Mandalorian Meeting

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2 Weeks Later.
Ezra pov.
It's Been Over Two Weeks Since We Won The Battle For The New World. On The New World. We Discovered Power Crystals. The Most Rare Forms of Energy In The Galaxy and Just Started Mining Them Last Week. This System Is Protected By Fleet of Ships.

Face It. The Cyber Force Has More Ships Than You Can Count. I Was In The Mine With Luke and Leo Looking Over At Miners and The Vehicles That They Were Using.

Cyber Force Miner

Cyber Force Bulldozer

Cyber Force Digger

Cyber Force Drill

These Vehicles Were Used To Dig Out The Crystals and Load Them On The Dump Trucks

Cyber Force Dump Trucks

Then Taken Outside To Be Loaded On A Cargo Ship and Taken Back To Base. As We Were Continue Looking. One of The Guards Came Up To Us. Sir Leia As Requested That You Meet Her At The Moon Base. Something Important Has Come Up. He said.

Alright Come On Guys Let's Go. We Walk Out of The Mine and Saw The Cargo Ships

Some Taking Off or Some Returning. We Got Into Our Ship and Took Off. We Were Flying To This Planet's Moon Because We Sent Up A Base There. We Got Close To The Closer The Moon and Saw The Base.

We Landed On The Hangar and Exited. We Walk To The Comman Center and Saw Leia. Leia What's Wrong? I ask. Well I'll Let Them Explain. Leia said Pointing Towards The Side Door. I Look and Saw Ahsoka, Ursa, Tristan, and Clan Wren.

You Guys Are Back. How Are Things Going On Mandalore? Horrible Then We First Thought. Ahsoka said. What Happened? Luke ask. The Empire Have Step Up Their Defenses. Even With The Cyber Tech You Have Given Us. We Still Can't Beat. Tristan said.

Tristan Right Ezra. We Need A Massive Invasion Force To Take Back Mandalor. Us Mandalorian Working Together Is Not Enough. We Need Your Military To Help Us. Ursa said. I'm Willing To Help and All Mandalorians To Take Back Mandalor.

But What About Bo Katan? Isn't She Leaders of The Clans? Yes I Am and I Need You Help. Bo Katan said Coming From Behind Ursa and The Others. Are You Sure? I ask. Yes I Am. I Don't Want My People To Be In Imperial Hands Anymore. They Need To Be Free. And Ursa Tells Me That Your Military Has The Resources To Help Us Take Back Mandalor.

And Once We Take Back Our Home. All of Mandalor and The Clans Will Joined You and The Cyber Force. Why? Because I Seen What You Guys Have Done To The Rebellion and Empire. You Guys Have Warrior Spirit. And I Rather Have Us As Allies Than Enemies. So Ezra What Do You Say?

Bo Katan Put Out Her Hand For Me To Shack. I Did The Same and We Came To Agreement. The Cyber Force Would Be Happy To Help You Get Your Home Back. Freedom Is The Right For All Living Beings. So What Kind of Defenses Are We Talking About? I ask.

Tristan Plug In The Drive. Ursa Ordered and He Plug A Drive Into The Holo Table. It Pulled Up Mandalor.

The Empire Has Put Up A Blockade Around The City. Star Destroyers Are Preventing Anyone From Entering The City. Bo Katan said. What About The People? Leia ask.

They Been Kick Out. The Empire Kick Everyone So They Can Have Full Control of Mandalor. Everyone Was Transport Off World But Luckily We Capture Those Ship and The People Are Save. What Could They Possibly Want With The City? Leo ask.

To Transform It Into A Imperial City. Where Mandalorians Or Outsiders Aren't Allowed. Crazy. So Who's In Charge of Mandalor Now? I ask. This Guy. Bo Katan Pulled Up A The Guy and He Was A Grand Admiral.

Who Is That? Luke ask. His Name Is Grand Admiral Wolf. He Now The Ruler of Mandalor. Appointed By The Emperor Himself. With His Rule. He's Turning Our Home Into Battle Fortress. We Need To Stop Him Now. Ursa said. Don't Worry We Are. So Dose We Permission To Bring Out War Vehicles? I ask.

As Long As You Can Help Us Take Back Mandalor. Bring Whatever You Want. But You Have To Bring Through This Part of The Dorm. Bo Katan said and Showed Us.

Alright. Once We Get Inside. A Battle Will Break Out and We Must Push The Forward Here. The Capital Also Known As The Palace. Where Grand Admiral Wolf Has His Base of Operations.

Once The Capital Is Taken. Mandalor Will Free. I'm Going To Tell You This Mission Isn't Going To Be Easy. The Empire Is Going To Try Eveything They Have To Knock Us Back. But We'll Be The Ones Knocking Them Back.

Let's Contact The Others On Neon For This Invasion. Right Ezra. Leia said and Got In Contact With The Others. You Called Us Sir? Zoey said As Her Hologram and Everyone Else Pop Up. Yes. I Need To Sound The Invasion Alarm. I said. Why Did You Find The Rebellion?

No But We Are Helping The Mandalorians On Taken Back Their Planet. This Is A Invasion. We'll Be Moving Out Tomorrow. Yes Sir. I'll Get Our Troops, Fighters, and Vehicles Ready. Alright. See You Guys Tomorrow.

The Transmission Ended and I Look At Bo Katan. Well It Looks Like You Got Your Invasion Force. Excellent. Let's Just Hope We Can Retake Mandalor. Or We Lose Our Home Forever. Bo Katan said. No One Deserves To Lose Their Home. Now Let's Keep Planning On Our Invasion Tomorrow. I said and Everyone Joined In.

Rebel Echo Base.
Narrator pov.
The Rebels From Yavin Came To Holt After Yavin Was Destroyed. The Former Ghost Crew, The Rebel Leaders, and Rebel Officers and Commander Were In The Comman Center. Discussing About Their Next of Plans.

This Is Getting Out of Hand. The Cyber Force Is Too Powerful. They Have Two Planets Under Their Control and We Have None. A Rebel Officer said. Do We Know What They're Doing On That Planet? Mon Mothma ask. No The Only Inter We Got Was That Have A Base On The Planet's Moon and Cargo Ships Leaving and Going.

Could They Possibly Be Building Something On That Planet? Zeb ask. Possible Be Zeb. Ezra and Leia Are Not Afraid To Show Off Their Secret Projects. Especially That Planet Destroying Missile. Kanan said.

Don't Remind Me Kanan. I Feel Like I Fail To Stop That Missile. Their Hackers Were Too Strong. Sabine said. Sabine You Try Everything To Stop That. It's Okay. It's Not Okay. If They Have Something Like That. Then It's Possible They Have More.

If They Find Us. I'm Afraid We Won't Escape Next Time. Once Sabine said That. Everyone Stayed Silent. Until Mon Mothma Broke It. I After We At Cross Roads My Friends. The Best We Can Do Is Keep Our Base Hidden From Them.

Even The Empire Too. She said and Everything Went Back To Silents.

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