Chapter 17

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If you are wondering why Adrien, Luka, and Kagami did not get marinette when she was in the hotel. They were recognized and asked for interviews, also pictures. Also all the rooms in the hotel were booked and the windows and doors are very well built. Also marinette would only go out for food and to relax on the beach.
Author's Pov:

When Luka, Kagami, and adrien were able to get a room in the hotel, all did search to find marinette. But when looking at which room marinette signed into was the one she was staying in was the same room they were booking.

When relizing the fact they new they can't kill, because if they did and leaves then they would assume all three were the cause of the murders. So they just stopped murdering and spent about 3 days in the hotel planning how they were going to get her and how they were going to punish marinette.

When finally able to stay in the hotel long enough it was time to search for marinette, when thinking she went back home they took a flight to Paris. But did a layover to check around. When getting landing they checked in with a hotel.

All three were transformed and prowling around to find marinette. While prowling around, Kagami then saw somthing that caught her eye. It looked like a girl with a mouse costume but a real mouse tail and ears. "Hello, I'm looking for a girl named marinette!" Kagami asked the girl.

When getting closer to her kagami noticed she looked like marinette but was different. "I'm sorry I don't know her, my name is multimouse." She said with a shaky voice afraid she would recognized me. When walking away kagami told Luka and Adrien scout her.

While with Marinette first walked away far enough so of she ran Kagami would not hear her. Marinette ran as fast as she could to her home, and covered it with the force field.

When it became nighttime, Marinette transformed into multimouse and ran to the grocery store. Before entering she detransformed and covered her face. She also did have contacts in so she would look differant.

While walking around, marinette's heart stopped at the sight of her obsessed friends. When she looked at her list of things she needed, Marinette was relived to know that she had everything she needed and just had to go to a sewing store near by.

When arriving at the store marinette, it had a friendly atmosphere which did relax her after the heart stopping coincidence of her friends being there.

Marinette's Pov:

When finishing buying everything on my list, I drove home in a car I fixed up. But before getting home I found Luka, Kagami, and Adrien in a sex store. Which they bought lots of sex toys which could be know for rapists to use, or couples who want excitement when having sex.

When finally getting home I opened my necklace to let out my kwami, which she gave me a hug as if we had been apart for years. When it was only 2 hours, thankfully both of use were able to clean the whole house. And while I was out got plates and bowls ext:

When done Mullo taught me some fighting moves for if I ever encounter Luka, Kagami and or Adrien. Which was very helpful, but when asking her about how my appearance will change throughout the years. She said it would not so I would look like a 16 year old forever, which I was exited about.

While talking in the living room with Mullo I then heard a knock at the door, which made me realize I did not put up the force field when I got home. After spying through the peep hole to my surprise and fear there stood Adrien, Luka, and Kagami all in there human forms. When telling Mullo I transformed and made sure I did not look like me.

"Hello, my I help you?" I said my voice sounding squeakyer then normal. "Oh it's just we are looking for this girl have you seen her?" Adrien asked me holding up a flyer with all my information and picture. "No I'm sorry I have not, but I will tell you if I see her anywhere" I said reassuringly, which they seemed to by.

When walking away I followed them because I had a feeling something bad was going to happen and I ment they were going to do the bad thing. But when following them that reveled everything everything I wanted to know, and question I did not think I would have to ask about them.
What will marinette see and hear while following them, will Luka, Kagami, and adrien finally realize multimouse is acually marinette?
You will have to wait for the next chapter to find out. Hope you like the chapter, love you all❤💜💛 Bye.
830 words

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