26: Hail To The Queen 🥀

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"But how...", I was so shocked that I didn't even know how to respond, "I didn't even sign the form."

"I was just casually checking our donor's list and...I didn't even myself believe that I would find a match that soon." The doctor adjusted his glasses and smiled at me apologetically. "Sorry, I didn't ask you beforehand."

"So, who is this person?"

"Sorry, we can't enclose the details. You know, to protect privacy."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." I rubbed my hands to control my excitement. "I just can't believe we already found a donor." I smiled at the doctor nervously. "It feels like a dream, which I don't want to break." I looked at Lucas in utter happiness. "Can you believe that?! They found a donor for you!"

"Does that person know what they are doing?" Lukas gave the doctor a suspicious look. "It's not easy to find a donor, let alone that easily. You are not forcing or making a fool out of them right?"

"LUKAS!" I said out of flustered and quickly looked at the doctor. He looked a little taken back by Lukas's words. He quickly looked at me and Lukas. He took some time then slowly started to laugh.

"Hahaha..." He slid his hands in his white coat pockets. "Don't tell me you think of me as a part of the mafia as well?"

"No, of course not." I quickly answered before Lukas.

"You are not, right?" But he just didn't catch my hint.

"No." The doctor looked at him calmly. "I am a doctor. And I always try my best to save people, who really need to be saved."

"What does that..."

"So, when are we starting?" I quickly cut him off before he could speak more nonsense.

"The moment you sign the form."

"I just need to talk to my mom, then I will sign it right after that." I smiled. "Just consider it's done."

"Great." The doctor looked at Lukas. "Until then take care of your health and take your medicines in time. I want you to be fit when we start the treatment." He smiled at Lukas and Lukas just slightly nodded his head.

That rude brat.

After the doctor left I looked at Lukas excitedly.

"I can't believe what just happened!" I extended my hand to him. "Quickly, pinch me!"

Lukas rolled his eyes and pinched me with all of his force.

"OUCH!" I quickly pulled back my hand. "Bitch!"

He didn't respond and focused on finishing his leftover breakfast. I huffed and made a face at him. When he still didn't respond I decided to leave him alone and call mom.

"What?!" Mom looked very shocked. "What did you say?"

"We found a donor for Lukas." I tried my best to be calm as much as possible but I could tell my eyes were slowly moisturizing up.

"That's...that's very great news." Mom licked her dry lips. "I don't know what to say."

"Hallelujah!" I said jokingly. Mom's eyes became glossy.

"It is a miracle indeed." She shook her head with a little smile on her face.

"So, after I talk to you I am going to submit the form then the doctor will immediately start Lukas's treatment. So, I am going to book a flight tomorrow or anything whichever is earliest. You should start packing now."

Mom paused and blinked at me a few times.

"What...are you talking about?" She asked me slowly.

"I mean in case we find something today, you won't get much time. Try to keep your luggage simple and light. If you need anything, I will buy..."

"I can't go."

I paused when mom suddenly interrupted me. I looked at Lukas. To be relieved, he was busy eating his breakfast and looking at his phone. I swiftly and very carefully opened the door, got out of the car and closed the door behind me.

"What do you mean?" I was a little confused.

"I...have a job."Mom looked a little lost with words. "I just can't can't pack my bag and leave."

I always felt like mom was a highly educated type of person. But she never tried to work in some good place. Instead she worked at a local restaurant in our town, as a server and kitchen helper.

"Just ask for a few days of leave. I am sure they wouldn't mind if they know the reason. I mean if you..."

"I can't go." Mom cut me off.

"What!" I was clueless and kind of dumbfounded. "You don't want to come here? Why?"

"I didn't say, I don't want to, I said, I can't."

"Yeah, to-may-to, to-mah-to." I rolled my eyes. "But I still couldn't understand why?"

"I have my reasons, airight!" She looked frustrated. "Just don't ask!"

