21. I See Red🥀

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I blinked my eyes open then shut them close again when the warm sunlight directly hit my eyes. I slowly rubbed my eyes and turned my head towards that enormous ceiling to floor glass window. The vast blue sky looked way more stunning than I ever saw in my life. I slowly stretched my hands above my head and turned my head beside me.

It was empty.

Did Alex leave already?

Then suddenly the fragments of the last started to crown in my mind.

Those lip crushed kisses.

Me slowly losing myself under his touch.

Alex's glowing blue eyes, burning with raw desire for me.

I closed my eyes and covered them with my hand.

He would again deny everything even though we made out so intensely. Twice.

Maybe I was the one who was expecting too much from an idiot thug, who didn't have a slightest emotion about everything.

I removed my hand from my eyes and stared at the aesthetic illusions on the ceiling.

'Maybe what happened between us just a one time thing for him'

I sat up angrily and puffed my cheeks.

"Fine! If you want to act like that, be my guest." I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to comb them into a top bun. "Who do you think you are, huh!" I lifted up the sheet and climbed down from the couch to pick up my jeans from the floor. "Okay, I didn't do one night stands, but I could also go around and sleep whomever I want to." I bent a little and lifted up my butt a little, while trying to put my one leg into the jeans and tried to keep my balance. "I am going to rub your attitude on your..."

"I thought nowadays only children like to wear underwear with polka dots."

I instantly froze on my spot when I heard Robert's voice from behind me. One leg half inserted in my pants while the other one is struggling to keep balance. My butt was lifted up in the air. I slowly turned my head to find a very annoying Robert with a smug smirk on his face.

"Good morning." He slowly walked towards me. "How's your first night?" He asked me with an amused expression on his face. I glared at him as I could clearly understand what he meant by first night.

"Shut it!" I again concentrated on putting on my pants.

"Looks like it went down smoothly." He pointed at my jeans with his chin.

"O, gu mòr an othail!" I scowled at him angrily.

"What language is that?" Robert raised his brows at me. "I didn't know my English was that bad." He rubbed his chin while staring hard at the floor with squinted eyes.

"It seems like you still have a long way to go." I was actually talking in Scottish Gaelic, but decided to tease him when I got the opportunity. "You can bring your notebook to me every evening and I can teach you." I smirked at him. "Don't worry, it will be charge free."

"Oh, how generous of you." Robert raised one eyebrow at me. "I am overwhelmed by your kindness." I choked on my breath.

"Why are you talking like you are in some english drama?"

"Am I?" Robert smiled sheepishly. "I actually recently watched a drama about London, Bridgerton." My eyes went up on my forehead..

Good grief!

"That's a period drama." I made a face. "People who used that dialect are already dead."

"Eh, really." Robert looked disappointed. "I pulled an all nighter to watch them all."

"Poor you." I finished wearing my jeans and put my hands on my waist. "Anyway, what's for breakfast? I am hungry."

"Let's go." He turned to leave. "I came to fetch you. Everyone is waiting for you."

He led the way and I followed him.


There was only Bella and Greta waiting for us on the table.

Alex wasn't there.

I sighed silently as a little discontent made a empty space in my heart.

"When did you get up?" I asked Bella as I pulled out a chair to sit down. "I didn't see you when I woke up." I sat down facing Bella. Robert took a seat beside Bella.

"I am sorry." Bella looked at me apologetically. "I think I woke in the middle of the night." I froze. She didn't see us? Right? "I was still drunk, so when I found myself in Alex's room I just got up and went to my room and fell asleep again." She gave me puppy eyes. "Sorry, I completely forgot about you." I was holding my breath the whole time. Finally I released a sigh of relief sigh.

"It's okay." I smiled and picked up a crispy bacon and started to nibble on it. "I woke up and couldn't find you, so I was a little worried."

"Oh." Bella smiled and looked at Robert as she suddenly remembered something. "Where is Alex? I didn't see him today? Didn't he return yesterday?" I quickly looked up at Robert as I also wanted to ask the same question from the moment I woke up. Robert gave me a little smirk.

"I think he is..."

"Buongiorno." A hot wave slowly raised my body temperature as a familiar voice greeted us from behind me.

