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PoV: Scar


Everything hurts. I shift the smallest amount and...

'Don't move.' A voice demands. I try to open my eyes, squinting in the dim light. The ceiling above me is wood. I'm lying down. I look up, try to see around, recognise anything.

'Where... Am...'

'I said don't move!' The voice repeats. I see it's owner, with blue hair, pale skin...

'Tango!' I recognise him far too late. 'You escaped! What happened?!'

'A lot of magic that clearly didn't work to keep you safe...' He mutters.

'Like the monster.'

'Yeah. But all it did was cause more deaths...' Tango makes a noise somewhere between a sigh and a groan. 'I told you to run!'

'I was worried about you!' I insist. 'You're my friend!'

'And you're the only person who can save Adamas, and you would've DIED if the vex hadn't been there!' His voice cracks with sudden emotion. He tries to compose himself, taking in a deep breath. 'You would've died, Scar.'

'I'm sorry.' I mumble. Tango sighs, sitting next to me.

'I had to kill people to save you, Scar. And you still got hurt.' He's close to crying. I can't move to comfort him.

'If- if I could hug you right now I would,' I tell him instead. A small laugh.

'Thanks. But when you're king you won't be able to make mistakes like that. You should've run when I told you to.'

'I was going to, but I saw the giant monster you made and... And I was too scared to run.'

'The warden?'

The word is familiar. The reason comes to me quickly. It's the creature Etho was dealing with. The one that killed GT.

'That's- Etho fought that.' Tango nods.

'He did.'

'Can... I... summon a warden?'

'Yeah. Of course you can. Etho's diary...'

'I didn't get that far... I saw that Cubby was alive, they went to the surface and he'd just said the poem when Grian attacked.'

'The Curse.'

'That's... The curse? I... thought Cubby was the good guy... Why did- why did he cause the curse?'

'It was justified. Almost. He went insane down there in the mines... that's what Etho thought. Wanting revenge for his friend... He got it. The King and Tek died, but the Queen escaped, took the throne, and saved both their young children.'

'And they...'

'Tek's son is my great grandfather. Yes.'

Silence follows. I'm stuck thinking of the Curse, and the poor miners, and the caves, and Cubby, until I ask another question. 'What happened to Etho? And all the miners?'

'Impulse was killed by the vex. Gem fled and set up a home across the Rift...'

'The Empires,' I recall.

'She was one of the Emperors, yes. Zedaph managed to get away, but was arrested for stealing from the new king. Or because he knew too much about the caves... Etho got out alive, and lived the rest of his life alone here.'

'Alone? What about...'

'Bdubs was hit by a rogue arrow. He died just outside the castle. Near where I found you. Etho ran away and made this hidden place where he spent his days as a hermit.'

'And Cubby?'

'No one knows. Some say he still roams the castle. Some say he died naturally, or the sculk turned on him and left him to die. Others say he killed himself to be with GoodTimes again.'

Another silence.

'What time is it?' I ask.

'Around midday... You're lucky we're close to the castle, where the curse is strongest and souls could keep you alive. But you need to get back to Adamas.'


'If Cub survived, he'll be arrested. Until tonight, you choose what happens to him. After that, it's up to Potentes and the other leaders. Or, Grian declares you as dead, thinking he killed you.'

'But... I can't move.'

'Souls heal.'

'You- you said the souls were just keeping me alive.'

'Because they're not strong enough.'

He pulls out a knife.

'Oh, yeah. You can hunt for some wild animals to give me more souls...'

'No. You need souls from a magical person. That should heal you enough for you to find horses either we or the guards left in the town and ride back to Adamas. Take this.' He hands me the crystal staff. The one he used to summon the Warden. The one Cubby used to cause the Curse. The power to destroy lives. Wake monsters.

'Tango what are you doing?' My voice shakes. Tango points the dagger at himself. 'Th- there's another way. I'm sure there's another way...'

'Not quick enough. You'll need to ride faster than you've ever ridden before, ok? Just follow the tracks we made, and it'll lead straight back to the castle. Don't stop, don't rest, and when you save Adamas, tell them about the curse. The only way they'll understand is if they know the full story.' His voice and hands shake. He's terrified.

'N- no...' Ignoring the pain of moving, I put my hands on his. 'Don't do this...'

'Tell Cub he'll be a great king.'

'No.' My vision blurs. 'No, Tango-'

'And save Adamas. I believe in you. Now GO!'

He stabs himself in the chest.

A gasp of pain. I sob as he curls up, eyes closed, before falling still. My physical injuries sooth and heal. My emotions break.


I hug him, sobbing. He's not dead. He can't be dead. The loneliness I've been staving since we reached the fortress hits me like a tidal wave.

I'm the only one who can save Adamas.

I have until sundown.

I struggle to my feet. My clothes are covered in blood. Proof of what they did, what I faced... I take the staff, pull on my cloak. I don't want to leave Tango here, but I don't know where else to put him... The ground outside is soft, and I find a shovel inside. So I dig a shallow grave. It's enough for now. He'll get a proper burial later.

With the fortress as a landmark, it doesn't take long to navigate back to the village, finding Midnight happy at the entrance. There's some leather strips outside what must've been a leather-workers that I use to hold the staff across my back. I mount Midnight.

'Come on, boy,' I murmur. 'We've got a kingdom to save.' I glance back at Deepfrost Citadel one last time before breaking Midnight into a gallop and racing away to Adamas to save everything I've ever known.

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