18. An offer🥀

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I ripped the sellotape with my teeth and sealed the last remaining box.

"Done." Eva said as she finished taping the box she was packing. Eva and Arya also finished their boxes.

"Thank god, I didn't have many things," I said as I looked around. The room looked so empty without those few of my things.

"Do you really have to move out?" Eva asked with a little sad eyes. "You can look for a job while staying here."

"She is right." Arya said, "You can find something here while waiting for your old job. The rent here is cheap, You can pay by doing any part time job."

"Thanks guys for thinking about me." I smiled. "I also thought that." I sat on the empty bed frame. "It's actually my mom. She doesn't want me to stay here alone anymore." I started to pick at the headrest of that bed frame. "After everything happened, she was kinda scared of me being here alone." I laughed a little. "She even told me to search for jobs in our hometown. She doesn't even want me to work here anymore."

"Well, can't blame her." Arya leaned on the dressing table. "Because somehow I can understand her."

"I still can't believe that Chloe could do something like that." Eva pouted. "She looked so innocent."

"Maybe her inner devil took over her." I smiled.

"But what is going to happen with her stuff?"

"Probably her family members or someone else will come to take them."


"Not you again!" Richard made a helpless face, when he saw me. "What did you do with your last job?"

"I kinda lost it." I smiled at him sweetly.

"What do you mean by kind of?" He said sarcastically as he made an air quote.

"They will contact me as soon as there is an opening."

"Well...that's good." He raised his brows at me. "Then why are you here?"

"What do you mean, why am I here?" I looked at him in disbelief. "Of course I need something, while I am waiting."

"Hmm." Richard started to type on his computer. "There are few options." He looked. "But the money isn't too much."

"I am fine with something smaller, as long as it will pay me on a regular basis."

"You know the Aldi superstore at Highland road, near your house?" He lifted up his eyes from the computer screen to me."They are recruiting a few helpers and store assistants. Would you like to apply?"

"Sure." I nodded my head. "Their wages aren't too bad. I think I could hold up until I get my old job back."

"Excellent." Richard looked excited. "They posted the ad many days ago. And luckily there aren't many applicants. So I think you will get something here." He started to work on my resume. "Now, where is your old resume?"

"Don't tell me you deleted it?" I narrowed my eyes on him. He smiled at me sweetly.

"Why are you worrying about something old? I will make you a new one."

"Unbelievable." I huffed. "Now I need to refill everything for you."

"I mostly memorised the information from your old data."

"uh huh."

"Just need some small fillings."

"Fine." I shook my head and laughed.

He rolled up his sleeves a little and started to type on the keyboard energetically.

I leaned back and rested on the chair. How many times was it already that I was looking for a job again? I couldn't remember. Would I ever get a job where I could stay until the very end?

Hah, my head started to hurt.


"I have a job interview at Aldi." I said while eating my mashed potato. We were having dinner at that moment.

"The High road one?" Mom asked as she put some more peas at my plate.

"Yeah." I answered as I sprinkle some black pepper on it. "Tomorrow at ten a.m." I scooped some mashed potato and peas together and put them in my mouth.

"That's great. It's not too far. You can accommodate from here." I sighed and put down my fork.

"Mom, I need to look for a place."

"Why." Mom look surprised. "That would be completely unnecessary."

"Mom!" I looked at her in disbelief. "I can't sleep on the sofa forever. And all my stuff shattered between your and Lucas's room." I need some privacy too, you know."

"Right. I didn't think about that." Mom paused her eating and thought for a few moments. "How about I clear the attic? You can decorate it into a cute attic bedroom. What do you think?"

"Mom, she has to crawl there because of those roof supporting logs." Lucas protested strongly.

"First of all I have zero skill to turn into a place in some cute way." I started to feel a little annoyed. "Second, I don't think I can climb up and down the ladder every time I need to enter my room. And third but the most important thing," I crossed my hands over my chest, "do you really think a human being can really live there?"

"When did you become so picky?" Mom rolled her eyes at me. "Don't give me those big city vibes, just because you stayed for a few days in London."

"Mom! It has nothing to do with London." My annoyance slowly turned into anger. "I really need a place for myself."

"You can stay in my room, until you find anything." Lucas gave me a serious look.

"Thanks bro," I smiled and winked at him, "It's okay, I can manage."

"Okay, how about I fix the attic and arrange a permanent pull down the stairs?" She got up and started to search for some builders' information in the basket where we put unnecessary letters and advertisement leaflets.

I sighed and looked at Lucas.

"You need to hurry up." Lucas whispered to me.

I nodded my head and sighed again.


"Can you please stock up the potatoes next?" When I returned to the warehouse after finishing my second pallets, Suzane, who was in incharge of the store room , pointed out the potato pallets to me.


"Did you finish the chocolate tubs refilling?"

"Yup, just did it." I tapped on the empty pallets.

"Great." She gave me a thumbs up. I adjusted my hand gloves and started to push the pallet truck.

I was filling those potato racks mechanically as my mind started to wander off. It had been three weeks, I started working at Aldi. I didn't get anything from Jake. I slowly started to believe I had to really stay there forever. It wasn't about the money.

