#1 game Hp trivia!

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This is going to be Harry Potter trivia! If you get a 90(1 wrong) then you get 1 point. If you get a 100 you get two points! Let me know in the comments how you did and your house!

1. Which is the stunning spell?
A. Expulso
B. Stupefy
C. Avada kedavra
D. Crucio

2. Which out of these is an unforgivable curse?
A. Stupefy
B. Wingardium leviosa
C. Imperio

3. Which is a part of the golden trio?
A. Ron weasley
B. Dean Thomas
C. Ginny weasley
D. Severus Snape

4. Who is the main villain?
A. Draco
B. Tom Marvelo riddle
C. Bellatrix
D. Peter pettigrew

5. Who is Harry's gf?
A. Hermiome
B. Luna
C. Hannah
D. Ginny

6. Who is rons gf?
A. Luna
B. Pansy
C. Hermione
D. Astoria green grass

7. What are the Weasley twins names?
A. Fred and George
B. Allan and John
C. Harry and Ron
D. George and pansy

8. Which twin dies?
A. Fred
B. Ginny
C. George
D. Ron

9. Who's wand does Harry get in the 7th movie?
A. Ginny
B. Hermione
C. Ron
D. Draco

10. Who is Sirius black?
A. Harry's dad
B. Harry's mom
C. Harry's godfather
D. Harry's grandfather

Remember please don't cheat and be honest when telling me your points! Comment your grade!
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. D
10. C

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