"Mom," I took a deep breath, "Lukas is going to have the biggest surgery in his life and if everything goes well, I really hope it does, he will be cured completely. Like, in the future he can lead a very good and healthy life and you are saying you can't be there with him."

"Believe me, I really want to." She shook her head with guilt on her face. "I really do."

"At least tell me why!"

"Keep me updated about everything." Mom looked straight into my eyes and cut the call.

I stood at my place for a long few minutes. I was still in a daze about the fact that mom refused to come. I slowly sat on those waiting benches exhausted.

What am I going to tell Lukas?

I leaned my head on the headrest and stared at the ceiling.

In the age when I should be dating and going to parties, there I am sighing like a middle aged lady, buried under responsibilities.

"Screw it!" I bounced up on my seat angrily. If Lukas asked me, I wouldn't lie to him.

"Hmp!" I let out some hot air from my nostril.

I don't care! Not at all!

I can't take care of them all the time. They need to act up on their own. I am not their grandma!

I shook my head, got up and started to strom towards Lukas's room. I was so angry with mom that I even forgot my phone on that waiting chair. I retreated to get my phone and stormed off again.

"What did mom say?" I paused right after entering the room, when Lukas asked me that. "When is she coming?"

'She said she is not coming.'

"Mom had a small accident. I don't think she could come here." I cursed mentally when I lied instead of telling the truth.

"What?! When?"


"How is she now?" Lukas pale face became paler. "What happened?"

"Nothing serious." I was wrecking my brain hard to find something. I had to make up something not so serious but also very worrisome at the same time.

"She twisted her ankle very badly. Right now she can't even walk properly. So, it's impossible for her to come here right now."

"So, she can't come." Lukas's face drooped.

"It seemed so." I was sure I made a pathetic expression at that moment. "But, hey, at least I am here. I...will take care of you. Don't worry."

Lukas sighed a little but nodded his head at me to assure me that he was alright.


I politely knocked on the Doctor's door and let myself in.

"Hi, can I have a talk with you? Only if you are free."

"Sure, sure, come in." The doctor smiled at me amiably. I quietly closed the door and took a seat in front of the doctor. "Is everything alright?" He asked me with a little concerned voice.

"Yeah, yeah." I smiled nervously and let out a long breath. "When will you start the surgery...treatment?"

"We still need to run a few tests, then we are good to go. Maybe one more week."

"Oh...that's great." I cleared my throat as I was gearing up for my next question. "Umm..I am actually wondering, like do you have any idea, how much everything will cost. Like the surgery and post surgery treatment, everything." I smiled nervously at him. "A rough idea will also do."

The doctor stared at me for a few seconds then made a small smile along with his pursed lips.

"But everything is already paid off."

Then it was my turn to stare at him for a few seconds. I laughed a little.

"I think you got the wrong information. I didn't spend a single penny here. I don't even have any idea about the cost. How could I just pay off everything?"

"I exactly don't have any idea what is going on." The doctor leaned back on his chair. "But I think you should talk to Alessandro about this."

"Alex?!" the space between my brows squinted so much, that it could hold a pair of chopsticks without any struggle. "What does he have to do with it?!"

"You should ask him about that." The doctor gave me an assured smile.

I sat quietly in one of those waiting chairs, in front of Lukas's room as I didn't understand how to respond to the doctor's words.

"What are you doing here?" I looked up when I heard Robert's voice. "You don't feel well?"

"Nah, I'm good." I shook my head lightly and looked behind him. "Who is she?" There was a girl, about my age, or maybe a little older than me was standing quietly in Robert's tow.

"She is Indila." Robert slightly turned to his side to glance a little to Indila. "She is excellent at caretaking." Then he turned to me again. "She will stay here with your brother, so you can take some rest."

"Oh, thank you. I really appreciate that." I quickly said out. "But I am doing completely alright on my own. I really don't..."

"You stink." Robert suddenly blurted out with a poker look on his face.

"Excuse ME!" I glared at him.

"You didn't take a bath for almost two days." He ran his eyes from my head to my toe. "You didn't even change your clothes. Forget about being sick, I think your brother will pass out just by being with you."

