The challenge

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Inari stopped in her tracks.

"You, challenge me?" Inari smirked at the young Uchiha.

"Yeah, if you're man enough to face me!" he retorted.

"Hmph, interesting choice of words, Uchiha. Let's see what you got."

Kakashi mentally slapped his brain as the two prepared to fight.

Rin wasn't sure if it was a good idea for the two to fight but the smile on Minato's face eased her worries.

"Go Obito!" she cheered.

Obito blushed as Rin cheered him on.

"Eyes on me lover boy," Inari teased.

Obito grunted. Rin's cheering me on, I can't lose to this jerk.

Once Minato signaled to fight, Obito activated his Sharingan and charged at his opponent. Inari evaded him with ease, blocking and dodging his hits. Frustrated, Obito swiftly grabbed his kunai and continued to attack. His Sharingan tried to pinpoint any openings or weaknesses as Inari continued to evade him.

He's not even taking me seriously, Obito frowned. Perhaps he will after this. Obito distanced himself and made the hand signs he needed for the fireball jutsu. Taking a huge breath, he mustered the biggest fireball he could.

"I got him," Obito chuckled. As the fireball dissipated, Inari fell to the ground. Satisfied, Obito smiled at Rin with his thumbs up.

"Congrats on the win," Inari whispered as she pressed her fingertip on Obito's back. Before Obito realized what had happened, a piercing surge of lighting shocked his body. 


Not that great on writing action/fighting scenes, so saved yall the cringe and embarrassment of fully writing that out. 

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