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Looks in human form.



Name: Ibere Da Mata

Race: Portuguese 

Species: Mutant

Height: 6'11

Occupation: Zookeeper

Likes: Animals, tea, drinking honey, and food

Dislikes: Peta and people kill more animals than they need to.

Personality: a Social Person he's a jokester and will protect the environment of the Amazon rainforest.

 Age: 18

Title: Curupira

Hobbies: Exercise running, playing with animals, and enjoying nature.

Fighting styles and skills.

Survivalist: he's a survivalist, he's been capable of Surviving in, tough environments of his forest, even being capable of handling animals, and many areas of the amazon rainforest.

Capoeira skills: he has mastery and skills in Capoeira a martial arts skill, and can use his leg strength, for more powerful kicks.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu: He has a skill in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu that allows him to put people in a tough and strong chokehold.

Contortionism: He's in a sense a contortionist, he's capable of contorting, every part of his body, in different directions.

Animal Arts: he combines his own fighting style, with the abilities and skills of animals. This means he could mix different animals, and he's able to create and generate any part of animal limbs, like any mammal reptile fish, etc.

Powers and abilities.

Superhuman Physical Abilities: He's superhumanly strong in all physical categories like speed Strength agility reflexes Endurance and durability.

Forest-Guardianship: He has guardianship over the Amazon Rainforest, plants, and areas within the Amazon rainforest, like animals Plants, nature, etc.

Self-Velocity Energy: he can manipulate his own velocity, allowing him to run at high speeds beyond normal human speeds or even increase his physical abilities for powerful Speed-based strikes.

Substance absorption: Through the air, he can gain power and substances from the air, allowing him to survive without food for a while as his body absorbs the air from different environments.

Reanimation: He can animate animals, bringing them back from the dead but he's limited to animals and humans.

Transmutation: He can naturally transmute people or objects, into anything even animals, and turn people into different materials and objects.

Shapeshifting: he can naturally shapeshift into different animals, allowing him to become any animal.

Containment immunity: he's in a sense immune to viruses and, diseases.

Nature Magic: He can use magic to connect with nature itself and control different elements of nature.

Illusion Shaping: He can control illusions and cause someone to hallucinate through illusions. This means he could make people go mad and create false illusions and many more things that are not true.

Magical Nature control: Users can manipulate the esoteric side of nature with special properties and a mystical side to it. With mastery, the wielder could use the esoteric nature for a variety of magical effects.

Magical Flame Dominance: he can generate, shape, and manipulate fire that possesses special properties not found in ordinary fire as he can even use natural fire against people.

Magical regeneration: He uses magic to help him regenerate. As the mystical form of regeneration, it can help him regrow limbs.

Sonic Frequency Control: He can create and manipulate Sonic Frequencies allowing him to destroy the eardrums and send the opponent flying. This means if he screams he could also cause people to go mad or make his targets go deaf.

Plant Arts: The user is able to use a form of magic that allows them to cast magical spells dealing with plants.

Weather magic: He can utilize weather magic, being able to control the weather.

Organic magic: He performs different forms of organic magic to create tendrils or organic objects.

Animal Magic: He can use magic to help him control and use the powers of different animals. As he could transform into animals, like boars, lions Jaguars and etc.

Plasticity: He has an elastic body, allowing him to stretch to long lengths and even grab tree branches and buildings from a far distance.

Weakness: Is vulnerable to magical iron or other forms of powerful magic. In addition, he is not a good swimmer, he cannot swim, and he is also vulnerable to other magicians, as they can harm him.


Crush: he uses, his own Finger Strength, crushing the Opponents, Bones, and body.

Mountain-Crush: He summons, a mountain and, crushes someone, with it breaking, their bones.

Aim-Dodging: he can use his own reflexes to dodge any magical, attack involving iron or magic at the cost of draining his stamina.

Strangulation: He strangles, the target, causing them, to lose air with his own, muscle strength.

Animal-Summon: he uses, animal magic, summoning any animal, he wants including, a giant scorpion.

Sonic-Scream: He creates, a Sonic Scream, controlling the sound Frequency

Tree-regrowth spell: he creates, a spell, creating more plants for, the environment.

Sandbox-tree-summon: He creates, a Sandbox, tree, this will shoot seed bullets, capable of killing someone. the sandbox tree is also a good, weapon to use.

Gravitational-Flight: he controls his own gravity allowing, him to fly for a little bit as the spell, is temporary, meaning he could fly for about 5 minutes and use it to get through areas.

Slow-Down-spell: He slows, down the gravity of someone, making them incredibly slow.

Gravitational-Downforce; He can cause the force of someone, to force them, into falling face first into, the ground.

Illusion-Spell: He casts an Illusion, being able, to make them confused and, have no idea, what's happening

Sonic-thrust; He Infuses sonic Frequencies into, a Spear and, thrusts into, the target, sending them flying at the same time, breaking bones and, Eardrums.

Fire-infusion spell: he creates a spell, where he infuses Fire into any part of his body as it can be either green fire or basic esoteric fire.


Curupira form: he's able to turn his legs backward or frontwards allowing him, to have different levels of movement and even, Contort them, in different ways.

 Spiritual boar: he summons, it using his magic he can use.


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