Discovering Something New

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All The Transports Ships And Gunship Ships Landed In Wastelands Of Mandalore Far From The City. The Transports Ships Unloaded The Vehicles They Need To Fight.

Woah Where Did You Get The Clone Wars Tanks From? Jason ask. I Find A Blueprint At That Old Clone Wars Base We Find A Few Mouths Ago and Had Them Mass Produce. Ezra said. Ok But If We Come Across Any Imperial Walkers? Don't Worry. I Had Them Upgraded So They Can Destroy Imperial Walkers.

Alright Then. Ezra Everyone's Ready To Move Out. Victoria said. Alright Then. The City Is To The North. So That's The Way We're Going. There Be No Doubt That We'll Meet Stormtroopers Along The Way. But Still We Much Reach The City. So Let's Move Out.

Everyone Started Walking and It Was Going To Be A Long Journey.

20 Minutes Later.
Everyone Walking Until They Came Across A Hill. Ezra's and His Team Look Over The Hill and Saw A Imperial Base

That Must Be The Base From The Intell Our Drones Capture. Sasha said. So What Do We Do? Leo ask. Attack and Take It Over Of Course. Ezra said and Radio The Tanks. ALL TANKS ATTACK THE BASE!!! YES SIR!!! The Tank Drivers said and Came On The Hill.

The Aim Their Cannons At The Base and Attack.

The Base Alarm Went Off and Imperial Stormtroopers Came Out. ALL TROOPS STORM THE BASE!!! TAKE IT AT COST!!! Leia Ordered As Everyone Ran Towards The Base Attack It.

Alright Let's Joined Them. Ezra said and They All Ran Down To Join Them. We Pulled Out Our Blasters and Started Firing At The Stormtroopers. They Were Dropping. Then Flying Stormtroopers Started Coming.

MANDALORIAN WARRIORS TAKE CARE OF THEM!!! Bo Katan Ordered. Some of The Mandalorians Of All Clans Took To The Skys and Started Fighting The Flying Stormtroopers. The Base Doors Open and Out Came Some Imperial Tanks.

The Troops Fire Their Weapons At It. But It Wasn't Doing Much Damage. The Tanks Fired and Some Got Hit. We Have To Destroy Those Tanks. Luke said Still Firing At It. And How Are We Supposed To Do That? Devin ask.

With These. Sasha said and Pulled Out A Thremal Detonator.

She Gave One To Each Person and Spoke Again. We Throw These In The Tanks and Blow Them From The Inside. Great Plan I Like It. Alexa said. They Ran Towards The Tanks and Jump On Top of Them. They Tried To Get The Hatches To Open But Couldn't.

We Can Get The Hatches To Open. Victoria said. Then Make An Opening. Ezra said and Actvied His Blade. He Stuck Through The Hatch and Cut It Open. Once He Was Done. He Actvied His Detonator and Through It In. He Jump As The Tank Exploded.

After Seeing That. Everyone Did The Same and Blew Up Their Tanks. ALRIGHT LET'S MOVE INTO THE BASE!!! SOME OF YOU STAY OUT HERE AND MAKE SURE NO ONE ENTERS THE BASE!!! Bo Katan Ordered.

While Some Stay Out With The Tanks and Vehicles. We and The Half of Our Forces Ran Into The Base and Came Upon A Large Room. Full of Stormtroopers. KILL THEM ALL!!! A Stormtrooper Commander yelled. They All Started Firing and Started Firing Back.

Let's Move Up. Ezra said. They Started Moving Up and Got Behind Walls For Cover.

Devin Got Behind A Wall With A With Stormtroopers Right On Top of Him. He Jump Up and Started Shooting Them.

Nice Work Devin. Luke said Still Firing. Everyone Kelp Going Until The Last Stormtrooper Fell.

30 Minutes Later.
The Large Room Was Nothing But Fill With Dead Stormtroopers. Those Who Survived Were Taken Prisoner. The Team Reach The The Comman Center and And Also Took The Imperial Officers Prisoners. The Base Is Our Ezra. Victoria said. Yes I Know. Ezra said Started Looking Around.

I'll Check The Computer For Any Information. Leia said and Went Towards The Holo Table. She Click A Few Buttons and Then Something Strange Happened. A Strange Woman Pop Up.

Everyone Drew Their Weapons and Pointed Them At Her. Hello There. The Woman said. Who Are You? Leia ask. My Name Is Skylor. I'm A Imperial A.I. A What? Devin ask. It Means Artficial Intelligence. No Wonder You're Not A Genius. Leo said.

Anyways Why Did You Decide To Show Yourself? Ezra ask. Because This One Right Here Was Trying To Hack Into Systems. Collect Data On The What The Empire Is Doing Here. And Um What Is The Empire Doing? What Are They Doing To Our Home? Bo Katan ask.

I'm Sorry But Information Has Been Lock. What The Empire's Secret Projects Are Block. Well That's Great. Look Like Were Going To Have To Find Out The Hard Way. Ursa said. Well How Can We Access The Block Files? Ezra ask. The Only Way Is To Get To The Palace and Unlock Them. That's How You Can Get Them.

Why Are You Telling Us This? You're A Imperial A.I. Victoria said. True But I Serve The Strongest Group and You Prove That Cyber Force. The Data I Have You Is Very Pleasing. You're A Military Unit But You Learn How To Have Fun Without Any Damage To Anyone Except Your Foes.

You Show Mercy To Your Opponents Sometimes By Capturing Team If They Survive Any Attack From You. Where You Take Them To Neon and That's How Far The Information Goes. Skylor What Was Your Job Here? Ezra ask. To Provide Information To The Imperials Here.

If I Gave Them The Wrong Data. They Would Shock Me Through My Wires. It's Torture. You Said You Serve The Strongest Group. What Do You Think of Us? The Cyber Force Is On The Top of The List. 2nd Is The Empire. And 3rd Is The Rebellion.

Would You Be Able To Work With Us. Yes Most Definitely. You Can Even Take Me Alone With You. How? With This Chip. She said Has A Chip Pop Out.

Now Plug The Chip Into My Mainframe. Ezra Plug The Chip Into The Mainframe and Skylor Disappears. Ezra Pulls Out The Chip and Saw That It Was Different.

So I Guess That She's On The Chip. Jason said. Yeah But What Now? Plug Her Into Your Helmet. Leo said. What? If You Plug Into Your Helmet. She Can Tell You Your Suits Powers. Here Watch. Leo Grab The Chip and Plug It Into Ezra's Helmet.

Then Ezra Saw Her. Your Cyber Tech Is Better Than Imperial Technology. Skylor said. Thanks. Then A Message Came. Commander Ezra Do You Read Me? This Is Ezra Here? What's The Problem? The Empire Has Sent Reinforcements Sir. Alright Let's Go Everyone. Ready For Your First Battle Skylor? Let's Do It.

Alright Guys Let's Go. Ezra Ordered and Everyone Ran Out To The Battle.

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