's begin...


My mother told me the stories. She didn't live through them literally but her great great grandmother did; as she told me.

Now I'm going to explore my culture myself and and bringing my boyfriend with me.



Somewhere in East Africa...

A ceremony was being prepared in Panga; excitement was all there was as the older women carried baskets and bonquets of flowers everywhere because that night, the newest couple was going to have the second phase of their marriage journey.

The consummation.

There were three intercourse phases in Panga; first, was the virginal break- this was when the two partners were first paired by the gods.

Second, was the consummation in the presence of parents and the village heads from both sides. Then lastly was intercourse in the sacred caves- here, the woman wa given the opportunity to be in control.

This was her one lucky chance.

Even and Dara was the first couple in Panga who the gods had not touched while they had intercourse, it was out of their free will and at their own accord on the contrary to what always happened in past marriages.

Everyone had thought that the young boy who was cast out to the river would never be mounted to find a wife-however tonight, he was going to consummate...


I was always thrilled as I narrated these stories to IanMarc; they gave me the gleeful chills of hope that if he accepted to go with me, I would get to explore the sexual part of my culture.

Panga, my original home town, in the roots of Africa held so much content yet to be told from generation to generation.

It was a small village with vast norms and traditions of its own; it was mostly famous for its ancient sexual traditions and known to be sacred palace of the most intimate native gods.

In Panga, the age of eighteen was believed to be the exact right time for marriage since they would be fully nubile and the gods took it upon themselves to choose who would marry who.

They would mount the two to have fierce intercourse, pairing them in the process and they would be married after this happened...

"So you want me to come to sex camp with you?" Ian questioned

"No,Ian! It's not sex camp," I rolled my eyes "It's a cultural ride," I divulged

I wanted him to come to Panga with me. I wanted us to live the experience together since we were made for each other. I wanted him to know what my original roots looked like, to know the traces of my culture.

Although, it was sexual.

It would be a six hour flight and perhaps an hour drive to get there. We would be tourists now since the whole place was evolved to fit a tourist villa; every other thing about Panga was lost and forgotten except for the sex bit of it.

Now married couples went there for their honeymoons leaving the romantic Paris flying out the window.

“Okay, when do we leave?” Ian looked at me from the dressing mirror. My gaze dropped to my bare hands as I thought for a moment.

“Tomorrow?” I said with a light shrug of hesitation, waiting for his response.

“Tomorrow?” He turned back to face me “That soon? Someone’s excited for sex camp,” he said with a smile, crawling over me on the bed.

“Ian, its not sex camp!!” I giggled as he started to reach into my shirt.

Ian and I have been dating for 2 years now. We officially met at a library where I had been stalking him but blew my cover when I slid right in front of him with a stack of books and he had told me to my face that he knew I had been secretly watching him.

Ever since then, it was only magical.

He kept kissing me slowly, skillfully awakening my inner fibers so easily.

IanMarc slipped my tank top over my head, my breasts bouncing at the slight impact and hardening at the exposure while he eased himself between my legs and his bare chest met mine.

“Ian, wait!” I sat up suddenly, softly pushing him back even when my body was still sizzling in need of pleasure.His jaw clenched as he sat beside me.“I’m sorry,” I apologized

“Don’t worry about it, Elly. I can wait, for as long as it takes,” he gave me a small smile.

This was the third time I had done this to him and now I felt terrible.

Ian and I had never had sex before for two reasons;1- I’m a virgin and 2- mainly because apart of me wanted us to continue this intimacy and have sex in Panga.

The way my mom animated all the sex phases there made me want to at least take part in some of my cultural norms. Not all of them but the last phase in particular.

“So, tell me more about sex in ancient Panga,” Ian reclined onto the pillows as I pulled my tank top back on.

I laughed and nestled myself beside him.

My mother kept telling me about these stories every time she got a chance, it was what we always talked about, I’m guessing maybe it was mostly about all the sex.

Nonetheless I wouldn’t deny it, I was intrigued by all the fascination in the tell-tales and I just had to know more and more each time.

You can’t really blame me, I was a horny little teenager and no wonder I was still pursuing this because it was what I wanted.

The most captivating story among all was about Even, a Pangite who the gods had not touched for three years after he had turned 18.

It was devastating, the villagers turned on him; they said he was cursed, they said his parents had angered the gods so they punished Even instead.

Even had made it to 21 but was still unmarried compared to all his age mates who had kids and perfect families.

