new book!

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Hey guys I am back with a new book "KARN AND ARJUN'S DRAUPADI" for my DrauKarn as well as my ArDi fans. A book with a love triangle between Karn, Arjun and Draupadi! Hope you all will like it. Here's a small glimpse of my story 👇

"Why are you behaving like this with me! I love you!" Draupadi expressed her feeling as tears rolled down her cheek.
"So do I! But I feel suffocated as I realise you are never completely mine! I am married to you but then so is Angraj!" Arjun said frustrated.
"I am yours. Me and Angraj...we are married for namesake. There is nothing between us. I didnt want to marry him!" Draupadi tried to explain.
"I know Panchaali.I dont blame you for this but seeing you with my worst enemy saddens me. You are Parth's Panchaali but you are also Karn's Draupadi! And it frustrates me...If someday Angraj wants his rights over you I wont be able to handle it!" Arjun said in an extremely frustrating manner and left the chamber.
"How is it my fault! I have always loved Arjun then why did I have to marry Angraj as well. Arjun is my husband but I am Karn's wife as well. I cant live like this any longer" Draupadi said to herself teary eyed.
She looked at the high balcony in her chamber. The beautiful thought of giving up her life was possessing her mental stability. She couldnt handle so many complications. She will end her sufferings right now.
She stepped towards the balcony. One more step and she would fall and her death will put an end to her pains and sufferings. As she was going to proceed she felt a sudden pull. Someone pulled her away from the balcony.
Draupadi was taken aback. She landed on a strong chest and a pair of arms held her safely. She could feel her husband breathe close to her ear. Arjun was here. She couldnt help but smile. She turned around. The man before her frightened her. It was not Arjun.
"What on earth do you think you were doing Panchali!" Karn exclaimed extremely disturbed and concerned.
"Angraj...Its you" Draupadi said. She was disappointed. She expected Arjun.
"How can you even think of ending your life Panchali!" Karn asked extremely anguished.
"I hate my life Angraj! I loved Arjun. I married him. Why did you have to ruin our perfect life?" Draupadi said.

Hope you all like my book. Please give it a read. And pls dont get offended. It a fanfiction. Love you guys!

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