It was about the place which made me remember certain someone.

Yeah, I tried. I tried so hard to forget Alex. But I couldn't.

Does anyone can possibly forget someone, who was following you from the past life and reborn just for you?

I didn't think so. I was sure he also felt the connection between us. I could feel it through his eyes.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Ah, god, I missed him so much.

Those damn memories drowned my heart in some sweet syrup. Sweet but no way out. No matter how much I wanted to forget, I was unable to do that.I couldn't even get rid of them even for a second.

His intoxicating scent, his pleasant warmth,his burning gaze, his irresistible lips, his penetrating eyes, his serious frown, his alluring smile, his addictive voice, his warm breath, everything that I felt in those few days seemed like imprinted in my heart.

Beep. Beep.

I was pulled out from my train of thoughts with the notification sound on my phone. I removed my working gloves and pulled out my phone from my jean's back pocket.

It was a message from Lucas. I looked at the time. It was past 4.00 p.m. His school time was over.

"Can you please lend me 20 quids?"

"Why?" I replied. I never gave him money without any reason. It wasn't about being rich or poor. I didn't like to spoil children with money.

"All of my friends are going to Mcdonalds and they want me too. I am a little short with money."

I know all of his friends. They were descents, I guess. And it was his last year of high school.

"Fine. Meet me at the shop." I replied back and put back my phone in my back pocket. I was almost done with the restocking, so without putting the gloves back on I put the last packet of the potato on the racks.

"Do you have any good wine here?" Someone asked me from behind, with a slightly different accent. Might have some tourists. I got up and drew a professional smile on my face.

"Sure, if you just..." my words got stuck midway when I saw the person in front of me.

It was Robert.

"How are you, amore." He smirked at me playfully.

"What the...." the glove I was holding, dropped on the floor.


"I didn't know that you sell potatoes?" He looked a little disappointed. I asked Suzane for a small break and brought Robert to the nearest Mcdanalds. I finished organising four palettes, so that's why she granted my wish. Although I had to serve at the till after my break.

"I don't sell anything." I laughed a little. "I just work here."

"Tomato tomahto." He mocked playfully.

"Listen," I slammed the table, "if you came here to piss me off. Then piss off." I waved my hand at him. "Shoo!" He started to laugh.

"Okay, now tell me, why did you really come?" I narrowed my eyes on him. "Don't tell me you actually missed me!"

"Desideri!" He scoffed. "Anyway, tell me, how much do you make with this job?"

"Why?" I smirked. "You want to apply too." He raised his brow at me. I giggled.

"Two thousands per month."

"That little!" He looked shocked. "And you are happy with it?"

"It is okay for me."

He tapped his fingers on the table as he looked lost in some deep thoughts.

"I have an offer for you," He suddenly said, out of the blue.

"What offer?" I squinted my eyes at him.

"A job offer of caretaker, companion, friend, name what you want." He showed me her palm. "Five thousands per month."

"I...don't understand what you are saying." I was completely dumbfounded and clueless. Robert leaned on the table.

"The few days you spent with Bella, that was the first time in my life I saw her that cheerful. And that's why we need you, as her companion, friend who could blabber nonsense all the time."

"Hey," I protested strongly. "I never talk nonsense."

"That's not the point here. I am talking about the positive energy, with which you are loaded." He looked at me deeply. "And Bella really needs that."

"But that does mean I have to go to Italy." I leaned back on my chair. "Hmm, having a job in a different country. I never thought about it." I pursed my lips as I slowly started to sink into some deep thoughts.

"How about eight thousand?"

Did he really think he could get his way with me through some mere money? How brazen he could be to lure me with money.

"Right now, my mom is kinda against me going out of town..."

"Let's make it round, ten thousand."

"When can I start?" I asked promptly with a sweet smile on my face.

Yes, you are right. I could get sold easily with that much money. Especially when I needed a job out of this place.

"Whenever you are ready."

"Hey Esme." I looked up to see Lucas. Right, he said they would come here. I took out my wallet and gave him some money.

"Here you go."

"Thanks." He took the money and glanced at Robert.

"He is not my boyfriend." I said with an unamused expression. Lucas got startled and Robert started to laugh silently.

"I didn't ask!" he said with a little flustered face.

"Uh-huh." I nodded my head.

"Anyway see you later." He hurriedly left and joined their friends. His friends were sitting all together on a table, not far away.

"That's your brother, right?" Robert asked while looking at Lucas's direction.


"He is cuter than the picture."

"I know right," I said proudly. "He is my brother after all."

"Yeah, right." He rolled his eyes. Then he narrowed his eyes as he remembered something. "He is still in highschool, right?"

"He is almost done with highschool. He already took his college entrance exam."

"So, he is not a minor anymore?"

"No, he is not..." I paused when I sensed something different in his tone. The way he looked at Lucas, seemed a little different.

Wait a damn minute!

"Why are you asking so much about him?" I narrowed my eyes on him.

"You are a smart woman." He smirked dangerously. "I like that."

My eyes widened.

"You...are you gay?" I asked him dumbfounded.

"No." He got up and winked at me. "I am BI."

I gasped.



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