"Buongiorno." Bella greeted him back with a bright sweet smile as she got up to kiss his cheek. I was sitting on my seat stiffly, without turning my back. Alex slowly leaned over on me to accept her kiss. He placed his right hand on the table to keep his weight. When he was doing that his fingertips slightly brushed my shoulders in that process and ignited some irresistible craving inside of me. He kissed Bella's cheek and slightly turned his head towards me. A strong male odour was emitting from him and I couldn't help but take in that thick mixed aroma of wood and wax into my lungs.

"Good morning." He greeted me with a heavy raspy voice. Just a few inches away from my face. The hair on my neck instantly stood up. I coughed a little to clear my throat.

"Good morning." I tilted my head a little and scratched a non-itchy part on my neck.

"Sai, la pianta che vuoi dalla Thailandia, come si chiama di nuovo?" Robert started to talk with Bella.

"Oh, si chiama orecchio di elefante, ma è anche chiamato gigante tailandese... " They both got busy with themselves.

"Did you sleep well?" Robert was still leaning over me and making me struggle to breath.

"Yes, I did." I gripped the edge of my plate and pressed my fingers on them tightly as a series of goosebumps ran through all over my skin. "Thanks for asking."

"I am glad to know that." He suddenly leaned over a little more and brushed his lips against my ears. My heart beat spiked to the Mt. Everest. "Because I also had a great night. Thanks to you." He whispered in a sensuous tone. I quickly turned to him with baked cheeks and ears. As he was standing very close to me and because of my abruptly turning head our lips almost touched each other. He stared at my eyes, then slowly trailed his eyes to my lips. My lips slightly parted under his intense stare. Then he smirked and suddenly moved away from me.

"I should let you enjoy your breakfast." He went over and sat beside Bella. I released a very long breath. I didn't realise until then, I was actually holding my breath.

He was wearing a black tank top with grey trousers. There were sweat beads scattered all over his face and bare body part, like some priceless diamonds.

Looked like he just finished his workout.

No wonder my breath was taken away by his rich male aroma.

He picked up an apple, leaned on the backrest of his chair and took a big bite from his apple.

I looked down and stared at the Adam's apple on his throat which bobbed up and down as he swallowed that piece of apple.

"Alex, I need an extension on the conservatory." Bella looked and swirled her arms around Alex's bare arm and rested her chin on his bulged muscle. "Can I? Please, please, please. Pretty please." She looked at him with puppy eyes. I quickly looked away and rubbed my throat as I felt them dry.

"Didn't we extend it last year?" Alex looked at Bella with amused eyes.

"It was last year." Bella looked at him with big surprised eyes. "Do you have any idea how much plants I have bought since then?"

"I stopped counting when it reached forty-seven ." Robert blinked his eyes with the same amused expression on his face as Alex.

Bella pursed her lips in a little embarrassment, then quickly glared at him.

"Why were you counting in the first place, huh?!"

"I have to supervised everything that's going in and out of this house. Including those little creatures." Bella spread out her feathers like an angry peacock.

"Don't call them..." She was about to kill Robert with her looks, but then stopped as she suddenly remembered something. "I think a portable pond made out of wine barrel would fit perfect with my elephant Ear."

"Are you planning to turn the whole house into a zoo or what?"

"Allright, allright." Alex interrupted them finally to break their fight. He looked at Bella.

"Do you want the plant first or the extensions?"

"The plant."

"Alright." Alex got up and took a last bite from his apple before tossed the remains of it in the bin. "I will ask Luca to arrange it for you." He picked up his phone from the table. "Allora andrò. Ciao." Then he looked at me with a tentative eyes. "See you later."

"See you." I looked at him then quickly averted my eyes.

After Alex left, Robert also got up.

"Where are you going?" Bella asked her grumpily. She was still sulking because of their fight. Robert place his both hands on the table and raised his brow with an amused expression on his face.

"To find some people who can turn our house into a zoo."

"Tu, mascalzone..." Bella picked up some grapes from the table and threw them to him. Robert dodged them while laughing raucously.

"So, what are we going to do today?" I asked excitedly after Robert left.

"I ordered some succulents a few days ago. They just arrived today." Bella moved her chair and turned to me excitedly. "How about we repotted them today?"

"Sure." I picked up my juice glass. "Let me finish my breakfast quickly."


"Holy crap!" my eyes widened and reached to the top of my head when I saw the heap of packaging boxes scattered all over the floor. "I thought you said a few." I looked at Bella in disbelief.

