Depressed Male Lucario x Female Trainer

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Requested by @PhilTheLegendaryHero


I was pushing through the branches of the forest as I made my way to the lake to meet Lucario. I had been slowly befriending him ever since I met him nearly 4 months ago. Just a week prior I had encountered him again only to find he had been claimed by the curse. He asked if I would meet him at this lake in a week to talk with him.

When I first meet Lucario he was completely wild and had spent most of his time running. The moment he saw me he took off into the woods. Soon after I saw him again at a different place, again he ran. This happened for some time until I finally was able to convince him that I didn't want to catch him. Since then we continued to run into each other and would simply hang out, talking or training with my team.

I finally break through the brush to see the small lake surrounded by lush grass. Near a bank at the edge of the water stood Lucario, his bandana swaying in the wind. I made my way over to were he was standing, feeling a little strange. I was so used to him that seeing him as a human was a little disconcerting. Soon I make it to the bank and see Lucario meditating.

"Hey buddy, good to see you."

I call to him softly, trying not to startle him in his meditation. He doesn't even flinch and instead lets his foot drop to the ground and turns to face me.

"Hello there ____, I'm glad you arrived on time."

I was going to point out that there was no set time but he continued talking.

"There's something very important I must tell you, something that I feel you must know."

He turned to the lake and sat down, patting the earth beside him, telling me to do the same. I sit down next to him, taking in his new appearance. He suddenly gets a very somber look on his face and I feel a lot more concerned. He takes a deep breath before looking at the reflections in the water.

"When I was younger, still just a Riolu, my family was killed by a group of strange men."

I couldn't help the soft gasp that left my lips, I now understood his expression.

"They appeared and attacked my mother and siblings. I don't know who they were but they beat them to death with their pokemon and stuffed their bodies in bags. I was still really small and my mom put me into a hole in a tree so I wasn't seen. They took them away with the only thing left being a puddle of their blood."

I felt the warm trail of tears slide down my face, this was horrible.

"Since then I've just been running, trying to make sure I was never caught. Then you came along."

He turns to me and I can see tears shining in his eyes.

"I tried to run from you but you just keep reappearing. So I took a chance and I've never been happier."

He looked back to the water and I knew I was shaking a bit now.

"Today is the anniversary of there deaths all those years ago. And it just so happens that I was transformed two weeks before it..."

He paused, taking another deep breath.

"Lisen ____, I've been running all my life, fear the only thing pushing me. I've wanted to give up so many times, but every time I do you seem to appear from nowhere. You have made me stronger and given me a new reason to run. Not out of fear of getting caught but the want to see you again. I can't keep running, I can't keep going on like this. I was the only one my mother was able to save and I'm wasting my life."

He stops and takes a few deep breaths before look at me, dark red meeting (e/c) head on.

"What I'm trying to say is that I want to join you ____. I want to be with the only person who has given my life meaning. I want to make something of myself, show my mom made the right choice in me. I want you to catch me."

I was in total shock. For months I've been seeing this powerful Lucario doge trainer after trainer to stay wild. Now here he is, choosing me to be his trainer. After everything he has told me, that I am his reason for living. Before I can stop myself I lunch from my seat to hug him, warping my arms around his neck.

"I am so sorry you had to go through that, and all alone for so long. Yes, I would love to have you on my team. I want to keep being your light, we can make it through together."

Lucario was frozen for a moment before he wrapped his arms around me and began to sob.

"T-Thank you _-____, than-nk you s-so muc-ch!"

We hold each other in an embraced for some time before finally pulling apart, both puffy-eyed snot monsters. We compose ourselves and clean up a bit before I reach into my bag and grab the only ball I have, a friend ball. I still needed one more member for my team and I wanted them to feel really close to me.

I turn back and watch as he gives me a big grin, the first true smile I've ever seen him give. Without another thought, I toss the ball at him gently. He closes his eyes as the ball bops him softly on the head before sucking him inside. It shakes once before letting out a loud click. I run over and scoop the ball off the ground, tossing it into the air to let Lucario back out.

He lands with a quiet puff of air and turns back to me. He runs over and pulls me into another hug, laughing airily. I joined him with quiet chuckles, both of us overwhelmed with emotion. Soon Lucario pulls back and gives me a serious look.

"Those men are still out there, harming other pokemon and families. I can vaguely remember an electric blue symbol. I believe that by your side I can become strong, and maybe one day, get vengeance for my family."

I nod.

"And I'll be by your side the whole time, together we can find them and make them pay!"

Lucario smiles at me, confidence and joy shining from his slightly pointed teeth. I knew his trauma would hunt him, and he was going to have some rough times, but I was ready to be there with him every step of the way.


I also found this funny picture that I thought fit so here it is!

The rest is up to you...anyhoo toodaloo my lovely trainers

1154 words

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