Train Station Showdown

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Zeb pov
Me and Chopper Were Walking Through The City. Trying To Find A Place That's Sell Ships. Which Is Impossible Compared To How Big This City Is. Chopper We Need To Plug You In A Computer and Scan The City. I Said. As We Were Walking. We Saw A Huge Monitor On The Towers of The City and We Saw That Guy Again

Ladies and Gentlemen of Neon. I Just Received Some Important News. The Rebel Criminal Known As The Jedi Kanan Jarrus. Has Been Arrested and We Be Sent To A Secret Location For Answer.

Beware That His Rebel Friends Are Still On The Lose And Are Consider To Be Very Dangerous. If You See Them. Please Call The Police. Have A Nice Night. He said and Ended His News. No This Can't Be Good. Kanan Was Capture By The Cyber Force. He's In Ememy Territory and We Still Don't Know Where It Is.

We Have To Call Sabine. I Pulled Out My Com and Called Sabine. Sabine Do You Read Me? It's Me Zeb. Zeb What's Wrong? She ask. Did You See The News? About Us Being Neon's Most Wanted. No It's About Kanan. He's Been Capture. What? What Are We Supposed To Do? Well If I Know Kanan. He Would Want Us To Get Out Off This Planet.

So I'm Still Going To Find A Ship For Us To Escape. Once I Find One. I'll Call You For Pick Up Cordness. Alright Zeb Meanwhile I'll Stay In The Hotel Until You Call Me. She said and Ended The Conversation. Ok Chop. Let's Go. I said and We Went Forward.

Hera pov.
I Was In My Gunship Heading Towards The City With My Team. We Were Flying Until I Was Receiving A Transmission. It Was Zoey. I Pulled Out My Com and Answer It.

Yes Zoey? I ask. Ezra Has Capture Kanan and Has He's Com. She said. Good. You Can Track Down Where The Others Are. I Already Have. I Got A Pen Point On The Lasat and The Droid. Zeb and Chopper. What About Sabine? I Tried To Track Her Down But Her Com Is Mandalorian Tech. Not Rebellion.

Ask Ursa. Maybe She'll Know How Break Through Into Sabine's Com. Right I'm Sending You Zeb's Location. She Send Me Zeb's Location and A Red Dot Pop Up. I Got Him. Looks Like He Heading Towards The Train Station. We Still A Few Minutes Out. Don't Worry Hera. I Have Already Contacted The Cyber Police Force To Head There Now.

Alright. I said and Ended The Transmission. They Can't Not Let Him Get On A Train. If They Do. That Would Mean Extra Minutes of Flying. Sasha said. Don't Worry. If They Do. We'll Still Get The Drop On Them. They Won't Be Expecting Us. I said and We Kelp Flying.

5 Minutes Later.
Zeb pov.
Me and Chopper Found A Computer and Hack Into It. We Were Able To A Space Port That Sales Ships. But It Was On In Another City Called Blue Neon City. The Only Way To Get There Was To Drive or Take The Train. So Train It Is. We Were Walking Until We Arrived.

Alright Let's Get A Train and Ride To Blue Neon City. Chopper said Something and I Replied Back. How Do I Know Which Train? Let's See. I Started Looking At The City's On This Planet and Found The One I Was Looking For. Bingo. Let's Go. We Started Walking Until We Heard Sirens.

Uh Oh. Not Good. The Cyber Police Show Up In Their Cars.

They Exited and Pointed Thier Weapons At Me. FREEZE LASAT!!! One of Them Yelled. Everyone Ran Off For Cover and Me and Chopper Were The Only Ones On The Platform. Good Thing I Brought This. I said and Pulled Out My Bow Rifle. Luckily Sabine Repair It.

NOW WE'RE GOING TO GET ON THAT TRAIN AND LEAVE!!! NOW DON'T MAKE ME HURT NONE OF YOU!!! They Look At Each Other and Lower Their Weapons. Then A Saw Some Weird Looking Gunships Dropping Something On The Ground In Front of Me.

Ok Didn't See That Coming. CYBER MECHS TAKE HIM DOWN!!! The Commander yelled. The Ran Towards Me and I Started Shooting At Them. But My Shots Were Not Hurting Them. Or Go Through Their Metal Skin. Ok Plan B. RUN!!! I Grab Chopper and Started Running Towards The Train. The Cyber Police Were Chasing Us.

I Saw The Train But The Doors Started Closing. I Jump Forward and Made In Just In Time. The Doors Closed and Train Took Off. Ok That Was Too Close. Chopper Complain and I Ignore Him. I Got Back Up and Saw The City.

Wow Look So Peaceful. If The Inter City Was After Us. Just As I Finish Saying. A Huge Bump Came From The Top of The Train. What Was That? Before I Could React. A Giant Hand Broke Through The Widow and Grab Me. It Was Those Robots Again. They Can Fly Too.

The One That Had Me By His Hand. Slam Me On The Roof of The Train. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT YOU PIECE OF JUNK!!! He's Hands Started To Squeeze Me Even Harder. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! CHOPPER HELP!!! Chopper Flew Out of The Train and Shot A Lightning Bot At The Robot.

The Robot Turned His Attention Toward Chopper and Let Me Go. At Least I Got Some Breathing Room. Chopper Also Had My Bow Rifle and Thrown It At Me. I Grab It and Saw Something On The Robot. Choppers Lightning Bolt Made A Hole Into The Armor. Now I Got My Opening. I Aimed My Rifle At The Opening and Fired.

The Shot Hit and The Droid Deactivated. GOODBYE!!! I yelled and Push Him Off The Train. The Droid Fell Off Fast At The Speed of The Train Was Going. The Next One Landed and I Can Tell What His Weakness Is. CHOPPER AIM FOR CENTER EYE!!! Chopper Shot Another Lightning Bolt At His Eye and He Damage It.

The Droid Couldn't See. So Now Mine Opportunity. I Transform My Bow Rifle Into A Staff and Stuck It In The Chest. Then It Said Something. SELF DESTRUCT MODE ACTVIED!!! Then A Count Down Appear. Starting A Ten. Oh Crap. I Push The Droid Over and A Few Seconds Later. It Exploded.

That Was Close Chop. Let's Get Back Inside. I said and We Went Back Into The Train.

10 Minutes later.

The Train Arrived At Blue Neon City and Stop and At The Train Station. The City Was Huge

We Got Off The Train and Started Looking. Chopper You Got The Location of The Space Port? He Answer Yes and We Were About To Start Walking Until We Stop 3 People In Cyber Tech Suits

Freeze Lasat. You're Not Going Anywhere. The Female said As They Surrendered Us. This Can Not Be Good.

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