"Yeah." Bella looked very sad. "I wanted to place a few more orders, but those plants are currently out of stock."

"That's very...sad." I laughed awkwardly.

"Let's get started then." Bella rolled up her yellow floral dress sleeves.


I woke up in the morning but didn't open my eyes.

Another day to wake up in Italy.

Another day to spend all of my time in that damn green house.

It has been almost three weeks since I arrived in Italy. And all I did was repotting plants. Trimmed branches. Made flower beds. Clear dry leaves. Oh and pollination of the flowers.

At that point I felt like they hired me as a gardener. Not a caretaker.

I threw my hand and legs out of frustration and turned over to my side.

I don't want t o get up.

But I had to get up.

I groaned and sat up on my bed.

When I came down after washing my face and dressed up I was very surprised. Bella was playing with a huge white and grey husky. Bella and that dog looked at me and that dog started to run over towards me. I was startled and about to turn back to run. But it was already too late. The dog leaped a little and jumped over me. The dog was almost twice my weight so I couldn't keep up my balance and we both tumbled over the ground. I was scared at first but my fear instantly went away when that cute little fellow started to lick my face happily and cleaned all the moisturiser I applied before.

"Why didn't you tell me you have a dog?" I started to scratch softly under his cheeks. He closed his eyes and was enjoying the treatment while sticking out his tongue. "What's his name?"

"Her name is sofia." Bella sat beside us and rubbed her back with so much affection.

Oops, It's her.

"How come I didn't see her the last time I came?"

"She was hospitalised."

My eyes widened.

"Why? What happened?"

"She just.... had a difficult delivery."

"What?" My eyes started to sparkle. "She has babies."

"Yes, she had five babies." Bella's eyes shadowed with sorrow. "But she got into a terrible accident and lost three of them. The babies are still in the hospital."

"Oh no!" I gasped. "What happened?"

"It was terrible." Bella shook her head lightly. "Let's not talk about it. "

I didn't pressure her. Suddenly Sofia licked my face to get my attention back.

"Oh sorry." I scratched her ears with affection.

"I know!" Bella clapped her hand in excitement. "Since we have Sofia here today, how about we all go for some truffle hunting?"

"Brilliant." I instantly said out loud. "We should really do that."


Finally we were about to do something which doesn't involve plants.

I didn't have any slightest idea about hunting but I didn't care as long as I could go away from that damn greenhouse. I wouldn't mind killing a tiger for that.

"Let's go. Let's go." I started to run towards a direction blindly.

"Esme!" I halted when Bella called me out.

"We have to go this way." She pointed at the open forest at the west side of the manor. I walked back to her.

"Cool." I tilted my head as I looked at the forest. "Do we have a permit?"

"We don't need one." Bella smiled at me like it was nothing. "It's our private property."

"Wooooo!" I blew a whistle. "That's even cooler."


"She found another one!" Bella rushed to Sofia, who was scratching the soil and trying to dig something up. Bella used a hand shovel to dig and soon found the ninth one. She turned to me with a happy face.

"Esme, hurry up. Put this one with the other ones."

I dragged myself towards her with the basket I was carrying full of these black dried prune like fungus fruit, truffle.

Somehow I ended up digging some plants again.

I sighed and looked at the basket I was holding. What the fuck were these weird looking things anyway?! What were we going to do with them? Don't tell me we had to eat them?! I didn't want to eat them!

"I think that would be sufficient for everyone." Bella got up and patted the lower part of her dress to shake off all the dirts. "Let's head back now."

"Sure." I agreed without any energy in my voice.

We had pasta at lunch with toppings of those truffles. And after lunch I felt so tired that I fell asleep on a macrame swing under a big grapevine trellis. I felt so nice that I even had a beautiful dream. After such a long time.

"I believe this is yours." I turned and paused for a moment when I saw the person in front of me. He was holding my Minakari opal blue butterfly hair clip but his eyes were on me.

Alessandro Berengar.

The crown prince of Palermo.

The person whom I was desperate to meet.

Of Course he couldn't take his eyes off me. Because I know I was blessed with eternal beauty.

And that's why I was chosen to do that job.

"Yes, it is." I presented my most beautiful and enchanting smile to him. And I think it was a success because I could literally see the reflection of that smile in his eyes.

