Female Charmander x Male Reader

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Requested by @HiddenHunter11702 

(Warning: bad language will be in this chapter)

Here I am again searching for my Charmander. This was the fifth time she disappeared and it was beginning to really worry me. She was a sweet and shy girl and fighting was hard for her, but she would always try her hardest for me. I had struggled to adjust fighting with her after her transformation but I managed. Of course I had no idea if she could evolve anymore but that really didn't bother me, she was a perfect partner unevolved. I continued to search around the forest calling her name.


It has been three hours and I still can't find her, my fears and anxiety were begging to get to me causing me to pick up my pace. After searching for another hour I came into a clearing, my voice raw and I was panting from heat. I spot a large tree and sit to take a short rest to regain my strength. I let out a large sigh in between gasps as the cold air hits my body. Lowing myself gently down the trunk letting out a grunt as i hit ground, swallowing dryly.

I sit in silence for awhile catching my breath as i think of any other place i could check for her. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud screech. Instantly my fatigue was no longer a thought as i sped in the direction of the sound. now normally it wouldn't faze me as it was more than likely a pokemon using a screaming attack, but this was not one of those moments. That was a cry i knew, one i held close, that was the voice of my charmander and that was no attack...that was pain...


The trees were a blur and the noise became mute, all but the screams of charmander. Finally i found the clearing where the noises were coming from, but charmander was nowhere in sight!

I panicked more not seeing my partner here.


I whip around to the source of the noise just in time to see my beloved fire salamander be thrown threw the brush. I was about to jump to her when a fearow darted from the brush and scratched her, causing her to let out another cry. I froze for only a second to look at the state of her. She was covered in blood and dirt, her clothes were getting shredded making it hard to focus- dammit shut up brain!- she was sobbing, and it looked like she was muttering something but i have no idea what, but most of all her tail flame was dangerously small. After the split second of observation i was on the ferow, i wasn't thinking anymore i was just doing.

"Get off her you fucking bird!"

"_____ NO!"


I let out a grunt as i sock the bitch in the jaw

"Don't worry charmander, i won't let him hurt you any more!"

{boys read this part with caution and sorry if i get a bit wrong i'm a girl so i won't know}

I focus my attention on the ferow agen and go to kick it, but it jumps to the left and dives its head down an-


I collapse with a screech of pain of my own

"Ow ow ow ow ow fuck ow ok dammit ow ow ow ow"

I can't move it hurts so much!

"______ are you going to be ok-AAAAAAAA"

My thoughts are quickly distracted from the pain as the fear filled scream of the fire pokemon rang in my ears. The pain disappeared as soon as adrenaline and anger rows up. I get up onto one knee and lunch myself at the thing and body salm it to the ground. Now that's it's finally on the ground and unable to move, there was only one more thing to do it was going to be difficult.

"Charmander i need you to use ember, i know you're not the strongest but i can't beat this fuck without your power."

Charmander looked at the ground, tears still stianning her eyes.

"B-but i'm not strong, i can't-"

"I don't care if your a little low but i need you to do this for me please, charmander use ember!"

With a little hesitation charmander took a big breath before spitting out a wave of smoldering flames. I jump out of the way last second as to not get hurt and watch as the ferow is pelted with the attack. It flaps its wings frantically before flying away with a screech.

There was no time to celebrate as charmander was still losing blood and her lack of clothes was making her cold and me bothered. I quickly pick her up bridal style earning a squeak from the salamander, and start running back to the cabin.


After a strangely short run, a lot of sweet nothings and reashrasinces, we were home. I step in side and have lucario close and lock the door. I be-line to my bedroom and go to lay her down till she shouts.

"No i can't get your bed dirty"

Her eyes well up with more tears. I give an amused sigh and smile.

"That's what a washing machine is for silly, now let me help you"

Despite her protest I gently lay her on my bed, wincing as she yelps from pain. I help her adjust till she's comfortable.

"Now stay here while i go get the first aid kit."

I give her a pat on the head and go to retrieve the kit. As i open the cabinet for the kit one question races through my mind...Why? Why did she did this? Why did she not ask for help? Why didn't she run? Why is she disappearing? With the kit now in hand it was time to patch her up, and get some answers.

As i returned the room i saw her flame was already much better. I put my stupid boy mind aside and got down to business. I removed what was left of the clothes and tossed then to the trash, note to self have levanry make her a new cute shirt and shorts. Unforchenitly her bra and paintys were totaled as well so i to remove those too.

With the ruin fabric gone I began to clean her wounds of debris, stopping to hus and comfort her when it hurt too bad. After a while all the debris was gone so i went on to cleaning the rest of the wounds. This consisted of lots of screaming, cuddles, and apologies but it thankfully didn't take long. Luckily none of the cuts were too deep so i just put some antibiotics on and wrapped it.

After a short wait to let her recover from treatment and a new change of clothes i thought it was time for answers. She was still scared and in pain so i made sure to use my softest and kindest voice.

"Charmander, this is the fifth time you've disappeared and this time you were in danger when i found you, please i need you to tell you what's happening."

Her eyes widened knowing that she'd been caught, it was time to tell the truth. She took a deep breath and looked at her feet, playing with the hem of her skirt.

"I-i ju-ust want-ted to becom-me strong f-for you. The fas-stest way to-o do that i-is to e-e-eov-vle" (i just wanted to become stronger for you. The fastest way to do that is to evolve)

My eye shot wide as it all finally made sense. Quickly but gently i grab her in to a strong embrace. She snuggles into me out of habit.

"Charmander you are perfect to me, i don't need you to evolve for you to be strong. I never planned to evolve you. Now promise me you will never try that again!"

"B-but b-u-"

"No buts, promise me"

She lets out a sigh, giving a soft meek chuckle, and looks up at me.

"I promise _____"

I grin with so much love and pride

"I love you so much charmander"

She snuggles closer to me and places her tail, with its new bright flame, on my lap. I sat for a bit enjoying her warmth in the unusually cold cadin until she jumped and quickly removed her tail.

"_____ are ok from earlier!"

I was confused until it hit me, that faerow had hit me.......there.

"Oh, i'm alright now it stopped hurting ages ago"

I responded a little flustered

"Now lay back down you need rest and i think i make a great teddybear, plus your warm, so rest."

I put my arm around her and pull her back, so she curls back up. we both drift off to sleep, the only light coming from charmander's tail which basked the room in a soft, warm glow.


The rest is up to you...anyhoo toodaloo my lovely trainers

Word count - 1504

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