The New Blade

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After Defeating Elijah and His Team. Dakota Mange To Steal All The Money From Vault of First Neon National Bank. She Was Walking Out of The Bank When A Cyber Force Gunship Stop In Mid Air of The Bank and Out Came Luke and The Others.

It's Over Dakota. Surrender Now Or Be Destroy. Luke said As He and The Others Pulled Out Their Blades. HAHAHAHA!!! You Really Think You Can Defeat Me With Your Pathetic Little Blades. And Besides. I Already Defeat You Once and I Took Care of Your Friends In The Bank. Dakota said.

What Did You Do To Them? Sasha ask.  I Stole Energy From Two of Them. The One's Called Grace and Elijah. What Great Energy That Gave Me. I Never Felt So Powerful BEFORE!!! She yelled As Electricity Started Shooting Out Her Body. At This Rate. She Will Exploded If We Don't Stop Her. Luke Thought.

Well Bring It On Fools. Show Me What Got. Fine We Will. They Charge At Her and She Drew Out Two Energy Blades. They Strike At Her But She Was More Faster. She Hit Alexa. Then She Electrocuted Jason. Ha You Weakling Can't Compete With My Power. Dakota said. Oh Yeah. You Like To Used Lightning So Much.

Well Try Mine. It's Bad For You. Sasha said and Her Hands Started To Glow As Her Pink and Blue Lightning Power Started To Show. She Fired At Dakota and Dakota Fired Hers Too. So You Also Have Lightning Powers Too Huh?

Yes But Mine Are Much Stronger. I Wouldn't Be So Sure of That. Dakota Lightning Started To Bigger and Bigger. Pushing Sasha Back. LEO NOW!!! Sasha yelled As Leo Shot Green Energy From His Blade At Dakota Back. But Dakota Took Her Left Hand and Block Leo Energy.

She Was Now Holding On To Both Energys. NO THE CORE HAS GIVEN HER TOO MUCH ENERGY!!! Leo yelled. Yes and I Can Hold On To Both Energys At Once and Absorb Them. HAHAHAHA!!! I DON'T THINK SO DAKOTA!!! YOU FORGOT ABOUT ME AND VICTORIA!!! Luke said Shot His Blue Engery From His Blade.

Dakota Actvied Her Shield As Luke's Energy Hits It. Victoria Got On The Other Side and Shot Her Pink Energy From Her Blade At Dakota. Then An Unexpected Thing Happened. The Shield Started Weaking. HER SHIELD IS STARTING TO WEAK. KEEP PUSHING!!! Victoria yelled.

NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Dakota yelled As She Released A Giant Energy Wave That Sent Everyone Flying Back. Including Cars, Trees, Concrete, Signs, and Windows Breaking. Everyone Was On The Ground Defeated and Dakota Started Laughing.

HAHAHAHA!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT WAS BUT IT FELT GREAT!!! HAHAHAHA!!! No It Can't End Like This. We Promise Ezra and Leia To Protect Neon From Any Threat and It Seems We Can't Defeat Her. Luke said. Even If We Can't Stop Her. We Still Have To Try. No Matter What It Takes. I'm Not Giving Up. Leo said and Stood Up.

Me Neither. Sasha, Jason, Alexa said Got Back Up. I'll Fight To My Last Breath. Victoria said and Got Back Up. You're All Right. The Only Way She Will Defeat Us If We All Dead. Luke said and Got Back Up. Are You All Done Talking. Because I Think It's I Finish You All Once and For All.

Dakota Lit Up Her Hands When Luke Was Receiving A Call. Yes Zoey? The New Weapons Are Ready. I'm Teleporting Them To You Now. Zoey said and Something Appeared In Front of All of Them.

Meet The Cyber Energy Blades V2. Have Fun Guys. This Will Be Enough Power To Stop Dakota. Thanks Zoey. Luke said As Put On His On. Everyone Did The Same and They Look At Dakota. Ha No New Weapon Will Stop Me. Wanna Bet. Jason said.

BRING IT FOOLS!!! Dakota yelled As The Others Ran Towards Her. She Actvied Her Blades and Started Dodging Their Attacks. But She Miss and Leo Cut Her. Ah. You Little.... But She Was Cut off When She Was Cut In The Back By Jason.

Ah. You're Going To Pay For That. Dakota Shot A Energy Blast At Jason. But Sasha Caught It With Blade. What How Did You Caught My Energy Blast? It's All In The Blade. But Let's Change It To Positive Energy. Sasha said and The Engery Change From Orange To Light Blue.

NOW HAVE YOUR ENERGY BACK!!! Sasha Throws The Energy Back At Dakota and Dakota Couldn't Catch It. It Hit Her and She Screams. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! You Going To Pay For That. No She's Not. It's Time For You To Be Put Down. Luke said and Used His Super Speed.

He Cuts Dakotas Robot Arms and Legs Off and She Lays On The Ground Unable To Move. NOOOOOOOOO!!! THIS CAN'T BE HAVING!!! Well It Is. It's Over Dakota. Victoria said. It's Not. I'll Just Blow Myself Up. I Overheard Zoey Talking About The Energy I Took. Well If I'm Going Down. Then I'm Taking You All With Me.

Dakota Body Started Glowing Orange. Crap If She Explodes. She Just Won't Take Us With Her. She Will Take The Inter City With Her. Alexa said. THAT IS WHY I BUILD THIS!!! Someone yelled. We Look Up and Saw Zoey, Devin, and Hera On A Gunship Carrying Something.

The Thing Drop and Capture Dakota Inside. Zoey, Devin, and Hera Jump Out of The Gunship and Zoey Spoke. Now She Can Blow Up All She Wants and No One Can Get Hurt. WHAT!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!! Then Dakota Blew Up and The Thing She Was In Didn't. It Contained Her.

Zoey What Is That Thing? Jason ask. It A Containment Pod I Created To Contain The Energy Dakota Had. But She Took Her Own Life Along With The Energy. But Luckily, We Are All Safe and The City. Yeah Except For The Damage She Did Before She Exploded. Leo said.

Yeah But We Can Clean This Mess. Along With Some Help From Our Troops and Warriors. Hera said. Yeah. See Guys We Can Take Care of Ourselves With Ezra and Leia. Who Will Not Tell of What Happened Here Today. Luke said They Look At Moon.

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