2. Nightmares Or Memories?🥀

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(Don't forget to hear the Song 👆😙🎶)

"Are you okay, love? Can you hear me?" Someone gently covered a bottle green throw over me. My line of vision was kind of disorganised.

"Yes." I answered with a distant voice as I clutched the corner of that disinfect-scented blanket.

"Can you please tell me your name?"

"Esméralda...Esméralda Shenton." I answered between my clattering teeth.

"Esméralda, please follow my finger." That person lit a torch and waved his index finger in front of my eyes. My pupil followed it by reflex.

"Is there anywhere you hurt? Do you like me to check?"

"I...I...I..." I tried hard to stammer out the answer, but failed. I was still shaking terribly while trying to gather my whole messed up thoughts.

"Esmé!" I could suddenly hear my mom's voice, full of worry and concern. She strode towards me with long steps and wrapped her arms around me as she engulfed me in her chest.

"Is she alright?" My mom asked that person with a great overwrought in her voice. "Please, tell me she is alright."

"Please, don't worry mam," one of these paramedics, a chocolaty skin toned slim lady, in her late twenties, reassured mom. "We didn't find any injury and her vitals and reflexes are normal. She smiled at me tenderly. "Maybe some sugar intake and a long nice sleep will do."

"Thank you!" My mom sounded gratified. "Thank you so much!"

"Just doing mah job." She smiled gaily as she shrugged her shoulders casually and got herself busy with tidying up her medical kit.

"Excuse me Miss Shenton." A tall and stud looking police officer approached me with a wary tone. "Can you answer us a few questions?"

If it was some other time and some normal situation I would be over the cloud by that handsome looking police officer. I always had a thing for those uniformed policemen. I kind of fancied them. But right at that moment I wanted to run away from everything and lay down on my small, cramped bed. Doing nothing.

"This thing can wait." My mom hissed at that man. "Can't you see she is still traumatized?"

"I am fine." I intook a sharp breath and straightened up. "I can talk."

"That's good." The officer smiled at me warmly. "Your friend Elena already gave her statement." He took out a small black notepad from the back pocket of his dark blue uniform trousers. "Your friend kept mentioning about some 'Wattpad male lead'." he looked at me curiously. "Can you please tell us more about it?"

I blinked several times.

That girl was seriously insane!

After taking my statement the police officer let me go and politely requested me to report in case I remember anything else.

"You are going home with me!" Mom informed me with a commanding voice. "And I won't hear anything. Do you get me?"

"Fine." I was too exhausted to argue with her.

"Try not to think about anything. Alright." My mom told me as she glanced at me from the rear mirror. "Just close your eyes and try to relax. When we get home I will make you some delicious ham sandwich while you take a nice relaxing bath. How does that sound, eh?"

I didn't answer her and leaned my head back to the car seat as I tried to remember what the fuck just happed a few hours ago.

I froze on my spot like a lightning struck tree. Because the person who was lying in front of me in the puddle of blood, fighting with the death god was the cause of my daily nightmares.

"Fate un passo indietro entrambi!" Suddenly someone shouted over our head in italian. We both looked up to see that the previous customer was pointing a gun towards us. We promptly raised our hands up in the air.

"Wait! Wait! Don't shoot!" Ella frantically started to blurt. "We didn't do anything. He was shot twice in his stomach. We were just trying to stop his bleeding."

That man tried to measure our words while staring at us with a deep sharp look. He looked back and forth between us and that dying man.

"If you don't hurry him to the hospital now...he will die." I slowly let go a long shaky breath as I looked in that man's eyes straight. "He already bled too much. His pulse is weak. Too weak to waste another single moment."

That man instantly put his gun down on the floor and struggled to hoist up that lying man. I quickly reached out to help him.

"It's okay." He prevented me. "I got it." Then tilted his head to the other side and shouted lowly. "Francia, dammi una mano qui. Velocemente!"

"Signore!" A person ran there quickly and gave him a helping hand. They carefully lifted up that man. "Chiama il nostro dottore. Ha bisogno di un intervento adesso!"

Before they took their leave that man looked at me. "Perdere, what's your name?"

I halted a little. I didn't know why, but I was having a bad feeling that they were going to come back for me. I rampaged with my brain and looked at him as I gulped hard.

"Jennifer Lawrence." I chewed my bottom lip nervously. Ella snapped her face towards me with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.

"And yours?" He shifted his attention to Ella. Ella was still staring at me. She turned her face to that man with an amused expression on her face. "Angelina Jolie."

Next I and that man both raised our brows at her.

"What?!" She pulled a poker face as she swiped her eyes at our faces.

"Nothing." I quickly said. That man was still staring at her.

"Dobbiamo sbrigarci, signore Robert." That man, France hurried Robert. I assumed his name by Fran's calling him.

"Fine, let's get out." Robert returned his attention back to that man.

"Seriously!" I looked at Ella with disbelief. "Angelina Jolie!"

"Of course I have to think of someone better that Jennifer!" Ella flipped her hair. "Don't underestimate me."

I rolled my eyes.


We heard the gun sound again.

"Let's get out quickly." Ella said. I nodded my head and was ready to leave that place...


Suddenly a vast explosion shook the ground vigorously. We stumbled down on the floor.


I startled when my mom closed the car door with a loud bang.

"We are home~", She announced with a singsong voice. I sighed tiredly and got out of the car.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you shot? Did they hit you?" Lucas bombarded me with thousands of questions with flushed cheeks and panicked expressions on his face, as soon as I entered the house.