He was cast out of the communal village and now lived by the far river of Osef which was lonely and abandoned. The village leader Lo'Ang said that it was best he was apart from everyone because perhaps the curse was contagious so he had to keep the others safe...


“Father, I do not want to marry him. You know you can’t go against the gods. They alone can choose who I am to marry, not you!!”

“Look, Dara dear, Fjord is not a bad boy. His family and our family have known each other for very many years and it would be best that you married where we are familiar.”

Dara was having marital problems with her father who wanted her to marry Fjord, the village leader’s son because it would gain him more recognition and wealth in the village.

However, she thought differently.

“Father, what you’re doing is wrong!” Dara warned  “This will only anger the gods and who knows, they might curse you or me! And I’ll end up like that boy by river Osef and I do not want that!!”

Dara’s father stood for a moment as if to contemplate what she had said to him but the smug look on his face only gave a hint that he wasn’t worried at all.  

Dara grew more furious, wholly aware  that she was fighting a losing battle and he was still going to carry on with his plan whether or not she agreed.

She did not wait for his next words but rather stormed out into the compound flouncing towards the woods.

“Husband, are you just going to let her leave like that?” Dara’s mother asked, holding his arm and watching their daughter’s figure linger into the distance of the trees.

“Don’t worry Lysa, she’ll be back.” He said confidently

“Mmh, I hope so. Are you still going to the Summoner?” Lysa asked subconsciously arranging the hem of her skirt.

“Yes, he told me to bring back the appeasing sacrifice for the gods since they accepted the trade,” he explained

“Mmh, Dara will marry Fjord whether she wants it or not.”

“I can’t agree more.”

Dara cried as she thrust herself through the bushes and shrubs of trees, going deeper in the woods and wishing death upon herself or something that could yank her out of the pain she felt. She was defeated and couldn’t help but self pity.

All her father did was use her to his advantage and now he was going to force a marriage between she and the village leader’s son, Fjord.

She spat to her side resentfully at the thought of his name and her dark eyes grew darker from where a fresh blob of tears seeped.

She walked sluggishly now, noticing tiny rays of light peering from the far end. The bush of trees was coming to an end and she hurried forth to see where it led, her broken being praying that  it took her far away from the village so that she could escape this miserable pairing.

Dara slid on the slippery mud and fell face first on dry land. She squinted and shifted on her back first, unaware of her surroundings.

The clouds were different here; they didn’t move at all, the sky was pale with a mixture of gray in it.

She couldn’t quite apprehend this so she quickly turned on her stomach again to fully take in what was around her.

“Oh gods!” Dara gasped when she realized she had fallen just before river Osef.

She quickly stood up and scrutinized the area, there was nothing that showed anyone lived here, or maybe the poor man had died of loneliness or the river must have washed him away but she didn’t really care about that right now.

Dara started towards the water, what her mind was telling her to do was drastic but in all the right ways, her heart seemed to be in agreement of the idea.


Ian and I had gotten off the plane and were driving towards Panga. I didn’t know what to expect once we got there. I had seen so many pictures on the internet and I was afraid at some point that what I was truly looking for was not here.

What if it was just sex and no honor of the Panga culture in it?

I felt Ian’s grip on my hand bringing me to look at him.

“Everything’s going to be okay, I promise,” he smiled reassuringly.

He had noticed my trepidation but somehow, his simple classic smile always calmed my jumped nerves. I took a deep breath and dovetailed my fingers with Ian’s just to increase my comfort and put an end to my worries as the drive went on.

It seemed like forever when someone nudged me to wake up.  We were no longer in motion, I noticed. The boot door was open and our few bags were being taken out slowly.

“Elly, honey we’re here.” Ian’s voice came to my ears.

I was clearly still in the long trance of sleep but when he repeated his words, my heart jumped and suddenly the numbness vanished.

“Oh my gosh! We’re here!!!” I sat up more enthusiastically

“Yes, I’ve been trying to tell you,” Ian laughed and opened the door for the us to get out.

Ian slowly helped me out of the car which drove away leaving a windy trail behind. I looked around for a second, walking a foot away from him just to satisfy myself with beauty  of the place.

I hadn’t seen the entrance gate when we drove in, given I was first asleep but looking at it now, my was I blown away for I was in complete awe!

It was like they had done nothing at all to change its originality. The frames were made of thick dark wood curved artistically with strands of ivy around it  from bottom to top and in its middle; like an emblem, was a carving of a woman’s bosom with her two nubile breasts poking out from her wooden chest.

It was a clear gesture of the indirect sexual welcome.

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