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"Someone is cursing your child." Joseph said while pushing up her sunglasses.

"C-Curse?" A look of puzzlement crossing the mother's face.

"Yes, you heard me ma'am. Someone is cursing your child. In this curse, whenever people see your child's face, they'll die." She stated, keeping a straight face while spinning her pen between her two fingers. The mother didn't believe in devils, angels, curses and all these stuff. But somewhere deep inside her heart, wanted to believe Joseph.

Many questions ran through the mother's mind.
'Why didn't I and my husband die then? Why didn't the doctor die? Why didn't this woman die?'

"You must be thinking why didn't you and your husband, the doctor, and I die?" Joseph asked with a smirk on her face, confident that what she just said was going to be true.

"Y-Yes. I'd be happy if you could provide an answer to this." The mother said, wearing a terrified look on her face.

"Well, the one who's putting this curse must have purposely left you and your husband because you're the parents. And the doctor didn't die because he was the first person to see your child's face.... And... about me, the curse is very strong, but not strong enough to work on me. I can face even stronger curses." Joseph explained briefly.

"So, how to lift this curse?" The mother asked with an urge to get over with this.

"Well there are two ways. One, meet the one cursing your child, convince them to lift the curse. Or else, once your child enters 21, get him married to someone . And not just anyone...There is a person, in the whole world who won't die, even if they see his face."

The mother furrowed her eyebrows.
'How will I find that "someone" in the whole world? Would I have to wait for 21 years?' The mother was lost in her thoughts.

"Who is cursing him?" the mother asked to get over with this.

"Well, he's an old enemy of mine. Go visit Saint Lucifer."


"Well well, who do we have here?" Lucifer said while taking his seat in front of the parents.

"Oh it's you! Kim Byung-woo and his wife! Hahahahaha !" He said and started laughing like a maniac. He clutched onto his stomach and started spinning the chair in which he was seated while laughing.

The mother showed the baby's face and started tearing up.

"Why did you do this? What have we ever done to you?" She asked while sobbing.

"Ma'am, you didn't do anything. Your husband did." He said while glancing at the father.

"W-What?" The father asked in shock about what he just heard. He didn't seem as if he remembered anything.

"Well, I see. You don't remember me. I'll remind you. Three years ago, exactly on this day you were driving your car while being drunk at night. Two people were crossing the road, that was me and my son. You hit my son with the car. At least if you would have helped, I would have let it slide, but you ignored when my child was bleeding badly and dying. I felt weak and incapable while seeing my child there, lying on the ground, helplessly." He said with a sad tone almost tearing up, but he didn't want to show his weak side to the parents so he suppressed his emotions.

"So what huh? It was me who did it! Not this innocent child! Curse me then!" the father said, getting up while slamming his fist on the table with rage, pointing a finger towards his child.

"No no no. You should know what it feels like to lose a child. When your child will grow up and discover, that he was the cause of so many deaths, do you think he would be willing to live? He'll slowly get sad, stressed, depressed. The sadder he becomes, the faster his death arrives." Lucifer said with a smirk smacked on his face and started laughing again.

"And if you're here to convince me into lifting the curse, then there's no way I'm doing it. You may leave."


I just want to clarify that the names of the saints in this story were used because I like those names. It has nothing to do with the Saints in Christianity (if there are any). I got some comments about the same (which have now been deleted). So I hope there won't be any misunderstandings in the future.

And I know this chapter sucks, so I'll try to write better in the next chapter. Excuse me..

Thank you for your support. Hope you'll do in the future too.

And ik I'm late but I'm really happy because Arman Malik (indian singer. Y'all obviously know) and Eric Nam (South Korean Singer, y'all know him too) have collaborated!!! Yayyyy!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Do check out this song if you haven't yet! And stream Butter! Yt is deleting their views..

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