"Awww." I removed my shoes and pinched his cheeks. "Why are you worried for me?" I felt amused.

"Worried my ass." He swapped my hands as he tried to hide his embarrassed face. "I was just thinking who is gonna pay my medicine bills from now on."

"Gee, thanks." I made a mocking face at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Okay, listen." Mom clapped her hands to get our attention. "I still have some of your old clothes here. Quickly fresh up. I am going to make some ham sandwiches."

"Mom, don't you know anything better than those ham sandwiches." Lucas said annoyed. "I get sick everytime eating those ham sandwiches."

"This is not a restaurant!" Mom shouted angrily while putting her hands on her waist. "If you want anything else, make it yourself!"

"It doesn't mean that you have to make ham sandwiches everytime!" Lucas wasn't a silent type like either.

"You ungrateful...."

I was slowly stepping back from them without making any sound. I turned and quietly came upstairs. When I entered the bathroom, I could still hear them arguing.

At the end mom made her favourite ham sandwiches. I guessed she won the fight. Lucas was nibbling on a sandwich with a sour face.

"Cheer up!" I whispered to him. "I will order some takeout for dinner." His face lit up like a christmas tree. "What would you like to eat? Chinese or Indian?"

"Chinese!" His face was sparkling brightly. I showed him a thumb up.

"Oh right!" Mom straightened up on her seat as she recalled something. "That police officer called. They found out about those people."

I was sitting still on my seat for the whole time as mom delivered the information from that police officer.

They were some high ranked mafia group from Italy. They came here for some business with Clyde, the distillery owner. The police were interrogating him for that matter. But They got some anonymous information that Clyde was doing some shady business under that distillery. The police also got the information that he was betraying his boss, being while. So when his boss came here to confront him, he ganged up with some of his boss's enemies and attacked him in that restaurant. The head boss got two gun wounds and those leechers made a big explosion at that restaurant. Police looked for his body, but couldn't find any. They were searching in hospitals for them at that moment.

I gulped hard. Twice.

"Did they tell you the name of that 'BOSS'?" I asked while trying hard to keep my voice normal as I scratched the corner of the table to steady my shaking hand.

"Yeah, some Italian name." Mom closed her eyes and squinted her nose as she tried to recall that name. "Alex....Alexandre...no wait, Alessandro. Alessandro Luka. Something like that." Mom shrugged her shoulders.

"What as assholes!" Lucas exclaimed angrily. "If I find them, I am gonna kill them with some anti-human spray."

I smiled awkwardly.

After eating some delicious Chinese takeout for dinner I wanted to leave, But mom made me stay for the night. I was too tired anyway, so I agreed. I took the couch in the living room. Lucas was okay to give me his room for one night, but I declined. I fell asleep as soon as my back touched the surface of the couch.


"This makes it the third time," he said while looking at me through a two trigger rifle with one eye while the other one closed. I was slumped down on the floor. "Tell me what you want me to do with you?" He put down the rifle on the table beside him, leaned towards me a little and looked into my eyes.

I didn't avert my eyes. I was exhausted with all of those. I wanted to get out of there at any cost.

From him.

He sighed and leaned back on his backrest. He tilted his head a little on his side and signaled one of his men. His man nodded his head and opened the door for someone. A man in his fifties came inside and stood in the room silently.

"Can you do something with her legs, so she can't run away anymore?" He asked that man with a calm tone.

My breath hitched. That man glanced at me with pity in his eyes.

"Sir, I think It will be harsh for...."

"I didn't ask for your opinion here." That man's words were cut by his cold words. "Can you do it or not?"

"Ye...yes." That man gulped hard.

"Good," He said as he seemed satisfied. "Hold her down tightly." Few people started to walk towards me and reached out their hands.

"Nooooo!" I tried to crawl back from them. "Don't touch me!" I shouted with agony. But it was all vain. Those people hold me down on the floor tightly.

"LET ME GO!"I tried to wriggle out from their grip. That older person came forward with a heavy hammer and grasped my ankle with his iron grip. He tapped his hammer on my ankle a few times to fix his aim.

"Try to make it less painful." He spoke up again. "You know how precious she is to me."

"Kill me!" I looked at him with bloodshot eyes. "JUST KILL ME ALREADY!!" I spewed those burning words in between my clenched teeth. "JUST END HERE EVERYTHING!"

He paused and stared in my eyes deeply. He got up and walked towards me. He stopped just right in front of me. Everybody was still in their places with fear for their life.

"Do you think you could end everything with just dying." He said with an icy cold tone. "Then let me tell you something. If you die, I will follow you and we will be reborn again to be together." He leaned a little towards me. "And I will make sure that happens." He signaled with his hand. That man with the hammer swung the hammer and slammed it on my ankle.


I jumped up from my sleep panting so hard as if my heart would leap out from my mouth. My t-shirt was dripping wet as I was literally bathing with my own sweat. My throat was parched as a dessert and my whole body was shaking badly. I raked my hair frantically with my trembling fingers. The veins beside my ears were throbbing painfully as I tried to understand my nightmare.

What was that!

Were those really nightmares? Or.....



Author's Note:

This chapter is dedicated to my sweet little cutiepie SBanerjee7 . She is the one who inspired me to write this story. She is a great writer herself. If you are into dark romance, make sure to check out her works. Love ya Bonu.

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