You Wouldn't Understand

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10 Minutes Later
Yavin 4
Kanan pov
We Were On The Ghost Waiting For Hera To Arrived. Some How She Escape From The Cyber Force On Neon. Whatever She Did. I'm Glad She's Safe. I Was Interrupted By Sabine. Kanan We're Detecting A Ship Coming Out of Hyperspace. It Matches The Ship That Hera Was In When She Contacted Us.

Great Let's Go Meet Her On The Platform. We All Ran Towards The Platform and Saw Hera's Ship Landed. She Step Out and We All Ran Towards Her. Hera You're Ok. Sabine said. I'm A Little Battered But Ok. She said. What Did They Do To You? Zeb said. Well You Know Like The Empire I Was Torture For Information. But They Couldn't Break Me.

How Did You Escape? I ask. While I Was In My Cell. I Manage To Give A Graud The Slip and Escape. It Wasn't Easy. I Was Also Being Chased Once I Got Spoiled. We're You Followed? No. I Disable The Tracker. They Won't Be Able To Find Me. Well Come On Mon Mothma Wants To Talk To About What Happened and If You Leaned Anything.

Anyway I Can Help Out The Rebellion and My Family Of Course. She said and We Walk To The Comman Center.

10 Hours Later
Night Time
Hera pov
I Was In My Room Contacting Ezra. He Answer and I Spoke. Ezra Everything Is Going To Plan. They Trust Me. I said. Good Now While Everyone Is Asleep. Break In The Comman Center and Download The Information and Bring It Back To Base. Yes Sir. I said and Ended The Transmission.

I Open My Door and Quietly Left. Everyone Was In Their Rooms Sleeping Peacefully. Perfect Time To Strike. I Walk Off The Ghost and Actvied My Cyber Suit. It Appeared and I Actvied My Invisible Mode. There No One Can See Me. Hiding In Plan Site. I Use My Glasses Which Were Also A Scanner and Scan The Area.

Some Guards But I Can Easily Past Them. I Walk Past Them and Headed Straight For The Comman Center. I Made It But Saw Some Guards. Looks Like I'm Going To Have To Take Them Out. I Walk Towards Them and Punch One of Them. What The? One of Them Said. I Punch Him Too and Shock Him. He Fell To The Floor Unconscious. The Other One Tried To Press The Alarm.

But I Kick Him In The Face and Fell Unconscious. I Drag Their Bodies Into A Closet and Lock It. Now No One Can Get In My Way. I Hack The Door and Enter. It Was Clear. No One Inside. Now Let's Start This Download. I Plug The Chip Into The Computer and Started Downloading. Good Everything Is Going To Planned.

Not Exactly Hera. Someone said. I Behind Me And Saw Who Was Speaking To Me. It Was Kanan.

Kanan pov.
Kanan How Come I Not Surprised. Hera said Deactivating Her Invisible Mode. Hera What Are You Doing? I ask. What I Have To Do Kanan. It's My Mission. Is Your Mission Betraying Us and The Rebellion. Why Yes Kanan. I Realize That There Was More Things To Life Then The Rebellion.

Really and What Could That Possibly Be? To Leave Free. What Do Mean? The Cyber Force As Shown Me That's There More To Life Than Working For The Rebellion. The One Thing That The Rebellion and The Empire Is Lacking Is Fun. Why Would Both Sides Have Fun When We're At War With Each Other?

Well Why Not? I Mean The Rebellion Started War When You Guys To Rescue Me But Failed. Then A Week Goes By and You Start To Realize That You're Friends Have Given Up On You. So Choose The Winning Side. Hera We Didn't Give Up On You. We Were Thinking of Ways To Come Rescue You. But With The Cyber Force Defenses. It's Was Hard.

You Were Trap Behind Ememy Lines. It Doesn't Matter Now. I'm One of Them Now. Not A Slave To The Rebellion. Then A Beeping Noise Went Off. Ah Looks Like The Download Is Complete. She Removed The Chip But I Use The Force To Grab It Out of Hands. You're Not Walking Out of Here. I Sorry But You're Under Arrest. Sorry Kanan But I'm Not.

Yes You Are and To Make Sure You Don't Escape. I Brought The Others. The Door Open and The Others Walk In With Some Guards.

Hera pov.
That's Alright I Brought Some Friends Too. The Roof Bust Open and Came Was Victoria and Sasha. 3 Against All of Us. Your Numbers Are Aren't That Great. Sabine said Holding Her Blasters.

You Should Show Them What You Can Do Sasha. I said. Yes I Should. Sasha Hands Started Lighting Up and She Shot Her Lightning At Everyone. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! They All Scream. They All Fell To The Ground. But Kanan Started To Get Back Up. One Stun Blast Should Do It. Victoria said But I Stop Her.

No He's Mine. I Started Walking Towards Him While He Was Moving Around. Trying To Catch His Balance. Hello Kanan. What Do Think of Her Power? I ask Putting My Hand His Shoulder. You Won't Get Away With This Hera. He said. I Believe I Have. Now It's Late. Time For Bed. I Energize My Hand and Punch Him In His Jaw.

He Fell Unconscious. Sleep Tight Jedi. I Grab The Information From His Hand and We Went Out The Door. As We Were Running Down The Hallway. We Were Meet By Some Guards. FREEZE INTRUDERS!!! One of Them Yelled. Now It's Your Time Victoria. Coming Right Up. She Pulled Out Her Blaster and Started Shooting The Guards. They All Fell One By One.

That Takes Care of Them. Now Let's Move. We Kelp Running Until We Reach The Outside. How Do We Get Out of Here? Sasha Ask. We Can Escape With My Ship. Alright Hera. You and Sasha Take The Ghost. While I Take The Fighter Hera Came Here With. Victoria said. Right Let's Go. We Got On The Ghost and Victoria Got Into My Fighter.

We Both Took Off At The Same Time. But We Didn't Leave Without Doing A Little Damage. We Shot Torpedoes At The Base And Some of It Was On Fire. Ok Everyone Let's Get Out. I said and We Jump Into Hyperspace.

10 Minutes Later.
We Came Out of Hyperspace Over Neon. We Headed Towards The Base and Landed. Outside Came Ezra and Leia. We Got Out of Our Ships and Walk Up Towards Them.One Chip Fully Of The Rebellions Information and Secrets As Promise. I said and Handed The Chip To Ezra.

Excellent Work Hera. Now You're One of Us. Ezra said. Thank You Ezra. But Still Need More Training To Be A Fully Warrior. Leia said. And I'll Be Happy To Help Train Her. Victoria said. Alright Hera Victoria Has Agreed To Help Train You. She's The Master and Your Apprentice. As You Wish Ezra. And Also We Damage Their Base.

Excellent. Now They Won't Be Getting In Our Way. Now Me and Leia Must Leave. Where Are You Going? Sasha ask. We Going To Krownest To Recruit Clan Wren To Our Ranks. We're Taking Luke, Jason, Devin, Leo With Us. We're Be Back. Contact Us If Anything Happens. Yes Sir. You Can Count Us.

I Know We Can. Now We Must Be Off. They Bored Their Ship and Took Off. Clan Wren In Our Ranks. We'll Be Even Stronger Now. I said and Walk Off.

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