"Shut up! I don't stink that much, okay!" I slightly turned my head to the side and sniffed a little.

'Or do I?'

"Go home, take a shower and then take some rest and come back later." Robert patted my shoulder lightly. "And don't worry about your brother. He is in good hands." He pointed at Indila with his chin.

"Okay fine." I finally gave in. "Let me talk to Lukas before I go." Robert nodded his head. I was about to head in the room, but stopped when I remembered something important. "Right, I need to talk to you about something important." I looked at Robert. Robert made a cautious look.

"About what?"

"Wait here." I looked at Indila. "Can you please come with me? I will introduce you to my brother."

Indila nodded at me politely and waited for my cue to enter.

I entered with Indila and introduced her to Lukas. I told him that I would try to come back as soon as possible after I took a bath.

"Just take your time." Lukas scrunched his nose. "The last thing I want, a dirty person beside me."

"Ungrateful jerk!" I bared my teeth at him.

"Now, go away. Shoo!" He waved his hand at me while pouring all his attention onto his phone screen.

"Don't worry, he is nice to everyone except me." I looked at Indila and smiled embarrassed.

She just smiled back at me amiably.

I got out of my room and found Robert on his phone. He hung up as soon as he saw me.

"So, what is it?" He asked me a little impatiently. I squinted my eyes at him. He looked a little frustrated. I didn't know why, but I felt there's more than the doctor told me. So, instead of asking him directly about the hospital expenses I decided to play with him a little.

"The doctor told me everything." I tried to maintain a poker face. Robert tried to make a hole on my face by intense stare. As if he was trying hard to enter my head to see everything.

"About what?" Then he slowly inquired me with a cautious voice. I clenched my sweaty palm to maintain my poker expression.

"About the hospital fees. And.." I trailed off in hope he would continue.

"And?" I cursed in my head when he counterattacked me.

"About the donor." I decided to place a bait.

But of course, he proved that he was worthy of being a mafia leader's right hand man. He wouldn't fall into any cheap traps so easily.

"Tell me what you know." He pressed me further. It was me supposed to corner him, anyway. I squinted my eyes at him as I thought a little. So, they indeed had a role playing in finding the donor. So, I decided to play along a little more.

"That, you guys are the ones who found that donor."

Robert stared at me for a few good seconds then started to curse in a raw Italian accent.

"Quello stronzo! Bastardo! Quella grossa testa di cazzo non riusciva nemmeno a mantenere un segreto!"

"Hey, hey, hey!" I hissed at him. "Calm your tits down!" I looked around a little. "Don't forget, you are in the hospital right now." Robert stopped cursing and clicked his tongue in annoyance. "And why are you getting angry? I am actually thankful to you, that you are doing so much for me and my brother." So, I was right about him finding the donor. "You have no idea how much I am grateful to you. Finally my brother can have a normal life without all those piles of medicines and hospital visits." I smiled at him sadly. "I cried so hard for the first time when the doctors put needles on his small body." I looked up to push back the tears, which were about to take over me. "So, I really want to..."

"Actually, it wasn't me." I paused when Robert said out in between. I blinked at him.

"But the doctor.."

"It was Alex." Robert cleared his throat as he slid his hands in his pockets. "I mean if you already found out everything, then you should know that Alex is the one. who arranged everything. Even when he was in a serious situation he could actually think of you." He looked at me. "What I am saying is, it was him who did everything." He looked into my eyes. "For you."

I felt a knot in my belly. I fiddled with my finger as I asked him in a low voice. "For me?"

"Yes, for you." He repeated again.

"Why?" The question came out as a whisper. Robert took a deep breath and smiled at me softly.

"Why don't you ask him that directly?"


"Oh, miss Esme, how are you?" Greta welcomed me warmly as soon as he saw me. "And how is your brother?"

"Yeah, we are fine." I smiled back warmly. "Lukas just had his blood transfusion, but he is doing fine. How are you?"

