The first mission

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"Narayan! I am so happy to see you here. " Arjun cried as Narayan assisted him to a private room.
"These clothes are amazingly fashionable. I try to visit the Earth whenever I get an opportunity all because of these clothes. This jacket is suiting me perfectly." Narayan cried adjusting his jacket.
Parth couldn't stop himself from laughing.
"Parth I had to help you three with your first mission. What are Karn and Gayu doing? Let me see." Narayan cried.
He closed his eyes and a smile appeared in his face.
These two are always fighting. Riya is right . They look very cute together, thought Narayan.
"Now parth...your first mission is to unite two hearts. This is one of your missions. Uniting two hearts is a greatbqork and you three have to do it. Rita will help you. You will soon understand who is the couple you need to unite why is it important for them to unite. All of these are related to the world's well being. You three have to unite them . They are pretending to be just friends but...they are so much more." He cried thinking about them.
"Who are they Narayan?" Parth asked .
"It is not the appropriate time for you to know this information but I can tell this much that they are not ordinary humans. They are from the swarg lok." Narayan cried with a smile.
"But why will Riya help us ? Will we tell her who we actually are?" Parth asked as Riya's beautiful face appeared in front of her.
"Its not the appropriate time to tell Riya the truth but she will surely know about it one day." He cried.
"But why will she help us . Moreover how is she related to all this?" Parth questioned.
"Riya is the ultimate will soon get to know. As of now you just need to pretend." Narayan cried with his notorious smile.
"Pretend what Narayan?" He asked.
Narayan smiled the way Krishna used to smile when he decided to prank some one. Parth knew he was going to do something mischievous.

"I am so sorry sir. For me...your brother is so injured." Riya said to Karn but she was speaking in English.
"O dont want to know what you speak devi but you should be apologising to me for hurting my anuj" karn cried in pure hindi.
Riya was a bit confused. She had imagined them to understand English.
She explained the same thing to him in hindi. Karn nodded his head in an approving manner.
When Riya left, Gayatri joined Karn.
"AND you say I talk a lot. It was you talking to that lady. " she cried mocking him.
"She was talking to me for your kind information and moreover dont ever compare me to you. I dont speak about nonsensical stuff all the time." He cried.
Direct insult! That yoo to Gayatri. Gayatri was extremely angry.
Sorry Mahadev but I cant be quiet anylonger. I will have to break my vow for now. Moreover you had said that I have to remain quiet in swarglok but this is prithvi so technically I am not breaking my vow, Niyati thought.

Too smart this girl is. Gayu..., Mahadev thought S he heard her arguement.
"Listen I dont speak nonsense. It is not my fault that you extract only the nonsensical stuff from my brilliant knowledge." Gayatri criwd angrily.
Finally! This was the reaction Karn wanted . He finally got ot and pleasure filled him heart as he saw the calm and composed lady fighting with him like a child. He enjoyed it and decided to continue the game.
"Well I dont have to extract Gayatri. It is all nonsense." He cried smirking.
Hayatri looked at him in disbelief.
"How dare you!!! I curse you...." before she could continue speaking Karn forestalled her.
"Unfortunately you cant curse me. You are not god anymore. We three as of now are mere humans with no power . " he cried the smile spreading across his face.
Gayatri stopped. He was right . But her anger furthur increased as she saw him smiling.
"Stop smiling before I hit you" she cried forming a punch.
Karn was taken aback. He couldn't stop himself from smiling again.
This girl is crazy but so cute too, he thought.

Narayan came out along with Parth who was looking absolutely clueless.
Narayan looked at Gayatri and gave her an eye signal. She understood that her gurudev Narayan was going to play a prank. Narayan gave the same eye signal to Karn who completely failed to understand its relevance. He just gaped at him with it understanding the hint.

" he okay? " Riya asked worriedly.
"Sadly Riya...Arjun has a fracture in his arm." He cried.
Riya looked at Arjun's plastered arm.
She gasped with shock.
She had hurt him so much.
Gayatri understood it was fake. Narayan furthur winked at her confirming her .
But Karn!
"Anuj......are you okay? I cant believe this...are you okay?" Karn asked extremely worried.
"Bhrata...." Arjun tried to explain but Karn continues his rantings.
"Bhrata karn...try to understand the situation" Narayan whispered in a way that it was only audible go Karn.
He understood it was all a drama.
"And not just arm, his back is also badly hurt." Narayan cried.
Immediately Arjun held his back and shrieked with pain.
Narayan looked at him .
This Parth is again overacting! I explained everything to him. He will destroy my plan, Narayan cried under his breath.
Parvati smiled looking at Parth's drama.
Karn pinched parth telling him to control .
Riya however was too worried to notice anything fishy. She was extremely upset.
"How will I travel Bhrata? Doctor said I cant travel as of now. I should resf." Arjun cried.
"But Arjun...all our money is spent and our cards are not working. We need to reach London" karn cried.
He actually repeated the words said by Krishna which was only audible to him.
"Moreover where are we going to stay? Our hotel room was booked only till today" Gayatri cried.
"Well I dont know but I think miss Riya can help you three " Govind cried.
Riya nodded and cried" I am so sorry...please dont hand me over to the cops...I want to live a peaceful life...I dong know how to apologise for my mistake. But you three can stay with me less Arjun is completely fit. I will pay for your tickets. I apologise for my sin." Riya cried her voice breaking down. She started crying.
"Riya please dont cry..." parth was trying to console her.
Karn was really surprised to see this romantic side of Parth. He had always seen him as a rough and tough warrior but never had he seen his romantic side.
Finally these four have United. Finally they are living with Riya. I hope they soon realise their connection and get freed from the curse they four are suffering from, parvati exclaimed.
Mahadev nodded.

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