Chapter 1

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Adrien's POV(They are 16 and all live together)

As me , Luka , Kagami , and my sweet mouse Marinette left our mansion to go to school, my parents got us for my birthday. I could not stop thinking about how when I get old enough I will ask marinette to marry me , and we have 3 kids : Emma,Hug, and Luis and getting a hamster named crystal.But my day dream about me and Marinette's future together was interrupted by the dark realization of what is standing in the way of my dream to become true.What is that thing you ask well it is you ask well it is :Kagami and Luka.i still remember how I found out very clearly.


Adrien's POV

I am on my way to the library and I was wearing my normal clothing and I am going to the libraty to tell Kagami and Luka that I like Marinette , I am hoping that they will help me with getting Marinette . But I was still kind of scared so I got to the library and saw Luka and Kagami sitting on a wood chair infront of a circle table with one more emtey chair and they were next to a book shelf and were reading. And I waved and they waved back to me , telling me they saw me. I sat down in the only empty chair avalible at that table Kagami greated me with a polite: hello , and Luka with a "Sup".As I sat down Kagami asked "so what did you want to talk to use about".I was fiddling with my hands as looked at my lap with a red face.As I took a deep breath trying to settle myself before telling them and after one last deep breath I said "Guys I want to tell you I like Marinette and-"I was interrupted by Kagami who put her hand to my mouth , as telling me to stop talking before she announced "I know what you are going to ask and I am sorry to tell you but I can not help to get the heart of the mouse". "But why!?" I said a little angry by her statement. she lowered her hand to the able as she said in a calm voice:"Because I also like the jet , and I would also like to clame her heart ".I Looked a Luka hoping that he would help me with Marinette , as I looked at Luka I saw surprise on his face and asked "Will you help me Luka ,please".I said with a pleading look on my face but with a sorry face he said "I am really sorry to say this Adrien , but I also like Marinette",he said with disappointment in his voice.And I was shocked that both of my friends felt the same way about Marinette.But the next thing I said shocked them both I said "Well I am sorry to say but this is war"i announced then there shocked faces turned into baturmined faced as that replied with a "This is was ,may the best man or woman win" and at that moment our unbreakable bond broke

*End of Flashback*

As I fell out of my day dream I heared the sweet sound of marinette's voice asking if I was ok.i replied with a:yes and looked away to hide the blush that was building on my face and then I quickly relized that we were at the gate of the school (I am skipping the school part becauce it is boring)

Author's POV:

So after the four friends left school they whent to a café that had all there favorite drinks and food and marinette broke the silence by asking "So I have heard that there is a new museum not too far from our house how about we all go there tomarow and check it out. and thy replied yes, sounds fun.And they did not know that would be the day that would change there lives forever.

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