"So glad to hear that." Greta gave me a relieved smile. "Yes, I am fine. Thanks for asking."

"Where's Bella?" I asked as I looked around.

"Miss Bella is taking her online classes." Greta smiled. "It is her final semester. So, she is kind of busy with those projects and everything. Do you need her for something?"

She looked at Bella's room direction. "Should I call her?"

"No, don't bother." I stopped her.

"And...everyone?" I looked around as I was looking for a particular someone.

"Signor Robert went to the hospital to meet you." Greta asked with a little confused tone. "You didn't meet him?"

"Oh yes. I did. I did." I smiled awkwardly. Then I cleared my throat as I was preparing myself to ask the next question.


"He is in his room." She squinted her eyes a little. "Though I am not sure what he is doing. Should I call him?"

"Oh no, it's fine." I quickly stopped her. "I am going to meet him anyway."

"Allright." She smiled. "Would you like something to eat?"

"No, I will just take a shower and rest a little." I refused amiably.

"Are you sure? I can fix you something light."

"I am really okay. Thanks anyway." I smiled and started to walk towards Alex's room.

When I reached Alex's room, I paused.

'What am I going to say to him exactly again?'

'Thank you?'


'Why are you doing so much for me?'

I took a deep breath and turned the door knob to enter the room. I couldn't care anymore what I would say to him. Right at that moment I decided to stand in front of him and just go with the flow.

The room was empty.

I looked around. Greta told me Alex was in the room. Did she make a mistake?

I was about to leave the room when I heard some water sound from the bathroom.

I turned my head towards the bathroom.

Looked like he was taking a shower.

I stared at the half opened bathroom door with a spaced out gaze.

Before my brain could decide what to do, I found myself taking big steps towards that direction.


'What are you doing?'

My brain was screaming at me, but I couldn't stop my body. I didn't have control have my body.

As if something possessed it.


I burst that half opened door fully opened and barged into the bathroom. My breath was a mess.

Alex was lying in the bathtub with his lower body dipped in some lukewarm water with closed eyes.

He snapped open his eyes and immediately reached out for the gun, on a small table on his right side. He paused when he noticed me as confusion slowly took over his expression.

"Esme?" He slowly sat up from his lying position and about to get up. Then he remembered he was naked so he looked around and found a towel at the end of the bathtub. He pulled it and wrapped it around his waist before he got out from the bathtub and was about to take a step toward me.

But I took some long steps and closed the gap between us. I finally knew what I wanted to do with him. He was way taller than me. But instead of tiptoeing, I reached out to catch a fistful of hair from the back and pulled him towards me. Before he could understand anything I crashed my lips with him.

He was a little surprised at first, but I guessed he also decided to put aside everything like me and took a deep dive in that sensual pit with me. He snaked his left arm around my waist and grasped my neck to pull me closer, if possible.

His tongue came in full force to mine and entangled it as if it wanted to overpower mine. I also used my full force to take over him. My other hand trailed up to strong wet biceps and my finger started to dig on them. When my back hit the basin counter I realized we actually moved from our previous position. Alex heaved me up and sat me up on that cold Italian marble counter.

Suddenly some realization hit me. I wanted to make him mine. And I need to clear that to him.

I broke that intense kiss with a little force and looked into his eyes. His azure blue eyes were burning with raw desire and...anger, for stopping him to continue the kiss.

"I won't be your whore," I said while looking straight in his eyes. "But you can ask me to be your queen."

"Be my queen," he said hastily and was ready to kiss me again. I pressed my index finger on his lips and stopped him again. I crossed my legs and leaned to him a little more. There was only a hairline space between us.

"Then kneel to me." I hissed and dangerously blew hot air on his lips. His dilated eyes slowly came back to its original shade a little. Then he slowly kneeled in front of me. I bit my lower lip as my eyes followed him. He took one of my feet and kissed it. With a mischievous smirk he looked up at me.

"Hail to the queen." He seductively bit on my toe.

A shiver ran through my body.


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