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PoV: Cub

There's nowhere for me to go.

I pace the room, trying to find a way to escape and survive the guards coming for me. The Curse yearns to break free again. I can't. I can't do any more damage. I can't kill any more people. But I don't know how else I'm going to get out of this.

I hear a call below, someone shouting that they found another clue leading into this trap I never meant to create... there's a bookshelf I debate pushing in front of the door, but I wouldn't be strong or quick enough to do it. So I just pace, and wait, and struggle to find any ideas as the footsteps get closer and closer and-

A crash.


'PLEASE!' I yell back, raising my hands as if it will do any good against their arrows. I back as far as the window as guards fill the room, blocking the exit. 'I- I don't know what I did. I'm sorry. Just let me go and it won't happen again...'

'Hold fire.' Another voice. Saving my life but only bringing me further terror.

Watcher Potentes.

'Curses don't disappear, King Cub,' he hisses, passing the line of guards still aiming. 'Nor does the danger your life puts your kingdom and family in, or the death sentence that would stop it.'

'Family...?' I pick up on. 'You... you found Scar?'

'No. He's not with the survivors outside.'


The implication cuts through me like a sword. My- no, no I didn't. I couldn't have. They- surely- surely the Curse wouldn't hurt another person with it. But... how would it know? How do I know what I did? I could've killed him in cold blood myself. I back further towards the window, turning away to hide my tears. My hands grip the windowsill as I fight faintness, staring at the crystal wall through the glass, the bodies... the people I- I...

'I'm sorry.' Potentes speaks again, closer. 'I know you didn't mean for this to happen. But magic doesn't do what we want. Especially not the magic you and Scar...'

'DON'T MENTION SCAR!' I snarl. The Curse flares up, crystal shooting from my flaming hand as I turn. I swear silently at myself for almost losing control again. Potentes backs away. I hear the crossbows click, ready to fire on me.

'I don't want to do this, King Cub,' he spits my title like an insult. 'But if you can't control your power, I won't hold back my guards. I've seen too many deaths today but perhaps yours wouldn't be too bad.'

'Please,' I repeat. 'I'm begging you. I never- I never wanted this to happen. Just- just let me get the necklace to stop my powers and I'll never remove it and let the Curse kill anyone else again.'

'You shouldn't need to wear it. I made a deal with your father. I spared your life as children.'

'Before you killed him instead.' He knows its true, expression turning cold. 'Though no one could prove it.'

'As they won't be able to prove your death either.'


'Is that what your people said? When you slaughtered them?'

'Mercy,' I repeat, voice shaking, hands raised as high above my head as they can with my injuried shoulder 'Please. It won't happen again. I promise. It will never happen again.'

Potentes turns, about to leave the room when he speaks again.



This time I'm grateful for the flare of magic, the crystal shield growing and blocking the arrows. Protection. And blocking my only exit.


Is it?

I turn to the window, the illustrations about the curse holding true at the sight of batlike wings flickering in my reflection. The guards shout orders from beyond my defence. 

I shoot at the glass, shattering it.

And jump.

The world speeds towards me. My stomach lurches, the ground approaches. I try to control my wings, fly, stop myself plummeting to my-

I stop falling.

And start flying.

The only control I manage is swerving to the side. I can't flap them. I don't even feel them, like they're not really there... I land roughly just outside the crystal walls I made, breaking into a run for the forest. Freedom. A new life... didn't Tango once tell me the Deepfrost Citadel was this way? 

But I need to get my necklace first, I realise. To stop another outbreak of the Curse still begging to be released. I turning back. I need to climb the wall. How did the others get over? 

Can the Curse help me? 

I try to remember what else I was taught about it, but nothing comes to mind. It was kept too hidden. Even Tango was reluctant telling me much. All he told me was about the creature our family was named after. The strange vex that travelled through-


That's it.

I return to the wall, holding one hand tentatively towards it. I release some of the power itching to break free... blue flames flicker across my skin. I hold it closer to the wall, eyes widening as if fazes through. I slip through the crystal, landing back inside the castle boundary, near the stables. I run as my shoulder allows, entering. The lanterns aren't lit; it's too dark to even see the doorway, but I light a flame in my hand, finding a way in. From there I know the way up to the ballroom and the jacket my necklace is in.

I reach it at last, silent. My jacket's been moved, probably as evidence to finding me. I fumble through the pockets.

It isn't there.

The Curse rises in my panic, scrambling, searching every pocket again, and again and...

'Looking for something?'

Watcher Potentes. 

I stand, one hand raised. 

'Please.' I beg, seeing the necklace, my lifeline, in his hand. 'Give it to me and this will all end.'

'Until the next time to remove it, and cause death, and make my people suffer. If Adamas even lets a deadly sorcerer like you keep the throne.' Behind him, the guards file into position, crossbows aimed. 

'I'm begging you. Just give me the necklace.' I hold out my hand as if he'd ever relent. 'I need it. It's the safest thing you can do.'

'I'm going to be merciful, King Cub.' He holds out his hand, giving me the necklace.

'Thank you. You- you don't know how much this...'

'They'll only shoot when I get to one.'



I break into a sprint to the stairs behind me, cursing my decision already.


 My shoulder screams with every clumsy step down as I try not to stumble and fall.



I scream, an arrow through my leg, landing rough at the bottom of the stairs. I hear footsteps behind, pain in my head and everything turns black.

One moment I had no ideas the next this is 1100 words what the-

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