8. The Worst🥀

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"I knew it! I knew it!" Her eyes became blood shooted red with tears. "That's why you broke up with me the other night?! Because of her, right?" She screamed as some tears rolled down on her cheeks.

"Chloe, that's not...." Jake opened his mouth to explain but was cut off by her.

"Save it!" She said acidly and turned to me. "Is that how you took your revenge on me because I didn't chit chat with you?! Well then, congratulations! You fucking succeed!" She chewed out some poisonous words to me.

Before I could answer her back, Chloe turned her heels and stomped inside the building. The whole time I was listening to Chloe with utter shockness and opened my mouth.

"Are you alright?" Jake patted my shoulder lightly. I was brought back to the earth. I looked at him and blinked a few times.

"Umm...what the fuck just happened?" I asked Jake dumbfounded. "Sorry, I didn't catch what she said just now?"

"She is talking nonsense." Jake put on his helmet back. "Whatever happened between us, that has nothing to do with you."

"What happened between you two?" I was still confused as fuck. "Did you two fight?"

"Good night Esmé." Jake smirked at me and took off without answering my question. I stood there for a few more seconds scratching my hair and wrecking my brain to find an answer.

I slowly and cautiously stepped inside the apartment. Chloe looked like a wounded tigress. I was afraid she would bite me to death.

"Why are you sneaking in like a thief?"

"Eiyaeeeeii!!!!" I jumped up and stuck to the wall like a lizard, when someone suddenly whispered in my ears. My heart came up to my mouth. If my mouth wasn't closed, it would fly away.

"Why are you so jumpy today?" Eva asked me innocently.

"The Fuck!" I hissed at her. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"Sorry." she smiled apologetically. I let go of a long breath. "So, what's the matter?" she asked curiously.

"Where's Chloe?" I asked as I swept my eyes around the living room.

"Dunno. Maybe in her room?" she answered as she also swept her eyes in the living room. "But what happened?"

"I have no idea." I huffed. "Today Jake dropped me off after work and she assumed on her own self that we are dating."

"You guys didn't tell her no?"

"She didn't give us any chance and stormed off from there after she finished talking." I rolled my eyes. "She kept screaming that Jake broke up with her because of me."

"Hmm." Eva pursed her lips. "This is bad. She is a little over possessive about Jake. You better be careful."

"That's exactly why I was sneaking in like a thief." I pouted my lips.

"I think you should clear up all the misunderstanding before it's too late."

"I don't think she will listen to me now." I rubbed my neck. "Let her anger subside a little."

"Good luck."

After that it had been two weeks but I couldn't have a chance to make any conversation with Chloe. Whenever she saw me she gave me the cold shoulder and left.

Finally after sixteenth morning when I was making a cup of coffee for myself in the kitchen Chloe walked in there. She walked past me and opened the fridge to get out the milk. I gathered my courage and turned to her.

"There's nothing going on between me and Jake like you are thinking." I blurted out. "He just offered me a ride after dinner."

Chloe stood still on her spot while twisting open the carton lid. I was sweating a bucket with tension.

Did she listen to me?

"It's fine." She turned towards me and my eyes got blind by her brightest smile. "Sorry, I overreacted that day. It's not like we were in a relationship anyway."

"Yeah?" I smiled unsure.

"Yeah." She shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry, I was so rude to you that day."

"Don't sweat." I released a relieved sigh. "I was just surprised."

"So, we are cool?" she asked.

"Cool?!" I grinned. "We are frozen."

After our conversation Chloe suddenly turned into a different person. I meant to say it in a good way and I felt so relieved. Even Aarya and Eva were surprised by Chloe's sudden behaviour change. Sometimes when I came to the kitchen Chloe made coffee for me with a bright smile.

I was actually starting to feel glad that she broke up with Jake. At Least that made me see a new side of her.

"Is Everything alright between you and Chloe?" Jake asked me when I was folding my uniform neatly after my shift.

"Yeah!" I smiled as I put down my uniform in my locker. They started to smell. I should bring them home this weekend to wash them. "We talked and cleared up everything. Actually we became way closer than before." Or I could just drop them in hospital laundry.

"That's good to hear." Jake released a relieved sigh. "I was worried for you. You know how she is."

"Stop blabbering nonsense!" I slammed closed my locker door. "She is super nice! And it was your loss that you broke up with her!" I glared at him. "You have no idea how much she likes you."

"Whoa!" Jake raised his brows. "You two seemed very close now."

"Yes, we are." I patted on his shoulder. "All thanks to you."

"You are welcome." Jake smirked at me playfully. "Buy me lunch or dinner to show your gratitude."

"You jerk!" I scowled at him. He laughed gaily. My phone suddenly started to ring. I smirked playfully as I saw the name on the screen.

"If you'll please excuse me." I flicked my hair with some attitude. "I have to attend a important call." And show him my phone screen. He saw Chloe's name on the screen and threw his hands in the air.