We stood there, staring into each other's eyes. Seemed like the world stopped around us.

"May I have the honour to know this beautiful lady's name?"

I straightened myself up.

'Finally my effort paid off.'

'His eyes finally caught on me.'

'Now I can begin my task.'

'My name is....'

I jerked up from my sleep when I felt something lightly fall on me. I opened my eyes to see Alex was in the middle of covering me up with his suit. It was already dusk. The Sun was already set but there were still traces of light rays between those orange clouds.

"You will catch a cold if you keep sleeping here like this." Alex did cover me anyway and slid his hands into his pockets.

I looked down at that charcoal black suit then slowly rubbed my fingers on the smooth fabric of the collar part of it.

At that point I was sure that those dreams were fragments of my past life.

Our past life.

I usually had nightmares about the bad part of that life. But that day I realised that we also had some beautiful moments too. And if we can try, we could make more beautiful moments in our present life.

Maybe that was why God gave us another life to resolve our past lives mistakes and recreate those moments.

And if that's so, I was willing to give it a try.

I looked up at his dark opal blue eyes. Under the last sunlight of the day they looked like some valuable crystals. And somehow I felt very calm under his affectionate gaze.

"Thanks." I smiled warmly and snuggled to his suit a little more.


"Last night I was checking the site, where I usually order my plants and found out that they recently stocked up some carnivorous plants in their shops. I immediately ordered a few of them." Bella excitedly showed me her laptop. "I ordered five types of sundews and one venus fly trap and a purple pitcher plant." She pointed at a particular picture on the laptop screen. "Aren't they cute?"

I stopped chewing my food. There was a weird looking plant picture on the screed which was trapping a fly to eat it.

Okay! That was it!

"Bella." I looked at her very attentively. "How about we do something different today?"

"Different?" Bella looked at me innocently. "Oh I know! How about we make some clay pots for the new cactus we had from last time. There were still some left to repot....."

"Umm, no." I cut her off. "Something very different which is not related to plants. At all!"

"Like what?" She looked confused.

"Follow me." I got up.


I really like one thing about this house: it had a big underground parking space with every different kind of car. I didn't have much knowledge about cars but some of them looked very expensive. And the best part is that the keys are always intact with the cars. That was good actually. If someone was in a hurry, they could just hop in and start the car. No need for wasting time on finding the keys.

"What are we doing here?" Bella asked as she glanced at all those cars.

"Come here, I'll tell you." I held her hand and led her to a slick black Mercedes. I gently pushed her in the shotgun seat then slid in the driver's seat. "Today we will have a girl's day out."

"Day out?" Bella whispered then looked ahead through the rear window then looked back at me. "To where?"

"I haven't decided yet. What's the nearest town from here?" Bella was staring at me with a blank look in her eyes. "Okay, let's see what GPS can show us." I turned on the GPS and did some fiddling with it. "Bracciano? Hmm, sounds nice. Let's go there."

I turned on the engine and slowly started to drive out from the spiral underground parking lot. Bella was weirdly very silent for some reason. She was murmuring something without any sound while hanging her head low, staring at her feet. We quickly made it out from the parking area. I could see the main gate.

"NO!" Suddenly Bella screamed loudly as we almost reached the main gate. "STOP THE CAR! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" She started to act like a hysterical person.

"Bella, calm down!" I was having difficulty driving and controlling her at the same time. "What happened?"

Bella looked at me like a mad person then turned her eyes to the steering wheel. I had a bad feeling about the dilated pupils she had right that moment.

Oh no!

The next she did exactly what I was fearing the most. She reached out and grabbed the steering wheel violently. And before I could prevent the thing that I was fearing the most at the moment, that happened. She used all her strength and jerked the wheel in a dangerous direction like a mad person. I couldn't win against her sudden inhuman power and our car escalated to a gigantic old olive tree.


My head got smashed to the window before the airbag popped open and pushed me tightly to my seat. I tried to see Bella but couldn't. My eyelids felt heavy and something warm, sticky trickling down from my head to my eyes. To my cheek. I slowly reached out and touched that warm sticky thing on my face. I looked at my hand with half closed eyes and saw something red.

Dark red.

It was blood.

My blood.

Finally my body gave in and I slipped in a dark abyss. 



Finally updated.

Does anyone have any idea about what happened with Bella?

Drop your thoughts.




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