"Oh sure." He placed his hand on his chest. "Sorry for holding you up." He waved his hand and left.

"Hey, what's up?" I received the call and greeted her with a cherry tone.

"Are you done with your work?" She asked.


"Listen." She sounded a little unusual. "There's a party my friend is holding and I am thinking about attending. But I don't want to go alone. Would you like to join me?"

"Sure." I answer promptly. "Where are we meeting?"

"I'll pick you up."

That place where the party was going looked like some haunted house and those people in that party were acting like zombies. There was definitely something wrong with them. Their eyes were half closed and almost everyone had tattoos on them. Hand, back, waist, leg...face.

Chloe disappeared right after we entered the party. I got myself a bottle and drank slowly as I was scanning that place to find Chloe. Aarya and Eva didn't come. Chloe told me that they had prior arrangements.

But why did Chloe leave me here alone? What was her taking so long? I was bored to death.

Suddenly there was a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and took two steps back when I saw the person behind me.


"Hey." He greeted me with his casual tone like we were very close. "Howdyado?"

I didn't smile back. I stared at him straight. He seemed to understand my attitude.

"Look," He scratched his rough hair and let out a small smile, "I actually wanted to apologise for the last time. It was completely my fault. I am sorry."

I let out a long breath. Well, as long as he could understand his wrong doing. "It's fine. Let's just pretend nothing happened."

"Cool." He leaned on the kitchen counter beside me and put down his bottle beside mine."I didn't know you were attending this party."

"Me neither." I pursed my lips to form a small smile.

"Did you come alone?" He asked as he dragged a smoke from the stick in between his fingers. He released a big smoke and a strong scent hit me hard. Marijuana.

"No, I came with Chloe." I answered as I swatted the smoke in front of my face.

"Chloe?" He looked around. "Where is she?"

I tiptoed a little to find Chloe's blonde hair but she was nowhere to be found. I sweeped my head around that big room and failed. "Somewhere here." I picked up my bottle and took a big chug from it. My lips crooked a little because of the sudden bitterness of my beer. I looked at Jim to find him staring at me.

"What?" I shrugged my shoulders. He gave me a sinister smile and leaned off from the counter.

"Well, enjoy the party." He picked up his bottle and cast me a mysterious look before he left. I shook my head and took another big gulp as I decided to avoid Jim next time I saw him. I looked at my bottle. The drink suddenly started t

"There you are." Chloe finally came to me when I finished the last drop of my bottle. "How are you doing?"

"Fine." my answer came out like some slow motion audio. Hmm, weird...

"Are you okay?" She asked with a glint in her eyes. Her question took some moments to load in my brain. I squinted my eyes as my brain worked very slowly to make an answer.

"Mmm, I don't know. I mean, I am feeling weird. I am feeling drunk but at the same time I am feeling like a sloth. You understand right what I'm saying?" I was trying hard to keep my brain working.

"I think you drank too much." She pressed her lips together. Was she trying to suppress laughter?

"Yeah, I think I did." I lifted up my hand to rub my face and I noticed that I had four hands. I lifted up both of my hands. No, I had eight hands. I didn't know I was a fucking octopus.

"Let's get out from here." Chloe suggested as she held my hand to help me get up. I nodded my head and slowly got up. She was pulling me through the vast crowd. My body felt so heavy and so out of control. I kept bumping with people and kept murmuring sorry. But those people were so lost in themselves that they didn't even notice me.

"Chloe can we take a rest here?" I pleaded as I grasped my head tightly because it started to thump so loudly as if it was going to burst into pieces.

"Don't worry we are almost there." Chloe assured me and started to walk faster. I felt like a sack which was pulled by someone.

"Here." Chloe opened the car door for me and pushed me inside of it. "Get in."

"Thanks." I murmured and crawled in the back seat. Chloe also got in the front passenger seat. There was someone already sitting on the driver's seat.

Who was that?

"Let's go." She said and the driver started the car. I looked up at the black roof of the car.

"But Chloe's car is entirely pink." I thought in myself as sleep slowly took over me and I was completely out.


My head felt heavy. But not as bad as before. I groaned and tried to move my muscles. I realized my hands and legs were tied up with some ropes.

What the heck?!

I wriggled myself as I was trying vainly to free myself from those ropes. There was some conversation going on around me.

"Are you hundred percent sure that she is a virgin?" someone asked with a rough voice. I blinked a few times to clear the fogginess around me. Argh! My head!

"Come on! You know me. I would never try to trick you even in my dream." My brows tangled with each other as I tried to remember the voice. It seemed awfully familiar.

"Even so," that previous voice answered. "If by any chance the product is found faulty, we have to face a huge loss. You know what I am trying to say."

What product? What are they talking about? First of all, where the heck was I? And why the heck they tied me up.

"Yes. I am hundred percent sure. She told us herself."

I snapped my eyes open when I heard Chloe's voice.



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